Well, somebody has to say it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crywalker, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. sosolidshoe

    Believe me, we are under no illusions about how sneaky we are. People who main Infiltrator use the cloak as a lure these days, that loud "ATTENTION: THERE IS A CLOAKER WITHIN 100m OF YOU" noise is really handy for getting people to step on mines.
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  2. Cleaver

    You can buy a cert to extend your magazine size.. and if infil armour was buffed, they really would be OP.
  3. the pestimist

    actually his version of a good gun if different to ours personally I think nc has great guns it is the others that are op.
  4. Clonecenter-resident

    lol, I can just see it
    "oooh, there's an xp pinata around here somewhere, lemme go look for him"
    seconds later "BOOOOM"
  5. MasterTater

    Make sure that you have your Radar device on flash or tank running to detect incoming hackers AND use a IRNV scope
  6. Necron

    Not really, if they shoot you in the back... well, any gun is OP then. If they shoot you in the face they still have to uncloak first witch gives you a fraction of a second more time to react. Remember DPS is pretty consistent through all guns; whoever shoots first usually wins.
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  7. MarioO

    I don't think there is a problem with SMGs for infiltrators. The SMGs are quite strong when you are very close to the enemy (what makes shotguns redundant, but that's not the topic), but in most situation close to every other weapon will be superior to the SMG.

    And the "problem" that there are so many infiltrators using the SMG: it's just people testing everything. In a few weeks people will use them less because they aren't as useful as many people think.
  8. FnkyTwn

    Reading your threads you feel that TR is the hardest faction to play.. even harder than NC. So you're a little biased on the subject and you probably don't understand how having more bullets than other factions is usually the biggest factor in firefights. You don't have to reload as quickly as the others.. so while they're retreating around a corner to reload, you're following them and still firing. The TR SMG does have a slightly longer reload time.. which is fine, because you already killed your opponent because you caught him on the reload. :)
  9. Lord Robert

    Why would you want them all to be the same? I think its good that certain factions have strengths over others in specific areas.

    I'm pretty happy with how the smg's turned out myself.
  10. Cleaver

    Someone was saying that "if X faction's SMG is OP, then Y and Z's must be too". I don't believe they should all be the same, and I too am happy with SMGs.
  11. Rogueghost

    I spent 1000 certs on my tr smg, then I spent 300 certs on a number of attachments. I hate it, I hate it so much, I want my certs back.
    I don't understand why everyone complains about them, they become useless past 15 meters. I'd take a carbine over one any day, I feel bad for infiltrators only able to use these for cqc, if anything they need more weapons.
  12. Pemtaphalon

    My only complain is I can't see cloaked infiltrators through my HS/NV scope anymore, was one of the main reasons I got it, we say adapt alot, and I did, now they took away my ability to see them which is a bit of a shame, but oh well, personally I don't have much of a problem with the infils getting an SMG but I can see alot of cry threads on the horizon...
  13. Zotamedu

    I don't see the problem. If the infiltrator is good enough to sneak up on me and shoot me in the back, then he deserves the kill. The cloaks aren't that effective anyway. One of the largest advantages is that it's hard to see if it's a friendly infil or not and that hesitation is enough for many to win. If I catch a cloaked infil then he is pretty much dead unless they run and hide.

    It's a bit like the knife. It's super annoying being knifed in the back by an infiltrator but all creds to the guy who manage to sneak up on me. I was obviously the one not paying attention to my surroundings.
  14. SharpeShooter

    in his opinion the TR one is better! That's not fact.
  15. SharpeShooter

    hahaha you couldn't be more wrong if your tried lol
  16. Zaik

    They're not really as good as shotguns, which infiltrators can't get.
  17. Kelly0481

    Invisible people running around with SMG OP? NO WAY!

    No way anyone could have made that call on that one except maybe anyone who has ever played a FPS game before.

    Where did you dig up these developers at SOE? lol

    they should have just brought back shotguns for the inf.
  19. Fluff

    He's got a point and stop attacking the person, concentrate on the forum rules and talk about the comments not the person.

    As far as his opinion is concern, it's a mistake a huge mistake and one I cannot yet understand, make a class that is a specialist of long range now become also a specialist of short range and still have them use cloak, go figure behind that I will never figure it out.

    This said, this is SEO, no one really understand their logic anymore.
  20. Crashsplash


    Edit: I was actually trying.