[Suggestion] Make the game subscription based

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Roarboar

    Though this will not weed out hackers completely, it will at least prevent teenager from hacking in endless swarms.
    I would be willing to pay 69 dollars per month for a hackfree experience.
  2. Cinc

    uhm, yes, ya...

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  3. Roarboar

    Hacking teenager spotted.
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  4. f0d

    and those people playing for free that have already purchased items?
    they get nothing? just booted out?
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  5. Roarboar

    If youre willing to pay for items then a subscription shouldnt be too big of a deal either.
  6. Metsuro

    one time purchase =/= recurring payment
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  7. Vorxil

    Nice job kicking out devout, non-hacking fans who can't afford to pay for subscription, who has to spend a very long time playing just to get a new gun.
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  8. Ixal

    Enjoy fighting the same 20 people in the sole remaining server over and over again,
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  9. Tenebrae Aeterna

    You would see a significant drop in players...myself included. As much as I'd love to have cash capable of paying for the indulgence of a video game...it's not going to happen.
  10. Twigifire


    the pop of the servers would drop to like...3 peope... fighting... at one base... only 3 people... imagine a gal drop... with 2 guys... and that what planetside 2 would become...
  11. Cute-CandyPants

    they should of made this game cost like £30 and charged monthly subs while having a vanity store to change looks at a lower price cost.
  12. Swoll

    To be completely honest I am 100% curious how you could even own a computer that runs PS2 if you cannot afford to pay $15 a MONTH.
  13. Shadowhunter1

    you want to make people pay for a game that is not even finished. that is absolutely still in the beta phase. you are going to make 90% of the population leave, and the last 10% will be the 3rds that stay ( 3rds = 3rd party users. AKA hackers, but they are not hacking, they are downloading software ). that would be a very unwise move for sony.
  14. Buntfunk

    This game needs cannonfodder to work. The cannonfodder mustnt be allowed to feel like cannonfodder. Without F2P the subs wouldnt have infantry zergs to point their daltons at. The game would be stale and dead soon. This game cannot live as a subscription game.
  15. Vorxil

    Simple. Effort.
    I managed to net a 2000€ stipend. Some of it was used to build my own PC. Now I study at the university full-time and with the economy as it is and incredible youth unemployment rates, it's almost impossible to find a part-time job or even a summer job.
    I'm barely making ends meet and that's with family donations and student benefits. $15 is roughly one week's worth of food, if you can call it food at that point.
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  16. Phyr

    If you've ever played a subscription based game you would know that hackers don't care about paying for it. You'll only stop the most blatant 12 year old google script kiddie, and the game already does that.
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  17. HadesR

    Doesn't need a Sub .. Just need's something like Mobile / Cell phone verification per account

    Enter number > SOE Txt you a code > Enter code on account page > done
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  18. NexAnima

    I would support a subscription, only if they brought back the old cert system. The game would bleed out if kept as is with a subscription. This, errybody can be errythang is 90% of the problems we face with balance. God forbid we have to make choices.
  19. Talizzar

    The cat is already out of the bag on this. It is not going back in. Same for the poor decision to allow the cross teaming.
  20. Dasmasterneko

    Over my dead body. I hate the quick cash grab which is subscription fees.

    Hackers mostly use hacked accounts on subscription based games anyway.