What is the solution to mines being dropped on stationary vehicles?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Madmojo, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Daedrick

    Hello, its been a while now that many engineers abuse land mines to instantly destroy deployed sunderer or any vehicles for that matter. I am myself using this trick quite often, to be honest, I use it every single time a sunderer park too close a base im trying to defend.

    I like joint ops but there are way too many vehicles and are way too easy to be pulled out in my opinion. Anyway, mine dumping right now is not considered an abuse but personnaly I think its a broken mechanic which was unintented.

    Mines are currently more effective at taking stationnary vehicles than C4. No class which have access to mines will choose C4 over them. That in my opinion is a broken mechanic.

    So my solution is;

    Reduce mine damage considerably. (suggestion; half their current damage)
    Increase carrying/deploying capacity considerably. (suggestion; twice they current numbers (4 to 8 for engies)
    Increase the time to deploy a mine a couple of seconds. (suggestion; 2-3 seconds, or a small cooldown between mines, just like ammo packs)

    So now with these simple changes engineers wont be able to drop mines 2-3 mines under a second which is more than enough to take out a sunderer. Instead an engineer attempting to destroy a sunderer with mines wont have the time to deploy enough mines before they trigger killing him in the process.

    Of course if he drop lets say, 2 mines, run away, they blow up then he drop 2 more mines effectively destroying the sunderer I believe said sundy deserved to be destroyed since there were nobodies there to defend it. The point is, its no longer an instant kill, instead it take some time which let defenders react. Either they repair it while the engi respawn or they kill you the second time you attempt to drop your mines.
  2. Eleo

    yes its irevelant how the category are called, however it is split in three categories for a reason, and each category clearly emphazis on something, and the dispenser and proximity repair should definitively be in the utility category, regarding how the certs of their respecting category work.
  3. Syylara

    Again, the wagging of fingers about choices from the side of the argument that doesn't have to make one.
  4. Dice

    I just want to double check if I understand the issue here.

    An enemy has gotten within knifing distance of a spawn point, has not been killed by the mass of people spawning on it and has blown up an ex farm with a device made for such events? The only issue being that the vehicle in question was in a vulnerable non moving state that relies on thoese around it to defend it? Seams like a failing of those defending it more than the item used to kill it.
  5. Syylara

    If you were describing a C4 attack, you would've have had a point.
  6. Dice

    No I thought I was describing an attack with an anti vehicle, location scanning and sensing mine. I mean it has a friend and foe scanning system obviously so if you put it in proximity of a non friendly vehicle I would expect it to notice and detonate.
  7. makrome

    Ah, i'm slowly getting it. Not the going-boom part is the problem, it's just semantics.
    Solution for it would be call one explosive C4 manually triggered, the other C4 proximity triggered, problem solved.
    Likewise, rename the slots on vehicles into slot 1, slot 2 and so on.
  8. t31os

    Well that's just it, isn't it... you want to be able to supply infinite amounts of ammo but also be able to not die to mines. You can't have it both ways, make a choice.

    Sunderers are pretty damn tough with particular loadouts and seasoned players inside them, they don't need additional resistance to mines when an option is already provided, if you choose not to use that upgrade then you best be ready to guard your precious vehicle. Again you can't have it both ways, you either choose to have MG and have more freedom to abandon the vehicle or not use it and spend your time guarding it.

    I've just purchased MG level 3 for my sunderer, i've had two engineers attack it one after the other and fail, that was certs well spent. I was also fine with not having it, but naturally it went down sooner when we mounted an offensive, i am however perfectly fine with that, i don't want sunderers to be rolling death machines that die to little but squads of HA or tank columns. Choose a role, understand the pros and cons of that role and learn to live with them.
  9. Eleo

    But I can spawn an infinite amount of players and be able to not die to mines.

    Come on...
  10. }{ellKnight

    And why exactly is that an issue? It's forward spawn point, people will try to take it out therefor mineguard on it is good because it makes it more difficult for the guys attacking it to take it out.

    This what a lot of people keep telling those that complain about mines. Apparently actually defending sunderers isn't a viable strategy because it doesn't work. I'm inclined to believe that these people just CBA to defend their sundies and as such should loose it.
  11. Syylara

    So basically C4 that detonates itself for you.

    You're doing a great job of making my point for me.
  12. Syylara

    You get access to explosives useful for both ambush and on-demand usage without having to give up one or the other.

    How convenient you get to lecture about choices without having to make one.

    P.S. I have full MG, but I still think it's absurd to act like you have some moral high ground while being immune to the very 'opportunity cost' mechanic you're using to justify yourself.
  13. xxJackallxx

    Mines are an area denial weapons meant to be used in DEFENSIVE positions and not as an OFFENSIVE run in and throw weapon...that is C4's job.
    Mines are meant to be placed in defensive locations to force the enemy into areas you want them to go as they try and get around the field.
    Mines should have to take a few seconds to place to represent having to actually place the mine and pull the safety clips/pins that are there to prevent it prematurely detonating while being carried around.
  14. R4GING

    if the mines we have in-game really existed, people can just throw it to enemy vehicles hard causing it to explode and be used at range.

    its a futuristic game.
  15. Dice

    No. Not at all. C4 is a very versatile item. You can set traps with it, attack both vehicles and defend generators with it, hold points with it. All with the one item.

    AP mines give you one of these roles but you can place and forget.

    AT mines fill the other role. They are a place and forget device.

    Again the mine obviously has a scanning ability. It can tell friend from foe. It scans for proximity and if it finds a enemy vehicle it explodes. The cost of using them over C4 tho is they are very very specialised. You do not gain the flexibility you have with C4.
    • Up x 1
  16. t31os

    I don't get it either, this is never an issue for me or the other people i play with on 2 different servers(one EU, one US), including the randoms i've been in squads with. If you can't be bothered to defend/retreat or use the upgrades available, then what do you think will happen? A sunderer as a prime example, is a high priority target for any defending faction, it's a mobile spawn point that oozes out infantry, why wouldn't you want to deny it, if you can.

    Sunder + AMS = Priority target ... people will come after you even if it means suicide, in other words *taking one for the team*..
  17. CaptainYamerica

    I hate, and have *****ed, about mines taking out stationary vehicles as well. Boy do I hate it. But, with that said. If someone is able to run up to a vehicle like that undetected or killed and able to get their mines off, they should get the kill.

    My gripe is that when I do it with C-4, I rarely get the kill. I will drop both under a Sundy and blow them, kill myself and 2-3 enemies, but the Sundy is still alive.

    Tanks I can usually get though.
  18. The King

    Why keep bringing this up again? *many threads about this very subject*
    It was stated by many players, even the same players from this thread that it is fine.
    There are counters and they are of no issue at all.
  19. Kroova

    Mine Guard. 'Nuf said.

    As both a part-time Kamakazi Engineer and a loving Sunderer driver, that is all I can say.

    Oh yeah, Infrared/Thermal does the job too.
  20. MaxDamage

    Solution: Placing tank mines should require stationary deployment time. They should not be deployable indoors.