Airplanes is a joke now, lol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malphai, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. Miuku

    All of the ground attacks by drones have been against guys who wave guns designed in the 1940s, sing chants and wear rags and none of them have been used against a force with decent air defence capabilities. There is no real, true and tested combat data to prove that drones wouldn't be shot out of the sky before they were able to do anything useful.

    And this is a game - air units are support units, not unstoppable machines that allow the pilot to mow down all opposition. If they were, there would be no incentive to use anything else. Tank zerg, any one?
  2. Plunkies

    Forum warrior? Again, glass houses, stones, etc.

    And I don't have trouble with air. As I said, the current counter to air is "go inside" so that's what I do.
  3. Dubious

    Twitter only have posts about the new weapons
  4. Gunnisson

    I'm certainly not crying, and a whole weapon system for stragglers seems a little redundant.

    Far from crying, I'm enjoying the new gameplay as a ground attack ESF. I never hovered in one spot spamming rockets down, always kept low and fast and focused on priority targets like tanks and sundies, as well as libs and gals, than just farming infantry. The fact that AA is much, much stronger now is also fine by me, considering the crappy rocketspammers who could only hold spacebar and left click are a dying breed and piloting is now more of a challenge than a cert farm. My KD ratio is still through the roof though so I'll agree with that aspect of your insult.
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  5. daskleineviech

    It's still an FPS, not a simulation run in the Pentagon for analysis. Let's not forget that warfare always changes and today we use helicopters, drones and other stuff we don't have access to in Planetside. Aircraft is powerful today, but still doesn't win wars if the ground troops aren't up to par, and nobody knows what kind of impact something like a personal kinetic shield for soldiers would have on real warfare.
    The ESFs are clearly designed to take down enemy aircraft and engage ground targets with sidegrade weapons, they're not designed to take out whole platoons on their own. And yes, sometimes you will get shot down first without landing a kill, that's what hapens to the tanks as well, and we don't have to talk about the infantry situation. You are not the only pilot in your faction, you will get your recources back at some point and if you only spec into a very situational path like one vehicle/aircraft, you will have a problem at some point, no matter what how the game is balanced.

    On a little side note: Different cert points for vehicle and infantry would be cool, so the drivers and pilots still have a chance if they have to walk for some time. And us grunts could still get some neat upgrades for our Sunderers and Flashes.
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  6. PoopMaster

    They added new weapons but there's no mention anywhere of stat modifications yet. A snowballing effect over nothing.
  7. Ky3217

    If a whole platoon gets taken out by an ESF, they're probably doing something wrong
  8. xen3000

    Yeah, to add new infantry weapons. Apparently there was like a 6-7% reduction to composite armor effectiveness per level as well (against flak, more then that against small arms fire).
  9. Dubious

    composite armor "nerf" not listed anywhere, so might be just that, a bug, so instead of whining about it, report it as a bug..
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  10. daskleineviech

    Probably yes, but some people here claim to get 60 kills with aircraft in one life. And I've seen a single ESF killing several Skyguards off, so I can't really be asked to shed a tear for the poor pilots, especially if it's something as trivial as the evil AA guy shot me down first, it's called AntiAir for a reason. Personally I don't care. I'm HA, I'm busy killing purple stuff inside buildings.
  11. CoreDave

    No mention of changes to Composite armour either, and yet there it is. I may be wrong, as I said, but I was tearing the skies asunder in that max with a single burster and a couple of randoms doing the same. It seemed a lot more effective than times recently I have tried maxing (although I haven't done it alot since beta). So either its very strong and always has been (no buff needed, which is pretty much what I've said from a pilots side) or it has been stealth buffed much like composite armour has been stealth nerfed.

    You may not think that is the case, but neither one of us can know because SOE didn't tell us what they changed in the recent patch (or the previous patch for that matter).
  12. xen3000

    Maybe, kinda like how the Burster extended clip reads "doubles clip size" when it clearly doesn't? They really need to hire someone to just go through and proof read this stuff, also they need to have actual patch notes, even vague ones, for the small patches like the one today.
  13. Dubious

    they have some kind of patch note today and its all about the new weapons
  14. Morpholine


    The Lasher inside 3 meters?

    Any shotgun @ 100 meters?

    That's... about all i can come up with.
  15. Tooms

    Esamir is also the worst continent for Aerospace resources. And 2 buttons to win? Most pilots use 3 buttons to turn if not more.

    Also I love blowing up vanguards in one pass but I'm sure tankbabies will cry rivers until that gets changed too. Not one pilot has thought getting 1 shot by a tank round was OP. So why is it that ground thinks rocket pods are so OP even when we have to get right next to the ground to see them and then hit them with 8 rockets?
  16. Synnro

    The only thing they did today was nerf composite armor afaik.

    When ESFs are slightly OP'd:
    Airguy: well get ESF's and shoot us down or use AA to deny us in the area

    When AA slightly op'd
    Infantry: Use your ground units to kills us

    This hypocrisy is pissing me off, are you people this ******* stupid or are you just a bunch of ****faced trolls?
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  18. Kubor

    I'm pretty sure the patch today was for the new Infiltrator and Light Assault weapons.

    I certainly didn't notice any difference to the AA MAX on Miller just now.

    I have one NS10 Burster arm and one XS Burster arm, but that's just a tool-tip error that's been there since launch. Both arms are still the NS10 with the same size clip and rate of fire.

    The AA changes are next week surely?
  19. Sostratos

    The beamer kills infantry faster than the lasher, and it's sure as hell better than bursters. Shotgun at 100m fits.
  20. JakeLunn

    They wouldn't give ESFs A2G missiles if they were only intended to be "fighters". The point in ESFs is they can dogfight to deter enemy aircraft, but also harass ground forces when the skies are clear.
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