As well as the other problems, crap flying everywhere.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by LordMondando, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Miggs

    I know LordMondando wanted to keep this thread from veering away from this specific translocation problem, but could it be that the "I'm firing blanks and do no damage", "My medtool won't heal anyone now", "I can't make my repairtool work" and "I can't spot enemies anymore" threads that are popping up are all this same issue the posters in this thread have been seeing?

    Admittedly the translocation thing hides most of the others and only being able to stay in-game without a crash for 25 minutes wasn't helping matters either, but if it's all related to CPU clock speeds and loss of synchronisation that's where the SOE guys must be looking for a single fix that would solve the vast majority of problems we have now.

    In a long session last night I noticed my repair tool ceased to function (a resupply made it work again for a while), but since I don't generally stay alive very long maybe my constant respawning has been hiding this issue up to now.

    The workaround I have ATM makes things better for sure, but really hope the SOE guys get the problem traced at their end soon.
  2. Prankster64

    I have been having a ton of trouble since the Saturday patch. Latest patch works ok if I restart my computer before running PS2. However if I do other things and then start to play I have all of those same warping around flickering everything problems.
  3. Gardamis

    I'm having the same issue. Around 4 out of 5 times I log on, I can't stay on for more than 10 minutes. Rarely, I get to stay on for a couple of hours and it's minimal enough where it doesn't completely screw up. It starts with slight warping and rubberbanding, then gets worse in a short period of time, followed by huge lag (I just counted the time I hit rez, to when I actually spawned in...15 seconds just now), then freeze and crash.

    I log on multiple times a day just to see if I can squeeze in a few minutes of play, because this is the game I REALLY want to play right now, and most of the time I simply can't. I don't even want to find an outfit to play with because I know if I get in a good fight with one, i'd have to just exit the game in the middle of it.

    FYI: It's been happening to me before the patch...just not as much/as soon as I log on.
  4. brune

    Howdy fellas.

    I had this problem on saturday after the update.

    The following 2 vids were made by outfit m8's, on my screen everthing seemed..normal o_O

    Passenger in my bangbus

    From the outside

    Initially I deleted my useroptions.ini and verified the game files which appeared to do the trick, until yesterday when my game broke once more!

    Today I went into my bios and disabled my Intel CPU turbo booster which was set to auto and once more, touch wood, my game seems fixed. fyi I have an older i5-750 quad cpu.

    I hope this bit of info is of help to someone :)
  5. Arkha3

    Those videos are hilarious. That probably explains why my prowler teamkilled someone yesterday sitting still
  6. Betaplayer

    I have been playing yesterday with CPU Boost turned OFF, and then again with it turned ON to see if the option did indeed change anything about what the client did.

    Note: For a recap, find my posts in this thread to see what I did and how.

    I noticed that my reported FPS (CTRL+F) changed behaviour. With boost OFF I seemed to get more stable FPS going between 35 and 25. With boost ON, I got between 15 and 75 FPS indicating a larger fluctuation possibly due to dynamic changing of clock freq/voltage/current.

    I did notice (at crown where I tested) that the minimap would indicate warping players with the boost turned ON. With it off I played for an hour or so without noticing the same glitches. This was during the usual three-way battles for Crown (Indar continent.)

    I also noticed the, "no you are now here"-buggyness and how to "provoke it." Fly an airvehicle and then jump out to die. You might see a huge differnce in where you think you might land (and get smeared on the hillsides) and the place where you end up dead when the thing is over.

    I *think* the various issues reported by players in a growing number of threads is related to Planetside 2 not being compatible with both Intel and AMD CPU boost technologies. I do not think SoE should even entertain the notion of passing this issue on to the maneufacturers of these CPUs nor do I think it is responsible for a game company to advise their customers to change BIOS settings or go as far as to syggest alpha/beta BIOS/drivers.

    Some people have tried the "turn boost off" option and NOT seen changes. If the problems with the latest patch are indeed caused by incompatability, it suggest that underneath the CPU boost problems there are severe issues with performance. I say this because even after turning boost OFF I still get the massive slowdowns I got in beta. Some player even wrote in this thread that the repairtool bug is back (which was an issue in beta as well.)

    If the netcode makes asumptions about client clockfreq being a constant, that might explain why overloaded regions are problem hotspots and the wide range of issues people report. It unfortunately makes it very hard to reproduce and sytematically test possible workarounds since we players do not have access to controlled test cases with known parameters.

    So I feel confident in saying that the ball is firmly in SoEs court. They now have to systematically adress the issues by imagining testcases where our amatourish pseydo-solutions can be tried. SoE has to identify, locate, correct and test code to solve the underlying issue.
    It may be related to poor hyperthreading or misunderatsnding the specs. for various companies CPU boost and/or power-management features. It may be a pipeline issue that only shows up with speciic combinations of hardware. In either case, SoE HAS to adress the issue if for no other reason than the obvious - that the game is vulnerable to and Old School Speedhack alá early versions of half-life and quake.

    Once that is "out there" you can be sure someone will release a theoretically undetectable way to gain an unfar advantage in Planetside 2. This in turn will hurt legitimate players and most certainly keep the "leet" communitybuilders from taking up the game (even casually.)

    On the other hand, I predict a 95.7 % change of SoE not caring because "a majority of players are not affected and we are still making money. how dare they complain about a free game, those cretins!"
  7. Dony Freaky

    This realy must be a joke. My premium is runing day by day and i'am not able to play unless i change my BIOS settings? Every freaking game works on my system so far and have no problems with the powersaving features of my i7.

    Well, i realy like this game though.
    This is real loyalty and i hope we are getting this somehow rewarded, someday.
  8. Betaplayer

    Do NOT change anything if you "just want to play." This is not an offical "fix" or even recommended procedure. The problem, as you state, is that all other games/programs run fine on your machine and it is natural to not want to change your fundamental setup because some Quality Assuarance department at SoE got "efficienanized" out of the development-cycle.

    If your issue is that you paid SoE RL moniez and are unable to run the program as advertized even after ensuring your system specs. meet the minimum requirements, then the issue is no longer technical but a refund-matter. Seriously. Try asking for a refund on the grounds that the current state of the game does not live up to what was advertized or indeed what you experienced prior to Saturdays patch.

    I know SoE does not like people talking about legal action, but as you mentioned "this really must be a joke." If that is the case then the correct and proper thing to do is for SoE to fix the problem and then extend XP boosts/premiums purchases the same number of days (counting from saturday up to the point where the issue is officially fixed.)
    this pattern of "my bad, refund 'n' hug?" worked well for other MMO-publishers because it is a validation of their often used "well this is complicated, please have patience" argument. Besides, it makes them look responsible and (studies show) actually does not cost them money in the long run.

    However. I am not going to tell you to file a complaint or anything but I think the overall issue needs adressing. Consider the players suddenly having to put up with me being unkillable. Is their gameplay not also affected and should they too have a refund (once the problem is solved.) Well not technically a refund but an extension as it avoids having to do the "bank-dance" and gets people what they paid for in the first place keeping everyone happy.
    • Up x 1
  9. NotTheMomma

    I'm not going to ask for a refund, but I'm also not going to geld my PC to work-around the bugs, either.
  10. Dony Freaky

    I couldn't agree with you more. People should stop messing up their systems. This is not our fault and does just "bypass" the actual problem.

    Well, i would have started a ticket but i allready have a ticket running. SOE is bugging me at the moment. Lol

    Haha, you are right! .. but as we know, SOE tends to fail in these things because their public relations are a disaster to begin with.

    Sounds fair to me. Well, let's just wait and wonder, right? :D
  11. Betaplayer


    I am reading that SoE are aware of the issues and workarounds posted in this thread as well as others and that they are "working on it." I'd suggest waiting with playing untill a proper fix is released.

    I on the other hand will be mercelessly unkillable for the next forseable future (boost ON) or pitifully regular (boost OFF.) as I test and re-test different setups. I agree that since this issue appeared to turn up with the sat. patch it should probably not be the players that find individual solutions.

    So if you happen to not hit a scythe flying crazy it is probably me. I try not to shoot at things or do much to affect the overall game when testing these, and keep the sessions to a minimum, but there you go.

    The odd thing is that I was completely unaware of how bad I look from the other side when I have the issues. My client performs almost normally (only have the minimap bug to indicate any trouble.) So I was thinking "I am REALLY good at this now!" before having my confidence dashed and realizing I behave like a Warhammer 40K Eldar Warp-Spider or a hero with infinite Blink in DotA or perhaps a wierd portal re-make thing with me all over the place.

    I just realized, I am WAY to into enjoying bugs. Finding them and identifying them that is. Hey SoE should hire me as a Q&A freelancer. I used to work in Quality Assuarnce for a major telecoms company so I have done it before at some level.

    Call me. I promise to be brutally honest and unflinching for almost no money.
  12. Miggs

    Whatever changed last Saturday just made these effects more noticable, I think they have been there since release. They may still be there even if you seem to be able to cure them with removing dynamic OC features, in fact they probably are definately still there, just that it takes way more time for them to show up.

    I recal an instance on Mallory as Vanu, this was maybe months ago, where me and two buddies were in a Lib, we landed to cap a point, but when we went to get back inside the Lib me and the other gunner saw it was not enterable or damagable/repairable by us, and neither was it in the location where the pilot told us it was parked either. He was over 80m away and vanished/reappeared as he entered/exited the vehicle.

    He could enter/leave the vehicle and fly normally (for him) but it was not the same model that we could see, his one was somewhere else entirely and neither of us gunners could see it.

    I quite "liked" this last week too, especially since it resulted in an easy (at least for me) workaround for the problems.
  13. Tafse

    Disabling overclocking/boost didn't do anything for me, but changing it from turbo to high performance in EPU-6 made a big difference. Can now play for about 40 minutes instead of 10 before it crashes completely.

    I'm afraid of playing though as the game deteriorates after 30 or so minutes, and I get completely out of sync with the server so nobody can see or kill me. Probably gotten reported already. Everything else warps for me, though I warp for everyone else.

    Suppose I should stop playing until they fix this, it's quite exploitable I guess.
  14. codeForge

    Sad to say I don't have an answer for you guys yet, but I have my heavy hitters looking into it. Will get this fixed ASAP.
    • Up x 10
  15. Deathcapt

    Thanks, Everything was working great until this latest patch. Hopefully they'll find a fix soon. Needle in a haystack stuff I'm sure.
  16. LordMondando

    Thank you. I look forward to being able to go back to OCing. Hope the thread has helped.
  17. Miggs

    Good to see that you guys are onto this thing "Officially" codeForge, Best of luck to your guys on this.
  18. Bronchikum

    I've tried various settings for port forwarding and bios and it didn't change a bit, i.e. it doesn't appear to solve the problem. Reinstalled, verified, nothing changed.
    The problem starts right after logging in (depending on how long I'm in the logging in progress screen it's more or less de-sync from the start onwards) and always grows more severe in time - up to several seconds.
    I'm jumping off a roof, hit the ground and after like 4 seconds the impact is registered then after another 4s broken leg sound plays.
    Never experienced the god-mode on my part, for me it's like I'm constantly 1,5 - 10+ seconds in the past. I can empty 2 or more full magazines into someone and they don't even get a scratch, they on the other hand have no issues killing me - and even behind cover or before i can see them.
    I also get instantly killed whenever I physically touch an object, Mana turret, stationary turret for instance, e.g. during repair or jumping on top of it.
    Warping is not 'constant' (for lack of a better word). Some people do, some don't. When they do, almost everyone does - whether or not they are in my field of view doesn't matter. My brother is always warping right from the start. He's experiencing the same issues and has similar hardware but is in a different network.

    Assumptions are the root of all evil...
    so I'm going to assume that this games is a real-time game. Under these conditions you can run 20 meters in 4 seconds at 5m/s regardless of clock speed. If the game however would base time directly on clock-cycles, rather than real time (which would be a rather stupid thing to do in times of advanced power savings features in CPUs) the aforementioned example would hold (100 meters in 97s instead of 100s, or something like that)
    My guess was that they added some kind of lag-compensation and/or prediction which would explain the deaths behind cover and the 'warping' players to their assumed 'correct' locations. Another guess would be that they send x data packets per second, which is (now) to much to handle, and the client falls out of sync after so many sent packets and an increasing amount of packets is discarded on the server because they arrive late.
    If they want to beta test their updates they should at least add some statistic monitor for bandwidth usage, latency and packet loss. This would be way more reliable than pinging a server. (Ping uses the ICMP protocol which some nodes can prioritize to show better performance or they can be ignored altogether.)

    That said, I'm waiting for the next twitter announcement of @j_smedley that goes like "CS are banning yet another bunch of idiots for speed hacking heh!! some of which spent over $200 on the game and invested more than 600 hours of play!" MWUHAHA PWNZ0000RRRR! GASMZZZZZ !!!
    -except, maybe it was not speed hacking...
    In spite of that.... there's always more than one solution to a problem...
    (for the curious here is the original statement: )

    By the way, I'm getting the seizure bug as well. Before patch very rarely (i.e. 2 times in about 2,5 weeks). After patch every time unless I re-log before it happens.
    • Up x 1
  19. Miggs

    I have been quite careful about playing PS2 even though it looks like I'm OK synch-wise.

    If I notice any warping on my minimap or sound bugs I will exit and return (only happened twice up to now and they were inside very long play sessions of over 2 hours) as these were the first signs that something was not right on Monday/Tuesday for me.

    There is an acknowledged problem that is probably still there (though less catastrophic for me), and I want to avoid picking up a ban for simply playing normally, so now I am aware of it I can adjust my play to hopefully avoid picking up /reports on my behavior from other clients.

    As to the twitter post, they must have followed those guys around and watched them carefully (I hope) before resorting to an account ban.
  20. Naykon

    Getting this also, the lag is absolutely horrendous with players warping all over the sky....