Convert Planetside 2 to Unreal Engine 3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. Jourmand1r

    Okay, bare with me here, this is a radical idea.

    I think we should all accept that the Forgelight engine is garbage, and runs horribly for almost everyone playing the game. The physics of the game are laughable, causing "rock trees" and random grenades bouncing through walls and the like.

    I suggest that (over time) Sony port the game to the Unreal 3 Engine, as it is actually a decent engine, and TBH looks better than the Forgelight engine anyway.

    I'd like to here some constructive feedback on the idea, but please try to keep things rational. This game isn't cutting edge graphically intensive. It's more like a current gen xbox 360 game. The game would probably work, run, and look better with a Current Gen Graphics Engine.
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  2. Garrix

    You have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea what this game looks like with settings maxed. You have no idea what Forgelight is or can do, and what Unreal 3 can and cannot do. You also have no idea what current generation computer power is compared to 10 year old consoles.
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  3. Yil

    OP, you're out of your mind.
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  4. Acuta

    LOL, nevermind the entire idea of how long and how much effort it would take to completely migrate an Engine.....really?

    Sorry man, you don't understand.

    Just wish it WAS a DX11 engine....
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  5. Jourmand1r

    I'm sorry but if you think Forgelight is a powerful engine you obviously stopped playing first person shooters before Metro 2033 came out.

    And Dx11...

    Forgelight looks EXACTLY like Unreal Engine 3, except that Unreal 3 actually works on low end systems.

    Maybe you just don't know what other games look like on max settings.
  6. Gavyne

    Unreal engine does not work well with MMO's, and by MMO I mean MASSIVE multiplayer games. It's been tried before. Planetside 2 is a MMOFPS, yes it's a FPS, but it has 20x more players than any other FPS games out there. Unreal engine does not handle mass amount of players well.
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  7. Babaganoush

    Had to sign in just to lol at the stupidity of this post.
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  8. Jourmand1r

    Considering the fact that this game has been virtually unplayable for most players since it started beta, I think SOMETHING should be done soon.

    I'm at the point where I don't believe a magic "optimization patch" is coming to make the game actually run the way it should.
  9. Jourmand1r

    Planetside 2 has more players per continent than other FPS games out there.

    Planetside 2 doesnt have as many people in one place as most people like to pretend.

    UE3 is currently being used by Tera, DCUO, and multiple other MMOs.

    People only hate UE3 because CoD uses it and for some reason anything CoD related must suck to them.
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  10. Bentos

    Worst, idea, ever.

    There are so many things wrong with it..

    This is the main one.

    To migrate an engine like that.. .. **** is that even possible? it would be easier to build the game from scratch probably.
  11. Nubs

    Idiot. Why do you think SOE is the first company to roll out a competent shooter at this scale? Because of forgelight. If UE3 was even remotely capable of handling what forgelight does, it would have already been done. UE3 games look about the same at a micro scale as high settings on this game, and nothing like as good as forgelight in the huge scale stuff.

    If you think forgelight is poor, id like to counter that you need to upgrade your crappy computer. It's always been the case with PC gaming that you have to upgrade every couple of years. We've had a spat of console dominance and cross development holding back pc gaming, meaning that core2quads and duo's have had a much longer time in the sun than they would have otherwise, but now pc gaming is moving on and you need to accept that the upgrade cycle is back in.
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  12. Yil

    Um, Planetside 2 can handle fights on a scale that ONLY forgelight can handle. It has nothing to do with what it looks like, that's just the part YOU see. Unreal cannot and will not ever be able to handle the scale and scope of Planetside 2. Like others have said you're commenting from a place of total ignorance when it comes to gaming engines.
  13. Jourmand1r

    I like how you didn't actually refute my points.

    I think people are just scared to admit that planetside 2 isn't perfect. It isn't. It has glaring flaws that need to be fixed or else it wont survive with the initial hype passes.
  14. GoldmanSachs

    It's the Everquest 2 engine with HDR and bloom added, gg.
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  15. Jourmand1r

    Explain to me what Forgelight does that makes it easier to show "large scale battles" more efficiently.
  16. Yil

    LOL, you are also ignorant.
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  17. Garrix

    Maybe you just don't understand what the concept of hundreds of players in a non-lobby style game is. Again, you obviously don't know what PS2 looks like with settings maxed, there are no games that look anywhere near as good (Without forcing you down to 720p). You also don't seem to understand why your idea is complete and utter insanity, which shows that no matter what people argue or explain to you, you will never change your mind.

    Also, given that there are thousands of players currently playing and enjoying the game, I wouldn't call the game 'unplayable' to 'most' players. Maybe you have a ****** PC because you are a console *****. I would look into that if I were you.
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  18. Gavyne

    So tonight when I did a /who ingame and got 500 players during a Tech Plant battle, you're telling me you know any other MMO's with that many players in one single area using Unreal engine?
  19. Jourmand1r


    i5 2500k
    8g of ram
    560 ti graphics card.

    My computer gives me 80 FPS on BF3 on Ultra.

    I get 30 fps on planetside.

    Sony should upgrade their engine.
  20. Nubs

    Really.... jesus just think about the logic of what you are saying. If its "unplayable" why are so many people playing it? I have a mid.. upper mid range pc and it looks great and runs great for me. I find it hard to believe that I'm in a tiny minority on that.
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