Adding Insult to Disrespect - The Horns. Thanks SOO Much SOE...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NevilClavain, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. Erik

    Everything is going to be account bound soon. Even if you deleted a character with purchases on it, those purchases are on record. When they implement the account bound feature you will have those deleted items on any character you have or create. I know this because I had to delete a character and asked about it, I was told that they would be implementing this feature soon and even items on deleted characters would be accessible. The exception would be faction specific items.
  2. WaRadius

    I guess people will choose something that can't be bought with certs.
  3. Goden

    I thought the cash shop was a rip-off back when they first jacked the prices at the end of the beta.

    I saw the new prices and thought to myself "This can't be real. Surely they're changing this before launch. These are so expensive"
  4. Kunotron

    Screw your $6.50 horn. I'll put a real horn next to my mic and honk it with proximity voice chat held down.
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  5. NostalgiaForInfinity

    Stop ********. This is a free-to-play game. Nobody is forcing you to buy stuff. If you don't like it - don't buy it. If it's too expensive for you - don't buy it. I couldn't care less for a horn but frankly, if SOE wants me to spend money on the game they have to fix the outstanding bugs and work on their design department - I don't like even 10% of the stuff that's in the store (plus without an ability to actually preview camo and stuff - no way I'm buying).
  6. Noesis

    I know ...

    Maybe for the Sundy if they made it into a an ice cream van jingle with a mind that child decal and rainbow camo as a package it might be worth it?

    "Ice cream Sundy" anyone? te he ;)
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  7. NevilClavain

    Yes I couldn't agree more there are a variety of more pressing issues that must be addressed - purposefully breaking weapons and adding buyable ones and ruining base defense at Tech Plants highlight the problems for me. That and rendering issues.
  8. NevilClavain

    Thanks for the insult and for adding nothing of value to this thread ;)
  9. NevilClavain

    I'd actually like that lol
  10. NevilClavain

    33 and counting actually but I hear ya I'm a bit surprised myself! And thanks, we will.
  11. NevilClavain

    Wow arrogant much lol? ;) Maybe you don't care when a company is exploiting gamers with all around bad deals while doing nothing for the myriad of other problems in the game and maybe you're OK with being treated badly - the rest of us are not.
    Thanks for insulting everyone on this thread that disagrees with you btw!
  12. RF404

    Do you have any source for that it will be changed to account bound unlocks?
  13. Timujingeo

    Horns cost that much as Sony have to pay a royalty everytime it gets honked ingame...true story.
  14. NevilClavain

    Yes yes and YES! This^ <3

    There a few die hard nickle and dime defenders still out there that think we're all poor (btw way to make fun of the poor guys that's not disrespectful at all...) or that we don't support this game because we're unwilling to spend money.

    First of all, its a F2P game, take a hike. You DON'T have to spend money, playing the game is support in and of itself because you provide content for others - a fighting body that is killable and provides XP for other players. Without players an MMO is just a deserted virtual environment no one cares about.

    The cash shop is ridiculously priced and not only that but the responses to this thread confirm this is the general feeling of most reasonable minded players.

    Besides, the items at the shop are trash - a similar looking gun without different textures with just a few numbers changed around for $7 -$10? usually some serious design work has to be put in an item or additional content for it to carry such a hefty pricetag. People do have a life outside of this game and expecting them to put up with BS like this is a no go.
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  15. NevilClavain

    I'm guessing you don't know anything about sound design do you? true story

    There are NO royalties attached to a sound you make yourself from scratch as it is a unique creation. I use FL Studio, Ableton Live and Audacity (which is free). I make music, soundtracks and sound effects and this is where part of my income comes from.
  16. foam

  17. NevilClavain

    hahaha lol is it still not fixed? You'd think they'd do a hotfix already I can't imagine people would be happy about this if they bought it and shouldn't customer satisfaction be a priority concern? lol
  18. Timujingeo

    Lol there's one born every minute; reel him in boys... :D

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  19. NevilClavain

    I actually really like this explanation as it's right on the mark. A 1 second sound file for a horn will take me less than 5 minutes to make and there are already plenty of presets in many DAWs so more like 3 if you know what you're doing. The ROI on this horn will be quite large given that more than 5 people are sure to (and have already) bought it. They may reduce the price if enough outcry is generated but it doesn't change the fact that they thought it was a good idea to treat gamers like this thinking they can get away with it unnoticed. Not a good sign imo.
  20. foam

    Best thing ever. These surprises fails may be a sign from god. Hahaha
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