Well, somebody has to say it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crywalker, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Crywalker

    SMGs on infiltrators are overpowered.

    Especially the TR one. Cloak has issues, but for those of us who don't want to abuse low settings it is absolutely absurd having a near invisible enemy pop out of nowhere and kill you in a few seconds with what's usually just hipfire spray.

    And it's 1000 certs for any infil who wants their only good CQC weapon which just adds to the pay to win insult.

    If infils are going to have such effective CQC weapons, which I think they actually should, cloak needs adjustments.
  2. Slyguy65

    Crywalker...this is the second post ive seen from you and i can already see why cry is in your name.

    The SMG's are pretty balanced between factions. Though IMO the NC have the best looking and best functional TR and VS are matched IMO.
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  3. Hoki

    Nerf everything bullets are OP
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  4. forkyar

    I don't understand how only tr smg's are op,wouldnt it it also be all empires.
  5. Hoki

    Oh shoot, I get it now. His name is Crywalker and all hes doing is making complaint threads.
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  6. Cleaver

    LevelCap did a review of all of the SMGs, he found that the TR's was better than the others. But that's not really relevant to the thread.
  7. forkyar

    id disagree with him.
  8. MadGelo

    Because everything LevelCap say is true ...
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  9. Cleaver

    He usually gives a very balanced review of weapons, I'd suggest watching the video. Anyway, my point was that the SMGs aren't completely the same between all factions, so one could be more powerful than the others.

    In regards to this thread, I've hardly experienced SMG infiltrators. I'm not killed by infils more than any other class.
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  10. TomoB

    I encountered whole squad of smg-infis last night and I can tell you, it was very annoying and oh boy if this is becoming a trend.
  11. Kediec

    Then adapt and deal with it.

    Really, your on your own and you run into a squad of infils, even if they only used snipers at close range you would die.

    SMG infils are a valid tactic, they have very low capacity clips and burn through the ammo really fast. If an infil runs into more than 1 person who is awake when using an SMG, that infil is in trouble.

    You do realise OP, that SMG infils need to be close to you, whereas a Sniper Infil can kill ytou at long range with 1 shot and you wouldn't have a CLUE where he hit you from.
    At least with an SMG infil, you know roughly where it will be if someone else didn't kill it while you were respawning.

    People need to stop crying over every single little thing that kills them in the game.
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  12. RobotNinja

    Anything is "OP" if there's enough of them. The same people complaining about how OP Annihilators are, are ironically the same people organizing Bombing Runs with 100 Liberators. Tell me how effective Annihilators are against that. So...remove Libs too?

    Remove EVERYTHING? Because when you have a gajillion people all pulling the same thing, tanks, air, a specific weapon, sure, it's gonna be OP.

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  13. Schadenfreuder

    Meh, give all infi SMGs an extra 5 to 10 rounds per clip.
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  14. Terrarion

    since the introduction of smg i have only been killed by infi with this style about 3 times? that is also because i wasnt paying attention at my surrounding. other times infi are dead before they manage to take down my shield. i died way more times from infi with semi autos since i can rarely see them despite knowing the general direction.
  15. Crashsplash

    There are two problems with infil's with SMG's.

    Infil armour needs a buff, obviously. Uncloaking is still too much of a risk.

    The number of rounds per clip must be increased.

    Infil with SMG is clearly not a finished class yet, why not simply make it easier to sneak up and get an easy kill? It's fun.
  16. TomoB

    More armour and rounds, seriously? As if you want to uncloak in front of your enemies as HA.
    More preferred method would be uncloak behind him and then fill his back with bullets. And it's not like you have to switch between cloaking device and weapon, you can just uncloak and start shooting right away. Not easy enough?

    Yes, I tend to adapt the way most peeps do when they encounter something überly frustrating, spawn elsewhere.
  17. Nature

    Pretty horrible infiltrator if it takes him a few seconds to kill you. No idea what you were doing either if you can react in that time.
  18. Sheherazade

    Bro you realize that Infiltrators also have access to full auto machineguns (scout rifles) right? And no one complained back then. If you die to something new adapt... you can still easily see cloakers on high or ultra. You simply need to stop standing around blindly or without cover. Not to mention a cloaked infil cant fight back...so just shoot while hes cloaked.

    Not to mention de-cloaking and cloaking sounds like a wet fart and is pretty loud....how can you fail to see AND hear an infiltrator is something I fail to understand.
  19. LameFox

    There's an attachment for that. Plus iirc the new ones are supposed to have larger magazine capacity.
  20. Clonecenter-resident

    I have no problems with smg infiltrators. I've only encountered a few and only one of those actually managed to surprise me. Infiltrators aren't nearly as sneaky as they, and the dev's, think they are. After all, they still have to use doors and run on the ground.
    Light assaults with shotguns though, those are an abomination and are WAY more deadly than infiltrators with smgs. Heck, they're probably more deadly than infiltrators would be with shotguns.
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