[Suggestion] We need an Urban Combat Continents designed for infantry, enough of the stalemates and Vehicle Spam!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. ImGladUmad

    Yeah I know.

    But lol I dont mean underground caves.

    I mean a city.
  2. ImGladUmad

    Yeah but it will be really hard for tanks.

    For aircraft it might be hard too depending how the level is designed.
  3. Remeus

    You know I was just thinking to myself today how awesome it would be to have a continent with at least one huge urban area. It would give them a chance to add new tank modules too designed for urban environments too like improved top armour or front armour, doser blade (moving infantry cover). Narrow streets and tall ruined buildings, it would, hopefully, be awe inspiring.
  4. ImGladUmad

    Hopefully it will happen Soon.
  5. Metalsheep

    I wouldn't mind the return of the Caves. But they'd have to get rid of the confusing Zip Lines and keep Heavy Vehicles out of the caverns entirely, not just make them unpullable, but allowed to enter. More like the Oshur Islands, where the vehicle stops working when it enters. Only vehicles than can enter can be sundies, flashes and the Assault Buggies whenever the devs finish them.

    Caves would bring back a bit more of the feel of Auraxsis while giving a good infantry fight.
  6. AuntLou42

    It's pretty simple, every CC and Gen should be under the same roof as the spawn. They made a big mistake making the floor plans of the main buildings in main bases so small. Sure they are massive as a whole but they leave very little for indoor combat. The little building scattering just doesn't do it for me, everything should be connected. Even bio labs leave little true indoor fighting due the wide open areas, scattered building strat, the large amount of light assault spam and door camping.
  7. GraphicJ

    At first I thought you were ONLY talking about those flying death machines...err I mean Magriders.