Enough is enough with friendly sunder TK

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fluff, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Tasogie

    this guy is exactly what we were talking about. the rudeness an the arrogance that his way is how you will play or els....friendly fire on Sundys needs to be a (at a minimum) 5 cert loss. these little schoolyard bullys really need to learn that there are consequences to what you do in life.

    The contempt for these internet schoolyard bullys that I have, really hits the hights when we see them bragging on forums how tough they are an how everyone had better do as they are told or th ey will be dealt with....

    Absolutely descusting.
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  2. Shepherd

    First and foremost: Disgusting. With a "G"

    Second, very few people posting here are what you refer to as "bullies."

    1) You have to admit that there are certain deploy locations that are more tactically advantageous than others.
    2) Sunderers deployed in less advantageous locations can sometimes (via their lockout distance) stop others from deploying in those better locations

    More often than not whether or not you side wins a battle depends on the placement of your spawn point.
  3. Tasogie

    First an foremost, "G", really?.... lol we are reduced to point scoring off silly typo's....
    As for rest, it is as stated.
  4. Hexcimer

    War is Hell
  5. SgtScum

    As there seems to be little tk penalties atm yeah this is true.

    My example of the **** blowing up my sundie doesn't take away any joy from the game though.

    I just realize that John Gabriel was spot on in his analysis of the internats.

    Oh whats that you say? KK..

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  6. Warna Bayangan

    Was talking about truck drivers on the road...now it's all relative as usual... they are usually quite nice with me when I use a scooter... behave likes ***** when I drive a car though. On the other hand cars behave like ***** when I drive a scooter... so I guess it depends about the situation :p
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    I counter this by destroying their Sunderer. How's it feel now, *******?
  8. Warna Bayangan

    "Bullies" "Griefers"... go play eve online and come back with a better definition of grief?
    It's in the rules of the game, therefore it's not grief.
    I don't do sundy blowing cause I'm too lazy. If a sundy is badly placed I'll stop spawning at the techplant/biodome/whatever and go somewhere else. If others do blow up idiotic sundy drivers to get better spawn grid, I applaud them and encourage them to do so. If it was such and issue to you and you didn't have socialising issues, you would grab your friends and get revenge, and would probably enjoy doing the hunt/justice moment, too at that...
    It's in the game rules, means its not griefing. Get over it and act on it IG instead of ranting on forums. Unless ranting on forums is your game :p
  9. Vachek

    I am not a griefer, but yes If someone puts up a Sundy in a stupid or impractical location that hinders EVERYONE else just so he can ***** up some points? I will C4 your Sundy, not to place my own, but to remove yours so that someone can place one that benefits everyone.

    I can't fix stupid, but I can help you out a bit.
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  10. Tasogie

    lol Ive been playing EVE for 7 years. what I am talking about is the little heroes who come here an post saying "You will do as I tell you, or you will be dealt with". Now while that schoolyard crap doesn't work on me, NONE has a right to try an intimidate people into playing how they demand. You can try an defend them all you like but fact is its wrong an you should be punished for doing it.

    I don't rant, I state facts or I don't talk, at my age I don't have the patience to deal in such silly grandstanding.
    You seem to be enjoying stroking your ego that "getting revenge" is the "real man" thing to do. it is a childish, infantile tantrum, nothing more.
    you an your little friends are what is wrong with FPS community's that is obvious by your grandstanding here.

    Destroying someones game time to benefit yourself is definition of bullying, an griefing in PS2. You are doing to make yourselves feel good an feel like your something important.
    I think it quite obvious to everyone here those of you who revel in such things an brag about it, are indeed the ones with major social issues.
  11. talmaru

    When your sundy is deployed in a crap location and I have to run 300 to the objective across open field and get farmed by snipers.
    Yes I will blow it up and get a new one deployed in a better location.
    Morale of the story
    Learn to park your sundy in useful locations or it will get blown to hell
    Cry about it
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  12. Warna Bayangan

    So I said go play EVE, you say that you played it for 7 years then you come up with "Destroying someones game time to benefit yourself is definition of bullying, an griefing in PS2."? You sure, we are playing the same game? >.>
    This is a FPS, YOUR game fun is ALL about destroying someone elses game. Ever heard about shooting the dude so he can't shoot you back?:3
    So instead of "Don't tell me what to do! :,(". Grab your bloody gun and get revenge. Just as you would do to the opposing faction, except they are "friendlies".
    I didn't say it was right to blow up friendly sundies. I said: you got what is required to get revenge.
    Do you people come here everytime someone from the opposing faction kills you?
    No? Why is that? They distroyed your "game" by killing you.
    I guess by your definition, shooting afk people is not fair and is griefing? The guy has to respawn afterwards...he was planning on going behind ennemy lines when he'd come back...trust me ;)

    OH and if friendly sundy is ruining 100+ people game, then by YOUR definition, it is griefing a loooot of people :D

    Have a nice day \o
  13. Tasogie

    Ohn rubbish, stop trying to justify a silly teenage tantrum. You know full well it is aimed purely so someone can put there own sundy down to farm, playing the game is not griefing, it is playing the bloody game. Your idiotic justification just shows how truly devoid of social ability your generation really is.If someone puts his sundy where HE wants it, he is not out to ruin anyone's play. You have the choice of not spawning on his truck. Again you try to justify the childish behavior so well known from young ones today.
    it's no different to people running round shooting mines when they see their fellow team mates put them down so it kills the player who put them there, then runs off laughing about it.
    Juvenile pathetic behavior.

    To be honest I really dont wanna deal with this idiocy any longer. You have shown you an your mates as really not worth my time.
    I do though, hope you enjoy your game time, an perhaps one day learn to socialize properly...

    good luck.
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  14. rabidquokka

    Wouldn't deploying in a bad location and locking better positions so that 50+ other players have to get mowed down and locked at chokepoints be classed as destroying their game?
    I mean really your just getting friendlies killed...you may as well be pulling the trigger and tk'ing them as well as wasting their time and resources, 1 sunderer vs 50 ppl for hours on end, logical choice is blow the sundy.
  15. Warna Bayangan

    My generation is probably yours, if you want to be insulting, then go for it and have fun. Show you got the age you claim and that you understand what the game is about.
    In large bases takeover you have the choice of spawning way off grid and get killed on the way to the objective or you can spawn at your friendly exp-***** sundy and get youreself killed because is badly placed. Talk about a choice. Same goes with blowing up a friendly sundy to get the exp instead of him. It's equally bad.
    You got the tools for revenge: use them.

    "a silly teenage tantrum" there I agree with you, it's what OP post looks like. You know teenage tantrums are often "Oh but the world is unfair with me :,(". I thought you said you had a certain age but you keep showing otherwise :)
  16. Jikkan

    I actually find it surprising that anyone would find it acceptable to teamkill a friendly sunderer. I can't imagine a motive for that besides competiton for spawn xp. Wanna know why? Because it isn't much of a problem if a sunderer is in a bad spot. All you have to do is spawn somewhere else, I do this regularly. You can even deploy another sunderer in a different spot outside the sphere of influence. Shouldn't be hard considering how badly deployed that other sunderer is right? You may not want to do that. Fine. Refocus your efforts. Attack another base, switch continents or take a break.

    I can't imagine a thinking person killing their own teams sunderer and honestly believing to themselves that they are helping their team.
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  17. Iksniljiksul

    By all means, go try that BS in the military and see how far you get in life.

    It is not war to blow up someone's spawn point just to set up your own. Illogical sunderer placements are on the rare side, and if people keep putting them in the same spots for each map section they'll just get killed all that much sooner as people learn the maps. We know why people are blowing up sunderers, "me first" ****** *******.
  18. wolfva

    Really? I'm going to have to ask you to show me the rule that says TKing is ok as long as you personally disagree with the other guy's play style.

    People talking about 'bad sunderer placement'. I think the definition of that is, "Placed where *I* can't get the XP!!!" Really folks, first come first serve. Just because YOU don't like the placement doesn't mean it's a bad spot. Further, talking about TKing 'for the team'? Huh? Maybe that guy parked his sunderer where he did because it was the BEST spot for HIS squad/platoon/outfit's goals? What makes YOUR goal more important then HIS goal?

    NO ONE has the right to TK. That you CAN TK is beside the point. You also can walk into a mall and open fire with a real gun. Being shot in return, or arrested, is a consequence for that action, but nothing actually prevents you from doing so. Does that make it ok? Of course not.

    The longer I play this game, the more I think the TK penalties have to be increased. Heck, I got shot twice by the same guy this afternoon when there was no one around. He was a medic. And a stupid one at that as I was a fricken MAX at the time. I finally said screw it, loaded up a medic, healed, grabbed my inf set up and split. The worst thing about MMOs is the other players.
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  19. rabidquokka

    I was attacking a tech plant last night for 2 hours, because we had 3 sunderers parked at each others sphere around the plant, i personally blew the shield generator twice/cleared the plant and teammates blew it a couple of times too but we lost it each time because the only sunderer that wanted to move in couldn't deploy.

    Spawn points are extremely important in any game, problems happen though when any idiot gets to control them.

    as a sidenote...i have never used a sundy in game yet, i play 95% as infantry, and as infantry i want better spawn points.
  20. SgtSomeone

    If you don't like where someone's deployed a sundy, then ask them to move it/help them find a better spot. Nothing worse than having your vehicle destroyed and having no idea why.
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