[Suggestion] Use weather as an excuse to let people play without aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edmon, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. FelixG

    I like the idea of having massively bad weather area, but I also like the idea of instead of making it impossible have it like normal adverse weather conditions.
  2. Fenrix

    I like this idea but id do something like reduce the max flight height significantly so you can go higher but the winds bump you around so its nearly impossible to fly straight. will force pilots to fly super low where they have to fly really well to do their job and significantly hamper liberators ability to smash ground forces.

    I think many pilots would find the tough flight environment interesting and certainly make kills more rewarding.
    it would significantly reduce the effectiveness of air power but not force players not to use it.
  3. LukeDude759

    They're going to make three more? Or am I just gullible?
  4. LukeDude759

    People who like to fly can just go to another continent, but I like you idea of making it hard instead of impossible to fly.
  5. Kesh

    Air is OP, I don't want to ever have to look up. Nor do I want to redesign control points to make them infantry friendly. I want to get spawn camped by tanks and not have the ability to call in air support.

    Please implement this immediately.
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  6. Timperium

    I would sort of like an EMP storm instead of a no fly zone, so air vehicles CAN fly but they are severely limited having:

    low visibility
    HUD fuzzes/flashes constantly
    afterburner is clunky
    rocket pods incredibly inaccurate/jam/something else that hinders them
    NV doesn't work
    controls are all over the place/ LOTS of turbulence
    random lightning strikes that can cause damage.

    I think that it would be really fun actually. Especially for Galaxy trying to brave the storm for a spec-ops drop.
  7. RockHarder

    no to ground only continent

    no to whiners

    this is what the caves were in PS1..and we all know how that turned out

    stop whining about air and L2P
  8. RockHarder

    or maybe infantry only gameplay is not as popular as you suppose it to be

    even all the supporters in this thread make up maybe 40 people, enough for a small outfit or little skirmish

    i dont want dev time going into nonsense like this

    PS2 is a COMBINED ARMS game. Don't like it? Play something else.
  9. MasterD

    They need to just admit that their base designs are terrible and redesign almost all of them immediately. That would solve the problem. We would still have powerful tanks and aircraft that serve a purpose and this would also eliminate spawn camping with vehicles leaving infantry a fair fight seconds after they spawn.

    While I like some parts of your idea. It would be neat if it was just a temporary storm that pops up just like in real life. Heavy fogs, heavy rains, snowstorms, and thunderstorms. I also think that if storms were included it shouldn't stop the pilots from grabbing aircraft it should just feel useless like a tank trying to go up the hill to the crown.
  10. Millsy

    Great idea, doubt it would happen though because everyone would want to play there and it would waste all that effort SOE had put into aircraft.
  11. RockHarder

    everyone would want to play there?

    ahahahahah youre kidding yourself ; the people who are infantry only players are a minority for a reason; its dumb

    you want to play an infantry shooter there are about 100 other, better FPS on the market. Move along, and stop trying to ruin the one good combined arms game, kkthx
  12. Edmon

    If you are so convinced that a no-fly zone will be unpopular, why are you so afraid to allow it to happen? The weather rendering engine is already there by the way and making the zone is just a matter of disabling all the air terminals. It could be done with a talented developer in under 15 minutes.

    This thread is one of the most supported threads on the forum. 30 people here will represent hundreds in game, if not more.

    Let me tell you what you fear, you fear this will come to an end:

    Kills: 785
    Assists: 546
    Deaths: 757
    K/D Ratio: 1.04
    K+Assists/D Ratio: 1.76
    Headshots: 66

    From your profile. Over 1400 kills, but only 66 headshots. Favourite Class Engineer. Let me tell you, only an Aircav can have these stats because tanks still get headshots. You wouldn't last more than 10 minutes with top infantry or tank players if you couldn't place a headshot kill more than 4.7% of the time.

    You fear, like many others, the easy kills gravy train will come to an end and you'll be left with all the other pilots who I'm sure, will soon turn on each other. Well thats already happening because the past 3 weeks I've seen server populations plummet leaving only swarms of air behind. If this goes in, there will be plenty of people to fight in the airzones, but they will almost exclusively be A-to-A fighters and AA gunplayers with some mixed ground who wants the complete experience.

    And you and aircav like you fear that more than anything.

    Btw, my stats are very similar because I too almost exclusively fly. It's easy kills, it's easy certs and it is fun to be the all powerful, untouchable force. But I am seeing less and less ground to shoot at and more and more air. It won't be long until all the jokes about "airside" are true and I think thats a real shame.
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  13. smokemaker

    "I dont like the game with aircraft. Yes i know lot of people like to fly. But i dont care about them. Its all about me. So make a map where i can play without aircraft. So what if i knew the aircraft where in the game before i joined, I dont want them in my game."

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  14. MasterD

    I love vehicles both air and tanks but its very clear to see that bases in this game a poorly designed from a defensive stand point. Spawn points located outdoors encourages spawn camping with tanks and aircraft. They should of never been placed outside they should of been connect in some way or another to the base. Some of these generators could also stand to be moved to a more defensible position.

    Have you noticed the lack of base defense in this game? It's not that there not enough experience in it. Its because its nearly impossible to do. The only time a amp station / tech plant has a chance of being defended is if they have a sunderer inside their vehicle spawning area. What happens when the sunderer goes boom? The fight is pretty much over since the spawn locations are located in such crappy areas. The defenders have to run 100m outdoors to try and defend a control point or capture point. If there is a couple tanks camping the shield doors its nearly impossible to do along with bombers and rocket podders in the air.

    Most of the minor bases also have this flawed design. Some of the minor bases exclude tanks for the battle like The Crown, Vanu Archives, and a few others. At those bases defense is actually possible even with a lesser defending force, as it should be. Usually an epic battle ensues.

    It just poor design to allow vehicles easily camp spawns and be able to shoot at most of the capture / generator points.
  15. Steppa

    You could fly in the caves.

    If memory serves, didn't the global map for PS1 show weather patterns that actually corresponded to what happened in the 3D world?
  16. Amur_Tiger

    I wouldn't mind weather effects that disrupt air activities ( low thick cloud that obscures vision ) but doesn't make it impossible, would be appropriate for a thick jungle sort of environment particularly with steep mountains surrounding the valleys would allow for a mix of air friendly environments on the peaks and ridgelines but less friendly ones in the foggy valleys and such.
  17. RockHarder

    you *could* if you want to get technical but noone did because it was virtually impossible
  18. RockHarder

    I actually agree with you. The bases have been designed to be undefendable, which is stupid.

    This is not air balance issue though, it is game design. They seem to think defense is boring, and so we end up with gameplay of 1 zerg per continent owning everyone else.

    Make bases defendable - by design - and make defense worth it (yes I know about bonus XP but most dont - give back the original defense XP and watch people start to defend.)

    Dont ask for a infantry only continent; this splits the playerbase. Instead, ask for sensible base design. We dont build bases with big holes in the wall etc. and stupid geographical position in the real world.
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  19. Millsy

    lol, what a **** you are.

    There's a group of people asking for one continent of MANY to be no fly. Sounds like you are the one dimensional player who only flies and is scared his soft targets will play somewhere else. I fly, drive and run and think such a continent would make for some interesting battles.
  20. RockHarder


    You need to dig a little deeper chief. i have less than 100 kills with a ESF. My kills are from shotgunning you in the face, and shotguns dont seem to get headshots. Try digging a little deeper. I have more kills in the Prowler than the ESF.

    Its children like you running around whining about everything that kills you that is irritating most players. The handful of malcontents in this thread are seen in every game. The bads - the people that cannot learn - are the ones that cry the most.

    So in response to your fairly slanderous post; get the **** out of planetside if you cant take the heat.