[NC] WASP Inc [Miller-EU]

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Core, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. YamiNoTenshi

    We chased your tanks away and stared at your libs as they flew in :)

    A bump for my favourite foes!
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  2. huller

    as I recall, we blew up half your liberator wing in under two minutes. BRTD Versus WASP, always intresting.
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  3. AquaKiller

    Yeah it was a suicide run without hope to survive long. :) GJ with air cover!
  4. Pig

    FC dropped on Grey Heron Shipping lastnight and were being pounded into the ground.... We took it... then just as the TR took the outpost back after a massive pounding we had less than 10 guys left, all sat in the building above the cap point A. No spawns, running out of ammo and with Brune crying in the corner, we thought all was lost.

    Then, a distant rumble and a wave of WASP Armour pulls in from the south.... then with their help we retook Heron. It was epic and your timing could simply not have been better.

    *tips hat* Thanks for the help guys.

    About time we got the NC alliance going dont you think?...
  5. Epoch/Eep

    Ye i was first to die i think.
    When i saw the line of tanks(looked like 30-40?) screenshot posing. I got so exited dive bombed and messed up. My bomber wasnt happy :)
    This was the tanks crews you had just wiped retruning for a blaze of glory. :)
  6. Shinrah

    There is no, and there will never be such a thing. For this game only has the VS Alliance! Do not attempt to copy us, after all we are waaaay too advanced for you scrapmetal scavengers! :>
  7. YamiNoTenshi

    Are you talking about the Spandex Fishparty?
  8. IMTasty

    Don't forget the crab-people party.
  9. YamiNoTenshi

    Ohh I completely forgot about them, I've heard that the Fishparty calls upon them when they're in a pinch.
  10. sadf

    Well,havent seen that many tanks in a while.
    gf gf :D

  11. YamiNoTenshi

    Lol that looks really awesome from above, I'm actually gunning in the lib that turns around 0:20, the pilot in the lib ended taking out 4 of your libs when you came back and bombed our tanks :D

    There's always a great fight to be had every time we go up against WASP!
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  12. Zehtuka

    I'm looking forward to more epic battles, Miller is getting better each week it seems!
  13. YamiNoTenshi

    What's a fine thread like you doing so far down the list? Up with ya!
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  14. Fab

    "See that your bonus check is paid." ^^ Welcome to the NC!
  15. IMTasty

    Get out, this thread is TR/BRTD property! Failure to comply will result in mandatory mind wipe and re-education!

    I wouldn't mind getting some pay though... and your MAXes and weapons do look badass... albeit wrong colour.
  16. Shinrah

    Obviously, after all the "lets try it and get bored after 2 weeks" people left and the dedicated core remains. On miller thats mainly old PS1 Werner folks and those who are equally awesome:>
  17. AdennTM

    Where are you WASP? :O

    Been so long since my squad/platoon have fought you all ingame!

    Last time we did was a looong time ago when you had a big tank column crushing us until you eventually reached Mesa Comm (I think is the name) and we managed to hold it for 30 mins before you max crashed us xD

    Point is I want more epic fights like that! :p You seem to be the only competent NC outfit on miller :p
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  18. Arphelior

    Unfortunately wasn't able to play the last couple of weeks.. seems like I missed quite a bit. Came online a few days ago, only to find myself (as usual) getting in a Reaver and (attempting) to bomb / missile the sh*t out of you guys! It sure was an awesome battle, my compliments on the AA part...

    So it seems! :D

    Meanwhile, VENOM is coming along nicely. VENOM will play with flexible and adaptive squads, able to switch to whatever is needed to get the job done. VENOM will not care about resources. If we need air, we'll pull air. If we need to pull armour, we'll pull armour. We ditch whatever we pulled when we no longer need it. VENOM members will be jack of all trades. They'll be able to fulfill any role, at any time.

    To summarize it: VENOM is the quick and dirty way to get things done. We hit the enemy where it hurts and before they know it, the battle is already decided in our favour.
  19. IMTasty

    At BRTD we always support the NCs willingness to shoot at each others, keep up the good work soldier! Bump for good conduct!

    And you did not happen to have been on Amerish this evening? Since you mentioned AA. Most NC air seemed to prefer staying inside their bubble. :p
  20. Arphelior

    We'll leave the shooting at our own soldiers to the randoms.. (which happens way to often btw, but I have no doubt that the TR and the VS have the same problem). Other than that, we did have an operation last night, operation "pi ss of the TR"..