[TR] BRTD combined forces team play

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by BigAl, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. YamiNoTenshi

    My signature is prettier, you should click it and sign up!
  2. Juggernaut

    The BRTD website is down for maintenance should be up tomorrow hoepfully
  3. Jamriko

    The site looks to be back up and running! Perfect chance to register and apply, right?!

  4. Liquidsun


    How many members do you have and how many active do you have on a given night?

    I'm looking for an outfit that's big enough to fill 1 or 2 platoons but not full of randoms who either hardly play or don't listen to commands and wander all over the map.
  5. IMTasty

    See unbelievers? With the might of the Terran Republic we restored our glorious home page! Join now, it's the perfect opportunity, the site is fresh and clean. :D
  6. Snow

    We have around active members 200. On Ops nights we have 3x times 24 people online. And everyone is playing together.
    When we are playing during evenings everyone is responding and under the control of a platoon leader. So nobody goes wandering off. I think this outfit is what you want!
  7. Juggernaut

    Just fixed the website ,we had major Brute force attack on it, which knocked out the website till the webhosting company could fix it on there end , it was outside my control.
    spent 8 hours or so onto support about this.
  8. IMTasty

    Obviously VS and NC working together to try and knock us off balance the only place they can, outside the game with cowardly sabotage! But Juggernaut kicked their *** there as well. So.. join, now, do it!
  9. Dotz0r

    New shipment of bacon has arrived,

    The NC and VS want our bacon!

    Do you like bacon?
    DO you need bacon?
    Do you like bacon but need bacon?
    DO you llike bacon but need bacon whilst killing NC and VS?

    Then Join the Republic today and DEFEND THAT BACON.
  10. Jamriko

    Math is hard. :p

    Last Saturday, we had over 100 members online and working together throughout 5 different platoons (not including the air wing), so we are by no means small and I think we've certainly got what you're looking for!

    On a normal night at prime-time, it averages at around 60 members. Pretty solid numbers if you ask me.

    www.brtd.net is where you want to be going to apply. ;)
  11. Dotz0r

    And we do cater for all nationalities in regards to player times. we do for example have a heavy contingent of US and other vast nationalities. There is always someone to play with. No matter what the time.
  12. Jamriko

    Indeed. There's people on almost every hour of the day. You'll never feel alone in BRTD. We're all friends here. Join us. www.brtd.net
  13. EvilFree

    BRTD continue to look for recruits to bolster the ranks. With multiple "Reapers" operating every night there is always something going on.

    If you want to find out more info then visit www.brtd.net
  14. YamiNoTenshi

    We offer pats on the backs to all new recruits, join now and claim your very own pat on the back!
  15. huller

    and cookies, don't forget the cookies! (and bacon)

    Also, you get to enjoy the pleasures of being briefed in a British officer style. Sign up now.
  16. YamiNoTenshi

    Cookies made out of grind up ponies!
  17. IMTasty

    We blow **** up! Join is now and you can blow **** up too! Join for great blow****uppery!
  18. VanUp

    Been with BRTD for a little over a week now and have had some very good times.

    I've been involved in a multi-alliance op, a training op, an outfit practice session, an evening of spec ops, and some casual play.

    There have been tank columns, swarms of aircraft, and a hot-drop best described as iron rain. There has also been the chance to be part of a platoon with clear accomplishable goals, regardless of how big or small the op. It's surprising how much more quickly you can improve when you're able to focus more on gunplay, teamwork, and tactics.

    Perhaps more importantly, there is the freedom to attend the ops you want to attend, skip the ones you don't, and plenty of time to play more casually outside of the official ops.

    Though I'm still getting to know them, BRTD seem to have struck a great balance between the organisation that allows for a positive team experience and the playfulness that keeps you smiling and is the heart of a good community.

    If you're TR on Miller and trying to find an organised outfit, I strongly recommend taking a few nights to play alongside BRTD and see if they're what your looking for.
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  19. piggy

    bump for utter greatness!
  20. EvilFree

    Last night was Monday Night Madness for BRTD.

    This is a small clip of what we do on Monday's!

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