Adding Insult to Disrespect - The Horns. Thanks SOO Much SOE...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NevilClavain, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. Drakortha

    I tried Hawken tonight (open beta just came out!). It costs less than $5 for an entirely NEW Mech. With its own special ability, armor design, unique weapons, cockpit, and gameplay changes like speed and armor strength.

    Planetside 2. $7 for a car horn?
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  2. Drakortha

    That is truly ******* pathetic. A car horn makes you feel special compared to other players? Give me a break. Have you never played another online game in your whole life?

    Seriously, SOE saw you coming a mile away. You are their target audience obviously.
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  3. NevilClavain

    lol so u paid seven bucks for a basic feature and it doesn't even work? Eh, I'm sure it'll be fixed in a hotfix in a day or so that's not a prob.
  4. NevilClavain

    And folks still claim that we should shut up and move along because the game is "f2p." I for one propose this:
    - reduce car horns from 650 SC to 450 SC; or
    - keep them at 650 SC and give people an ability to get it using 500cr
    - throw a 20 or 30 second cooldown on it so people won't spam it

    This will solve most of the issues. Thoughts?
  5. NevilClavain

    Agreed, it seems target audience is either customers with a very elastic demand (no regard for price or item utility). Or is it because the game is f2p and they feel a need to support it in some way? I don't understand.
  6. Pinchy

    Then put a timer on how often it can be used. Limit the amount of times it can be heard from a player. Use your brain any solution is better than this.
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  7. NevilClavain

    Oh if I had a dime for every time someone made the spam argument only to be refuted by this^.
    Cooldowns folks.Problem solved.

    And yes, any solution is indeed better than $7 for a *currently broken* audio file.
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  8. NevilClavain

    If you care to take a look several pages back, you'll see quite a few posts where I explicitly say I supported the game by paying money. I've spent far more than a dime.
  9. Pinchy

    It has nothing to do those strawman arguments of living with the parents or ONE purchase which is 0.01% of the games content being "only" 6.5. It's about if you added them all up, you would be spending an entire years gaming budget in one title.
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  10. Lare.RiF

    Reading that make me think otherwise. But nvm if 6.5 is seriously too much for your economy then wait for a sale that will probably be at 325 sc or dont buy it. I would agree with you if they did this with a pay only weapon but a horn? my god...
  11. NevilClavain

    When I say "this" I do not mean the game, I mean the horn. 6.5 is not above my budget, but I know what a hard earned dollar is and do no frivolously spend it on what is obviously a bad deal. A one second, broken audio file that should've been a feature upon release.
  12. kofe

    its called "value for money" something that for some reason seems to be lacking now a days, or perhaps you don't earn your money therefore see no value.
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  13. NevilClavain

    I agree, what is with the personal attacks?! I'm not going after devs, gamers or anyone else, simply pointing out an obviously poor marketing decision, in my opinion only.

    <p><br /></p>

    Last sentence says it all - feel FREE to DISAGREE with me and let me know why.
  14. Deneroth

    Woaw.... just waow...
    Man you are so immature, I don't even know how I should react to this

    It's not like the OP is saying everything is too expensive, or that SOE should make guns free of charge...
    We are having an ADULT discussion on how the horns were not in the game at first because the devs forgot about it, and are now added for station cash.
    I don't know about the OP, but as I said in my first post in this thread, when it comes to PS2 I'm a total w h o r e, I was on beta and yet purchased Alpha squad, 6 months of membership and 60$ worth of station cash on sales. My Sunderer has 2 bulldogs, p i m p e d wheels and a lot of certs into it. AND YET I find it offensive SOE makes the horn something you have to spend money on, also it's stupid all ground vehicules don't get one.

    I you come on the forums to rage like a 12 years old kid, please don't come wasting your breath in civilized topics, I'm ashamed someone like you plays NC and I hope never seeing you ingame
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  15. ScrumpyJack

    Horns are exactly the types of things that should be $7.00. Basically a cosmetic feature people pay for to help support the game.
    Besides, can you imagine the TK grief if they were free? People would constantly run you over and then spam the horns.
  16. Lare.RiF

    Sorry for my misunderstanding then but the horn being broken is another topic alltogether, it has nothing to do with pricing.

    And for the "value for money" guy, everybody values things differently, i earn my own money and i wont be buying the horn because i dont see any value in it, but i dont really see the value in any cosmetic item. Its not my problem if other people see it different and buy that stuff, you know?
  17. Golden_Dem0n

    We already have radios in there 24/7, so who cares...

    I don't care horns being SC only, but some of those vanity items are way overpriced... a tank under light (which you'd barely see anyways) for some 6$ (cant remember exactly atm sry)?

    My advice to you people is just to wait. Now there are quite few items (some were in beta yet not in the full game, I can remember some colored tank headlights and dev's samurai helmets). When new things come by, old ones will (probably) drop prices in the future.
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  18. NevilClavain

    Thanks man, appreciate the support!

    Seriously though, what is it with the personal attacks?! Just to clarify, here's my original post:

    The last sentence says please feel free to disagree and that I want to know why. This is supposed to be constructive debate with solutions thrown in the mix. Also to further clarify (not that I need to) to all the - "You're a freeloader and a whiner etc." comments - I have paid real money to support this game, I continue to play it and come up with ideas/suggestions to make it better.
  19. MexelVanMexelen

    There's an old-fashioned concept called "value for money" that seems to have been lost somewhere about 2007-2008.

    I'm fully on board with the idea that $7 isn't really the price for a single gun, despite that being what I pay for it in the shop. I understand that I need to look at the amount of money I think it is fair to spend on this game and then to decide how to split that budget over guns, camo, hood ornaments, horns, etc. and just choose the things I want that give me the most pleasure within the budget that I've set. No worries with that.

    But please, don't try and tell me 650SC for a single horn that I can't even hear the tune it plays before I buy it and I can't fit it to all my vehicles isn't just a greedy rip-off attempt by an opportunistic company.

    As someone else pointed out, not too long ago Smed was quoted as saying "we will pile it high and sell it cheap".

    In who's world is 650SC cheap for a horn with those characteristics?
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  20. Lare.RiF

    What? the op is saying the horn is so expensive it finds it insulting. I agree the horns should be in day 1 and that they should work. But the topic is about the pricing and like every cosmetic item in the game they put it "expensive" so it has so meaning when you buy it, its a good business plan? probably not, would they make more money if it was 3$? probably yes, but it wouldnt be so "special" for the people who buys it, that its the point of cosmetic items.

    Btw i raged because im sick of people who feels entitled to get everything for free without spending a dime in the game, when the op told me he spent money in it i tell him im sorry.

    And dont worry you wont be playing with me in Woodman...
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