Just Me Or Are Air to Ground Reject Tank Fighters and Noobs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Whiskiz, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Whiskiz

    Um when its tank vs tank what else decides who wins besides skill? derp specially when a mag wins against a prowler or vanguard because our mags dont have as much life nor do as much damage, but more manoeuvarability and that alone without skill does nothing lol.
  2. Whiskiz

    Nice vids, you know why they were so bad? cause they were expecting the easy kills that this whole thread is made about....
    Wish all the A2G after me sat like 10ft off the ground coming straight at me at like 5kmh, but instead they come at me from like triple the height and triple the angle so i cant hit them, even worse when ur on flat ground or no small hills to raise your aim.

    Also noticed you had an actual mate in your tank with you communicating and spotting, i guess that increases your survivability but if you dont....
  3. Whiskiz

    This game is not hard? cool, what does that have to do at all with this thread?
  4. Whiskiz

    First you have to hope that theres a suitable hill around to angle up, then you have to hope that their actually coming from that direction yeah?
  5. Compass


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  6. Johan

    Rode with OP before cool guy but he only plays to camp inf and gets upset when his nightvision HE round kill spree is interrupted by ESF and sometimes decimators. I had too mute him after his screams in prox chat lol.
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  7. Sinoby

    Because you assume, that it takes some skill to play it good. More importantly, you assume, that it takes some skill to fight inside the tank, while it is easy to fly. This is not true. Nothing in tjis game is hard, it is not some kind of simulator, this game is pretty easy.
    And furthermore, let me reinterpret your title:
    "Just Me Or Are Ground to Ground Reject Infantry and Noobs"
    And please, don't tell me, that farming from inside the tank is hard.
  8. RedDominion

    The classic _________ killed me and is therefore OP!
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  9. LameFox

    Not as hard as it seems. Even out in the flat parts of indar or esamir there's usually enough of a mound (or random rock) you can use. I mean I could still drop rockets from directly above if someone did it, but most people never bother.
  10. JokeForgrim

    This goes also for my post you responded to also.

    "you had an actual mate in your tank with you communicating and spotting, i guess that increases your survivability but if you dont."

    Get one? Join an Outfit. Join a squad. Ask a friend to play with you. Send a random a friend request. Ask in chat. All these things would be preferable to making another IMBA thread about why Paper is invincible because rock cant beat it.

    Go buy a cheap Mic, they are like $5... then talk to people. The more people in chat communicating near you, the better your intel will be. This might mean following your squad around more, or maybe heading to the way markers.

    If you think its bad being a tank, try being in a AA turret and a ESF flies 700 feet into the sky, only to fly straight down shooting pods at your turret from an angle you cant aim at. That is NOT A TANK that is an AA turret. Yet you know what i do, i take it like a man. Get into the skies and get my revenge. Its a lot harder to hit a moving target than a stationary one and usually these people arent good at that.

    Also i think you need to cert up your armour, then see if they bother you as much.
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  11. Whiskiz

    Erm you have the wrong person lol 1 - i dont use NV 2 - i dont use any chat.
  12. Whiskiz

    So you have to play with other people or its my own fault is what your saying? no room for different peoples play style say lone wolf groups attacking same place or what if people are to busy with say work to find and organise people? following that train of thought i have a $200 headset with mic, but thats not the point, i shouldnt "have" to be another sheep to stay safe from a paticular class.

    Lol taking it like a man and get into the skies for revenge, i actually would be but there was SC purchase problem i had during triple SC deal, 6 days later and only just got fixed, so now can buy stuff for my scythe for example, wich is basically useless before buying anything, believe me ill def be taking to the sky and getting revenge, of course.

    Also running 10% top armor funnily enough but what alot of good that does when ESF line you up from behind and hit the rear armor lol.
  13. Whiskiz

    Nice vid man :) would like to say as a vanu im jelly of your chain/gatling gun, is that the specific AA gun or is it infantry that just happens to help alot with any air coming your way?
  14. Whiskiz

    Ill take your word for it.
  15. smokemaker


    The whole point of killing the other guy is to not give him a chance to retaliate.
    In an arena style game, sure. Your skill is in the bunny hope or circle strafe.
    In this game, your skill is in the approach and execution of the kill. The less chance for retaliation the better you did your job.
    A lot of the infantry that are unwilling to adapt think this is some arena style shooter. And completely ignore everything else.
    It is not. And hopefully never will be.
    Adapt or die.

    "Air to Ground players mentality:"
    When i see infantry in the open its more like "look at these fools. thank you for the easy XP"

    You can not code out foolishness
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  16. PandoraAce

    Hello I'm rock.

    I hate paper, but I love playing rock. It's the only class I enjoy in the game. I always get owned by paper though, it's so imbalanced. What do you mean pick scissors? I already said Rock is the only class I enjoy! I DON'T WANT TO PLAY SCISSORS! Rock must be able to counter paper or I'm quitting this game because it's clearly set up to favor paper.
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  17. Compass

    It's an anti-tank gun. It has horrible bullet and damage drop past 100m, but if lined up perfectly, destroys planes.
  18. Johan

    Rode again with Whiz kid he refuses to play with the team and drives straight into the battle without even stopping to take a peak. He lone wolfs constantly.
  19. Frigidus

    Your complaints about air to ground are warranted...except you're in a freaking MBT. Air is the only thing that you have to worry about aside from more tanks.
  20. Whiskiz

    Is that so? cool if you have been riding with me then what server do i play on? fail troll