Can we PLEASE do something about camos?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hashi, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. phreec

    Pfft, just roll medic and shoot everything that moves. If it was friendly, just revive. If it was enemy, job well done! :rolleyes:
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  2. Jestunhi

    Continue as you are then, keep TKing and insisting the game has to be dumbed down for you.

    NC is lucky to have players of your caliber.

    Frankly if you cannot see the faction specific parts of the armour at 2m, nor the whether there is a dorito just above the enemies head, there is no hope for you regardless.
  3. HellasVagabond

    Jestunhi let me guess, VS with girrafe camo right ?
  4. nst6563

    you don't have 6 fingers per hand? damn evolution takes sooo long nowadays
  5. Jestunhi

    Wrong faction, wrong camo.

    I have 3 camos, one for each continent.
  6. HellasVagabond

    Well you make no sense at all.....So whenever i see an VS with a girrafe camo turning around a corner just 2m from me i will stop and stare at his suit to see if he is NC or VS ? And like we said 100 times the red/blue dorito DOESN'T always appear.
  7. Vashyo

    This is one more annoyance in the game

    I have issues seeing a difference between vanu with giraffe camo and NC. Few times I've seen a vanu shooting at our friendlies, few weeks ago I was watching a guy shooting friendlies near a spawn sundy, at first I thought some vanu sniper was killing our people somewhere, didn't even realize the guy is right there, less than 10 meters away from me. I think that guy got like 10 kills and everyone was looking around thinking "where the hell am I getting shot at" even though the guy is right there next to you! :(

    it took me like good 8-10 seconds to realize he was missing a dorito above his head so I clicked spot button, the guy was even using NS-11 to make it less obvious that he was a Vanu. If I had seen the lasers and that vanu weapon sound that guy would have been dead in seconds.

    It's even harder to tell the enemy from foe at night with less brightness. :(
  8. Veri

    Camos should have been more faction orientated.
    There have been quite a few times where I have seen an ally and thought they were NC.
    Quickly aimed my sights at them only to find they had the blue dorito above their heads.
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  9. gilrad

    For those doubters out there, just create a VS character and buy a one-use giraffe camo set. You don't even have to spend money; you can get 170sc free by signing into a couple of games.

    I did, and I'll tell you it is unbelievable just how much one can get away with using that camo set. That extra half second it takes for them to realize you are an enemy is enough to give you the kill. If you can stay in their peripheral vision they often never notice you are an enemy.
  10. Hashi

    if you're so intent on having players do this, I say give all factions the other teams colours and see how it goes. not exactly the same but enough..

    Give the NC black camo, give the TR cyan camo, and leave the vanu with the giraffe camo.
  11. Weterman

    I agree totaly! The worst is the white camo! I can't tell the difference when people wear it.
  12. Jestunhi

    Why do you need to stop and stare, he's 2m away!

    Is your character blind?
  13. Jestunhi

    It's almost as if they are camouflaged!
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  14. Dr. Allcome

    I like the camos as they are (no, I don't wear giraffe). With a bit of training one can easily see the difference between the factions. It's not just the colors but also the armor shape which identifies them. On top of that, every ally has a blue triangle over his head.

    However I think it should be possible to buy camos with certs. Those camos are the only real p2w factor in this game.
  15. Littleman

    I must be the only one in game that recognizes empires by their silhouette. I'll agree that camo patterns are a little overzealous in where they fall (all too often also on the brightly colored armor instead of just the cloth of the uniform) but really, if you're looking for colors, you're only looking for half the necessary info to ID a hostile. NC look like freaking bricks, and VS are like slender-men or guys in wet suits or something. I haven't been TKed because of my giraffe camo, but then again I'm TR... we're easier to tell apart because the exposure of the dark, dark purple and sapphire blue of the VS and NC uniforms respectively is often reduced by the appliance of camo. The red on the TR isn't lost for the sake of extra camoflauge.
  16. Malsvir Vishe

    Oh don't worry, I can do that, too on TR. Like another poster above me said that "It's almost as if they're camouflaged!" That's the whole point of camo: To throw off the enemy into believing you're there. I honestly think camo should go one step further and cover every part of the uniform, but not the metal of most firearms (where it's trim). Honestly, I find it's too easy to spot the people in camo because of faction colors and silhouette.
  17. Tasogie

    That sounds like you want the game to be easier to spot everything. Goes against what Camo is for. I have zero trouble ever spotting an enemy, because I Q everything. As everyone should. You are spotting for your team mates too. and you get exp off it.
    If hitting "Q" for all of 1 second is too much, I dont know what to say to be honest....
  18. HellasVagabond

    Some people just don't get it...So everyone from this point onwards start hitting Q inside towers every time someone jumps infront of you....
  19. Jestunhi

    Or by looking at them, assuming you don't need to "stop and stare" to be able to see them.
  20. Littleman

    Camo was never intended to hide one to begin with, it was an aesthetic choice one paid real cash for, mostly for giggles. I feel NC and VS uniforms have too much camo, and need to be toned back. If the camo ever becomes fully covering, they'd have to hand it out for free, and then we'd really lose empire identity.