Vanu says their numbers are going down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Yoda

    i see alot of "no one plays on Amerish and Esamir" posts out there... rly?.. i've only played on Miller and we are said to be the largest server as of today, but there is always big battles going on @ amrish and esamir.. sure indar get's the most of the players, but at least Indar is almost 24/7 a 33/33/33 split due to que's to get there..
    so if you want big battles on esamir and amerish, come to miller:)
    only downside is the 30-40 min w8 time in que to get to indar if you aren't a paying member, tho that's rly only at peek hours
  2. Kurohagane

    um, he wasn't implying these numbers are your pop percentages in your screens dummy

    even then if vanu have the most numbers on two continents and share that state on third its easy to conclude thier overall server pop is the majority.

    oh, and before you use that 100%-100%-33% argument, even tho i am too lazy to make the calculations right now i am pretty sure you can't have low enough pop to stay on 35% world pop with such uneven percentages on amerish and esamir.
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  3. Cull58

    Op is either terrible troll or terribly stupid
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  4. CrashB111

    The VS cannot look up to Speirs because Speirs was way more of a soldier than they will ever be. When you take a VS's Magrider away they are cowards.
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  5. Yoda

    i call bs on this... taking the mag away meens you have acctualy seen a vs on foot.. and as i have yet to see any VS outside of there mag (and/or other vehicles) i'm calling bs on this.. never has a vs left a mag, willing or not
  6. Phyr

    And TR never leave their HE prowlers.
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  7. Xasapis

    The reason people are claiming you don't know how to read a map is because not one of those screenshots shows world population. Even if there is an equal fight on INdar, if there is zero presence on the other continents, that creates a severe imbalance. There is so much one can play in a single continent before getting bored and leave, further exaggerating the problem.
  8. Yoda

    and NC never leave... the... uhm.. oh right.. they got no good stuffz
  9. pisu

    You call us cowards I call you an idiot.
    We cool bro?

    Well, I'm not. Unfortunately I don't have any idea what you are talking about. Either be sure and provide an example or don't throw assumptions.
  10. Phyr

    They never leave the forums, or at least they never leave them dry.
  11. Xasapis

    The TR cannot look up to Speirs because Speirs was way more of a soldier than they will ever be. When you take a TR's HE Prowler away they are cowards.

    See? I can troll like a pro as well.
  12. NeverWas

    you are showing the population of each continents at different time, that totally voided the validity of this thread.

    you do realize population can shift right ? i'll just assume the first 2 pics were taken at the same time, but the pics taken after that clearly shown that esamir and amerish has been taken, which directly indicate the possibility of population shift to indar is most likely the case.
  13. Kurohagane

    Basically, even tough we don't know the exact percentages, the vanu are the dominating pop. Happy now?
  14. Radec594

    VS activity on Genudine grew a lot after GU2 for some reason.
    Never fully experienced this "massive" population loss everyone speaks about.
  15. Roxputin

  16. Flying Mug

    Is this for real? Anyone that even glances at the bar graph on log in would see that Vanu is the lowest population faction on Jaeger. I'm glad we got to take the crown and derp around on Indar for a bit but it doesn't mean anything in terms of our world population.

    24-28% population is normal when I usually log in (US East evening). Sometimes, we have up to 31% when I log out. I don't think we've had a world population advantage over anyone since December or early January. The current world population is 25-26% Vanu. I think we had 28-30% last night, so that was a good time for us. That's about what we fell to pre-GU2.


    Last time I used the character creator I scanned through all the servers, at that time Vanu was the lowest population faction on 9 of 14 servers and tied for lowest with TR on a 10th.
  17. Nepau

    I'll be happy to kill your Max with my beemer to prove you wrong, I'll just add your name to the list :p

    Btw I think VS global pop hit 27% yesterday on Connery so yhaa.......
  18. MiZrY


    LOL...... life goes in one ear and out the other often?

    If you cannot decode the message intended in that video, then I don't know what to tell you.
  19. Flix

    Intesting..and how did they cap amerish that way? By not leaving the mag? Or do I miss some sarcasm here.
  20. MiZrY

    They make the BR5 playing gunner jump out and cap.

    But yeah..... sarcasm is awesome.