[Suggestion] We need an Urban Combat Continents designed for infantry, enough of the stalemates and Vehicle Spam!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. ImGladUmad

    The maps are pretty good but Im tired of them.

    Im tired of the same designs of biolab,tech lab, etc.......

    Im specially tired of the stalemates because of the way biolab/techlab are done........Is annoying.

    Im also tired of the tanks/aircraft spam.

    We need a real Urban Combat Continent, that is open ended enough to get rid of the horrible stalemates but designed in such a way that is gonna be hell for tank spam and aircraft spam.

    Now Im not saying to eliminate Tanks/Aircraft but this will be a continent that doesnt favor them unlike these last three continents.

    Here is what I propose for the Continents.....They should be Empire Related Urban Continents.

    These continents could be smaller than regular continents because they are basically a giant city......(Maybe when their is more continents they could be sanctuaries that could be invaded under right circumstances?)

    1. Terran Republic Continent.

    It will resemble a more modern city like we see today but with a futuristic touch of course....with Giant buildings etc.

    2. Vanu Continent

    It will look completely like an Alien City, full of weird alien like buildings......Full of Lasers!

    3. NC Continent
    Full of cheap factories and horrible looking buildings....The whole city is full of smog because of the Corporation polluting everything

    These continents will provide a lot of nice urban combat and provide us with Pride for our empires because we gotta protect our home continents.

    If you decide to not put my continent suggestions just Fix the stalemates at the very least
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  2. Zelcot

    The way I see it tanks are far to mobile. I can drive my tank up near vertical cliffs that not even infantry can climb and it ruins all areas that are designed for infantry only / mostly infantry play. Anywho I would love to see some cities and towns to fight in.
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  3. Mr.Vancassy

    Yeah this would really spice up the gameplay as well, get some variety going.
  4. Wintermaulz

    The first 1/2 of the post was your usual drival/ QQ fest, but the last 1/2 actually has good ideas. I am surprised. Either make them 3 small continents, or make it one giant continent with 4 sectors. One for each faction, and one with the NS style architecture.
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  5. ImGladUmad

    Thats a good idea....1 big continent with 3 giant cities.

    I prefer 3 small continents however so more players could play on them.
  6. beerwig

    That would be great to fight in a giant city.This game is kickass,but that would make it even more kickass.
  7. ImGladUmad

    Yeah.....I can just imagine having our City getting invaded and defending it in a massive city
  8. DankFist

    Having separate, smaller continents would turn a vast majority of the other continents into ghost-towns. Perhaps doing what Winter said, with a fourth continent with large cities. for Urban Combat. Like a Bio-Lab, to deter any aircraft and surrounded by a wall so nothing larger than an ATV can get in.
  9. forkyar

    what ?,just stop it,no,this is a fps,this is not cod,this is not battlefield ok ?,you dont get a different map only for troops this is not how planetside works sorry,how planetside is,is how it will stay ty.
  10. ImGladUmad

    Not a bio lab.........That is way too close quarters, it will be full of stalemates.

    It needs to be open enough for no stalemates but designed in a way that vehicles/Airplanes get owned.

    Well SOE is gonna add maps regardless, I doubt 3 small continents will make the others empty........but 1 giant map with 3 sector of cities for each empire wouldn't be bad.
  11. BobJohnson

    Agreed. I've been amazed by some of the area's I've been able to get to in a tank and completely confused at some of the areas I couldn't get as infantry.
  12. ImGladUmad

    I played Planetside 1 since it came out...Im guessing u were around 5 perhaps, who knows.

    Maps are made for different circumstances.....Esamir is way more vehicle friendly than other maps......

    Anyways I don't see anything wrong for asking for an infantry map......which Im sure SOE is gonna do regardless because of how much people like infantry.

    BTW wasnt Planetside 1 Core Combat, Infantry based?...IDK I never got the expansion.
  13. Marinealver

    First They tried to make those bases the urban combat but they brought up the teleporters and jumpads from Core Combat and RUIN it.:mad:

    I want urban combat but I don't want no little bunches of cubicles and block building stackup with more teleporters and jump-pads. That was the disaster of core combat. I want cities with archetecture and style and a history aka backstory. So I want an Urban Sanc/capitol.

    But here is the catch, those sancs can be capturable if say the get warpgated or something like that. Almost like the capture mechanics behind the PS1 capitols but on a much larger scale.

    But these cities are not captured. Instead they just revert to natural (requiring everything to be hacked to be used and disabling spawn rooms) Give the defending empire some place to fall back on say a space station.

    But can you imagine a Terran Republic City with statues and military parade decks for courtyard or the VS sanc with alien looking towers and buildings. NC hmm Blade Runner City?
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  14. DankFist

    Oh Yes I agree. What I mean by bio lab is the Bubble that surrounds it protecting it from enemy Air units. Just on a much larger scale.
  15. forkyar

    it screams cod kid and very impatient,if you want that go to battlefield my answer to your "suggestions" is no.
  16. Reaver027

    Yes Core Combat was mostly for infantry but it supported air (a few good pilots could dominate the caves) and ground vehicles as well.
    But it was the least played content of the game. And many considered it to be the first nail in the coffin.

    And yes while maps were vastly different in PS1 all maps supported all playstyles equally.
  17. Marinealver

    It was supposed to be, what they did was make a bunch of buildings built into the floating rocks or asteroids and made a bunch of 1 way teleporters and ziplines which transported you from one end to another kind of liek a high tech conveyor belts. That with a bunch of benifit crystals that healed you health armor and recharge your at weapon along with nutral equipment terminals were supposed to be so infantry could set up bases without an AMS or need vehicles to get around. But the ziplines and 1 way teleporters just made it more of a maze also the rocky exterior of the buidlings sort of took away the urban feel of the game.

    Also the bases were horrible as the spawn rooms were often camped and there was no base status window.
  18. forkyar

    im older then you bud,in my 20's nice try though,nope esamir is not more vehicle friendly,for air yes other wise no,

    i see a lot of things wrong asking for a infantry only map,you arnt a ps1 vet or you wouldnt be asking for this clearly,and no soe wont do this because this is planetside a fps,this is not battlefield get it threw your skull,this wont happen,and ill be here to make sure.
  19. ImGladUmad

    lol...Yeah Im not a PS1 vet...Thats why I played in 03/04.

    Thats why I joined the forums this August when all the Vets got in.....lol.

    SOE will totally do this.....Trust me, Infantry combat continent is something they will want
  20. ChipMHazard

    I would love to fight in city like environments. Would make for an interesting change of pace with more vertical combat.