NC LMGs or "is the Promise really good?"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarAnubis, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. JibbaJabba

    Methinks a spreadsheet does not reflect the real world.
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  2. Campagne

    Not in the same sense or to the same degree. If a player wishes to make use out of the lower max CoF, the reticle will have to be dead center to ensure the entirely of the cone is within the enemy's body. Other weapons which do not have the lowered max CoF can either burst, mitigating the need for a lowered maximum, or can just keep firing with a larger CoF. A larger CoF can cover more of the target even if the user is not dead on the mark.

    It is of course better to have the lower max, but it's not a completely passive advantage is what I mean to say. :p

    Assuming the user is standing and stationary, it takes 18 shots to reach the maximum CoF, and if strafing it takes 13. With the time it takes to even benefit from the lower maximum CoF if the user was scoring headshots the engagement would be over before it even mattered.

    And suppression? The slightly higher RoF, smaller maximum possible magazine, and longer reload makes the Promise arguably worse for suppression as it has less ammo and will burn through it at a faster rate, with a longer downtime. Sure the max CoF is better, but anyone stupid enough to run into an unending swarm of bullets would fall to anything.

    I didn't love the Anchor, seems a bit overrated to me. I just stick with my GODSAW, 'cause it does everything. :p

    Well really, the table isn't supposed to reflect real-world performance, just theoretical DPS.

    [Citation needed.]
  3. JibbaJabba

    So if a player sucks like really, really bad and can't keep the crosshairs on target then a large CoF will help them get lucky more often? This is true I suppose.

    Not trying to strawman part of your argument, but that's kinda how it reads to me.

    I think folks need to play with this gun more and learn it before forming an opinion.

    Just as example: On paper the EM1 looks super nice for suppression (it's not bad). The Promise though is better. The EM1 puts bullets in a door/window/corner, but anyone peeking out is going to be able to retreat. If used right (full auto suppress at head level.... do "fake reload" pauses to bait) it actually kills people that peek out. I don't think this behavior shows up in the "math" that forumside often engages in.

    I'm quite happy with the new gun. This is a change from my original position on it when first released. I saw the stats, tried in VR and thought it sucked.
  4. chamks

    ^ what he said. the table is in correct
  5. Prudentia

    Fight against NC for 5 minutes.
  6. chamks

    youv got some re-tabling to do... the gauss saw and the god saw have same ttk at 10m. thats the first issue that came straight to my eyes so far.. also how is it possible that promise have more ttk in 10m than the EM1? and EM6 and the anchor should be also the same in 10m... wtf... am i reading it wrong?
  7. Campagne

    Anecdotal evidence for a very brief period of time? That's probably the strongest evidence for anyone's claim, ever. :p

    Since you won't provide actual evidence for your claims I'll do my civic duty and bare the burden of proof on your behalf. ;)

    According to, the Promise is actually the least used NC LMG by a large margin.
    Go figure.
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  8. chamks

    i dont put HVA to my saw... dude... when giving a table like this it should be accurate.
    and im not the only one
  9. Prudentia

    that is a 100% useless stat table
  10. Campagne

    Uhuh. :p

    But if it's so awful, why don't you give an example of an accurate set of data?
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  11. Prudentia

    oracle of death is dead so we do not have a proper Time scaled statpage.
    that das anfall page is entirely useless because it does not even annotate for what timeframe those stats are. lifetime? last hour? is it only people who logged in recently? is it only people who got looked up recently?
  12. JibbaJabba

    Stop using stats and tables.

    Shoot gun.
  13. DarkStarAnubis

    "I am good at guessing!" - "How do you know?" - "Ah yeah.. Well I guess it." :)
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  14. Campagne

    RIP Oracle of Death.

    As far as I'm aware the stats are either for the last 24h, or an average of the lifetime stats, or some such thing. I looked but could not find any definitive information unfortunately. Perhaps someone else can tell us.

    Regardless of the time period, statistically nothing changes much. Assuming the data is normally distributed, the ratios remain roughly the same. It would be highly unlikely that in the last period of time in which the data was recorded a huge amount of players suddenly dropped their usual Promise in favor of almost every other NC LMG. Even the next lowest usage --The SAW-S, which I personally expected to be the lowest-- is close to double that of the Promise.

    The data still paints a fairly accurate picture regardless of the time frame in which the data was collected.
  15. Kcalehc

    All the math aside, I rather like the gun. It sounds nice as well!
  16. csvfr

    I second the ugly opinion, I mean which other design decides to block out the whole right side of the screen/view when ADS. It is disadvantageous to spatial awareness.

    This is even worse on the 2x scope
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  17. Campagne

    Well it's kinda like a pup-action, where the center of the cone must be in the dead center of the target to absolutely ensure enough pellets will hit and delivery the instant kill. It's definitely better to have a smaller CoF, but the skill requirement to benefit from it to the fullest extent can sometimes limit the effectiveness.

    That is to say while the smaller CoF is beneficial, the practical extent to which the weapon is improved is lower than it is on paper, if you'll allow me to repeat myself a little bit.

    Eh. You're right to say it's better to use it before forming an opinion, but sometimes just a shallow statistical analysis with a quick playtest in the VR can tell a player enough.

    I formed my opinion around the Gladius pretty quickly just examining the in-game stats, and when I fiddled around with in the VR my opinion didn't change, nor did it even after I took it past the point of auraxium. It sucked on paper and it sucked in-game. :p

    To be honest, I think you're giving the average player too much credit expecting them to believe a pause is a reload and to charge at that point. ;) Glad you at least enjoy it though, hate to have the "fancy" model go to waste. :p
  18. Prudentia

    this is the first time ever that i have heard "the weapon is more accurate" as a DOWNSIDE.
    like wow... next thing you tell me the Meow is a better anchor because it's less accurate and has more recoil...
  19. Rydenan

    Your numbers are irrelevant. I know through having used all those guns that my statement is 100% correct. Promise is the nastiest-handling 143-damage LMG in normal combat, period.
  20. Campagne

    If accuracy isn't perfect but requires better aim regardless, it's not as good as it seems. Never said it was a downside you silly willy. Just an overestimated advantage.

    Maw is arguably better due to the other important stats, like the extra 10 rounds it got for free.