Enough is enough! annihilators from beyond render!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goodkat, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Tasogie

    Infs shooting while cloaked? LOL yer that is not even remotely same thing. It would never be done as even SOE are not that stupid. The render thing, I would say upgrade your PC, but I know that isnt always a option. As for your other idea, it would be too easily abused. For those like myself who have the best PC's you can buy, we would be forced to play the game while it looks like **** just so we can compete.. Good luck with that.
  2. Tasogie

    It is rendered. never once seen it not be. Turn up your graphics options,
  3. Goodkat

    As a tanker, I fully support this. Give us Lancer (high speed direct fire VS anti-vehicle weapon of PS1) and give variants to the other two empires. **** lock-ons. They are skilless.
  4. Goodkat

    I am perfectly fine with the warpgate position. It is broken render distance I have a problem with. Have a faction-specific put down for that?
  5. Goodkat

    I am sorry you do not realize you are wrong, but be happy you learned something today.
  6. Reizod

    Uh... In a VTOL/attack chopper you can! So, try again. :cool:
  7. Tasogie

    so am I, an if you are traveling that slow, that you can turn an attack a lone AA gunner, you deserve to get shot down. I fly 50 feet off the ground 90% of time, an there is not a snow balls chance in the sun I can ever react fast enough to take one out. Yet I dont have a problem with it.
  8. LibertyRevolution

    I have no issues with rending infantry, the guys that complain about not seeing people are the same fools rendering terrain out to 6000m.

    Turn down your render distance to 1500-2000m.. watch as more infantry suddenly appear...

    We were attacking crossroads in indar, one of the guys on the outfit chat was complaining about not being able to render people on the top the hill, we told him we render them just fine, his render was at 6000, mine is at 1500, he drops his to 1500m, and 20 guys show up on his screen he couldn't see before..

    No clue why this works, but it does..
    Had at least 10 people thanking and saying they can now render more people farther out at crossroads.
  9. Fluff

    That's total bullcrap, it would make us go back to how totally useless lockon launcher was at launch. In fact, everyone had given up on the ground lockon and the sky lockon because you'd be spotted in no time and destroyed before you even got ONE missile out to your target which would take 3-4-5 missiles to kill.

    So no thanks with the forced keep lockon on target. If you remove c4 altogether in this game, then you wouldn't have so much of a problem as we have right now, you have defense again lockon, no defense at all against c4 'cept you take scout radar and you lose lockon defense.

    By the way, I'm multirole, I've hardly taken a tank out lately because I know I'll be destroyed in less than 5 minutes not because of lock, I can easily deal with lockon by using my smoke, what I cannot deal with is having to look EVERYWHERE at once, in the sky for the famous 4-seconds-4-volleys-rocketpod-you-are-dead, on the ground for the skilless c4 which will not be able to destroy you otherwise and the barrage of other armor and of course rockets.

    Sorry you gona have to go to the drawing board with your suggestion, you obviously are not a tank buster and know nothing of how useless tank busting was at launch and how useless it was to stand for gawd knows how many seconds TOTALLY out of the open while the tank boy would turn his turret around spot you and WHAM I was dead.
  10. Goodkat

    I have seen infantry un-render at 25m. You must play on a dead server.
  11. Iksniljiksul

    How about they just remove the ****ing thing and give us our SC back to spend on something else?

    Why the hell is this in the game to begin with when we should only have a choice between two kinds of lock on missiles (AV and AA)?

    Three launcher types are completely pointless, useless and worthless in this game when the Decimator and the Annihilator are the only choices worth a ****.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    I too have seen this.. people 10m out popping in and out.. that is a different problem
    That is server side limit, it only renders so many people.

    Sure, I play on jeagers.. fighting enemy platoons at crossroads/crown.. changing it works.

    Rendering less terrain makes it render more everything else.
    I'm sitting on a roof, guy next to me sees no targets, I see 20 guys on the hill, he lowers render (on the fly), them guys on the hill show up to him.

    Fog at 1500m > not seeing the guy that is 50m away.
  13. Flying Mug

    No, it isn't always. I've eaten invisible missiles in an attempt to do this. That was before GU2 though.
  14. LilyUK

    Um.. what about something like, you know when you get hit you have the little direction dmg indicator in red? What if when something was locking onto you, you got a similar thing happening but it's a different colour? Then you have a rough direction of where the lock-on is coming from. I don't know if that's a good idea or not, I admit I barely do any flying (because I'm terrible at it and I leave it to the ppl who know what they're doing). ;x
  15. ThundaHawkPS

    Lock range just needs to be reduced significantly to match render limits.
    • Up x 1
  16. LibertyRevolution

    I fly a lib, I have not experienced this phantom missiles you speak of, I see their trails..
    That heavy 500m down, he may not render to me as I fly over at 215kph, but his rocket does.
  17. Pat Cleburne

    They have all 3 continents locked down? You can't spawn somewhere else?

    BTW- I saw VANU posting in these forums recently about Enclave saying they sucked and that you guys rolled them every night. Was he wrong?
  18. Goodkat

    This is the solution.
  19. NoctD

    Lock on range is ridiculous... if it was made to match render limits, it has to match infantry render limits from inside vehicles. Anything else is just stupid.
  20. Onetoo

    How about this fix:

    The Annihilator can only lock on to a target IF the person using the Annihilator is currently rendering for the person who is being targeted.

    If I can't see them and their rockets, they shouldn't be able to damage whatever vehicle I'm using.