Ok pilots if everything is balanced then why....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vendettta, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. KoSGunny

    Lol. I don't even have to add anything new, Just copy and paste:

    Ahh.. And to think you once attempted to lecture others about how K/D has nothing to do with this game.

    Selective, to say the least. Hypocrisy in actuality. Hilarious in exaggeration.
    You in direct response:
    So show me where I say I care about k/d.

    --And I misinterpret things o_O :rolleyes:
    10 times owned. Take your attitude home, it's only getting your bottom redder with every whack of the logical paddle.
  2. Malevolent

    Are you smoking crack? I have been arguing for the validity of bursters being effective against aircraft, I did not say I was in favor of flying aircraft?
  3. Vendettta

    Here he goes again sounding like a politician defending something he knows he is wrong about with this constant use of the "combined arms" catchphrase. Nice job trying to make something sound better than it is... No one says people in aircraft are cheating, they are just using something that MOST people feel is out of balance with the rest of the game. I've done it before myself but i'm honest enough to admit when something isn't properly balanced. You're not because you're too afraid of that inevitable nerf that's coming.
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  4. Malevolent

    Its not relevant, so if it does not support my argument or anger you, theres no point in talking about it.

    You still havent figured that one out yet it seems though.
  5. Vendettta

    I just explained the difference in CONTEXT regarding the k/d argument a few posts above. You chose to pretend it didn't happen and continue posting the same nonsense over and over like your buddy Malevolent.
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  6. Malevolent

    LOL. Yes, thats exactly what hes trying to say. Good God its hilarious.
  7. KoSGunny

    Were you molested by rocket pods as a child?

    Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know. No wonder your rear is so sore and you're so emotional about everything that flies.
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  8. Littleman

    I think what you mean is you want air superiority to remain because it's fun for you. All things being equal, yes, fliers would need target designators for a successful fly by, lest ground assets knock them out of the skies. Instead, what we have now are ESF's easily capable of bugging out the moment they are under fire (even taking a bit then bugging out) while also simultaneously capable of racking up a few good victories.

    You know whom this isn't fun for? The guys getting pounded, and the guys that constantly miss out on kills because the ESF gets away. It's easy to break LoS if the AA is in a "safe" position. Putting themselves in the optimal position to engage aircraft simultaneously puts themselves into a very exposed position. There's a risk/reward factor here that is far greater than what ESF need to consider, because the AA can't quite move as fast or with as many options when under fire.

    Quiet. You lost when I turned your argument of realism on you in spades. The second I pulled "use teamwork" you immediately counter with the lovely opinion above.

    ESF need to die when someone slates them to die, just like anything else.
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  9. Vendettta

    Sure its relevant. If you want realism as you claimed many times, then wouldn't you support what he said? lol
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  10. Malevolent

    Please post your facts and data supporting your "most people" argument, because I still do not get where you are coming up with this.
  11. Vendettta

    lol ^ This is what their arguments come down to.... they ignore people's counter-arguments and respond with either comments like this or just by repeating the same thing over and over ad nauseam.
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  12. KoSGunny

    Anybody got butter? I'll share my popcorn if you share, too!

    Stupid people are fun. But stupid, ANGRY people are epic hilarity. I wonder when he's finally gonna realize how much of a fool he's making of himself.
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  13. sustainedfire

    I am inclined to think this is a troll thread also. Why are you so obsessed with K/d ratio?

    Are you in an outfit? The design of the game is intended to be teamwork wins the fight. If you want to be an infantryman only, then it would be advisable to organize an airforce to cover your attacks. That and or have some G2A units in your squad.

    If you do not have an outfit or organized squad, you are essentially a lone wolf. And you will be torn apart by the packs.
  14. Vendettta

    Oh i don't know.... maybe the sheer number of threads about this topic on here and the overwhelming numbers of people who post in the threads agreeing with the OPs.
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  15. Dral

    Gz Malevolent, at least from that earlier post we know you are crazy. Half the US is not in fact on welfare. (Plays NC, probably thinks the south will rise again, so awesome <3 )

    Anyway, on the topic of the game it is important for the devs to listen to the players. Show me a business who doesn't listen to the majority of their consumers and let me know how well that works out for them.
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  16. KoSGunny

    Lol. Wrong again. Your arguments are nonsensical gibberish. They're not worth debating because they're not a debate, just an involuntary spasm of stupid. Hence having my fun watching this unfold.
  17. Vendettta

    Actually it was LittleMan and OSGamer who wrecked you in this debate. I just enjoyed watching you back-pedal from their arguments.
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  18. weenus

    I feel like the balance comes from the fact that burster max's render last for me on my screen when I'm piloting. Half of the time I have to hover directly on top of an area to get anyone to render, and by that point, it's too late. The problem is in the fact that rendering doesn't have a hand shake system, I can render onto people's screen before they've rendered on mine... and that really sucks.

    I acknowledge that this comes from my older PC setup, but a friend of mine who has a top of the line PC from earlier this year has a lot of similar rendering issues even with his vastly better performance.

    I also think burster max's cut through air when they get the chance to. There are counters in place, but the thing about that is that you have to be ready to use that counter. If a tank rolls through and there's no heavies around or mines deployed, that's not a fault of the game or the developers, that's user error, that's the squad's fault for not being prepared.

    If air is rolling into a base and decimating everything, they're not using their turrets, they don't have enough skyguards or burster max's out and ready...

    It just seems weird to try to blame the game tactically for something that comes down to your preparation or execution.
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  19. Vendettta

    Ok, and then you show me a plane hovering over a base spamming rockets without being shot down.
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  20. Cowboyhomer

    I dont think anyone in this thread has asked for realism. We want the tactics to mimic realism though. We dont want to start a new toon each time we get shot but I for one think that if air goes unchecked then it should farm infantry just like in real life. There are multiple ways to deter enemy aircraft...if you are getting farmed by them then it reallly is your fault. When they roll in like I saw our NC airforce last night...wooo..there is nothing you can do but surrender.
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