Nerf the Tank Buster FFS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Klabauter8, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Klabauter8

    How do you wanna know if I can fly in this game or not? I don't fly Libs, only Valkyries, but even with the Valk it's very easy to sneak up, shoot, and get away again. You just have to have a good eye for the enemy position, then sneak up from behind a mountain or so, shoot, and fly behind a mountain again. I don't have to start flying Libs to know how OP they are.
  2. Klabauter8

    I don't play with keyboard, I play this game with controller, smart*ss.
  3. Jawarisin

    Ok so you can't fly. Thanks for answering my question.
  4. Jawarisin

    If you're on ps4. Fine.

    If you're on PC an you play with a controller... LOL IDIOT
  5. Klabauter8

    Again, how do you wanna know if I can fly or not?
  6. Klabauter8

    Using aircraft vehicles works a lot better with pad than with keyboard and mouse. And for infantry I pretty much don't care. You can't play this game competetively anyway, I just play it for fun and playing with pad is a lot more comfy.
  7. Ziggurat8

    Truly no hope for you. Sorry.

    Anyways just to be some what constructive I decided to look and see. Out of 813 hours of playing and 9779 deaths I have died to the tank buster exactly 12 times.

    That is 00.122% of all my deaths. So exactly how is the tank buster overpowered? Either I am the very best player in the world at avoiding dieing to it. Or you're blowing its strengths seriously out of proportion to what it's actually capable of.

    I'll let you decide which it is.
  8. Pat22

    I think, for your total play time to be relevant, we need to know how much of it you spent in a vehicle that's actually vulnerable to the tank buster, so anything except a harasser or ESF ( simply because they move too fast to reliably hit )
  9. adamts01

    That sounds like a perfect situation, but it's never going to be the case. Skyguards sit behind tanks. You have to do some serious Harasser ninja moves to sneak back and kill one. At 350 nanites each, it's impossible to sneak up enough to keep a single player suppressed. I'd love for there to be a point in ground forces doing a covert run to eliminate AA. But the sad fact is, that AA will be back up in maybe 15-20 seconds. It's just stupid. We're stuck with a gaming model that supports a very high turnover of cheap vehicles. The current Skyguard does suck. I think it's accuracy should be cranked up and splash dialed way down. Make that platform require some skill, and reward good shooting.
  10. Ziggurat8


    Sunderer 56 hours
    Lightning 11 hours
    Magrider 53 hours
    Liberator 12 hours
    Galaxy 5 hours
    Valkyrie 5 hours

    142 hours and I've died 12 times to it.

    I think I've died to Galaxy air rams almost as much. These stats taken from Auraxis Control Center App and
  11. Jawarisin

    no it doesn't. That's why you're a fourth rate flying that's stuck trying to use a valk.
  12. Jawarisin

    Oh I know you can't. But if you want to prove me wrong, make a video where you solo lib and show me how strong the tankbuster is.
  13. ColonelChingles

    Harassers are only 150 nanites, so essentially they're disposable. It would be cost effective to trade Skyguards for Harassers, even if you lose the Harasser after each Skyguard kill.

    As for Skyguards, a player with full nanites can only pull two until they run out. That's not asking too much for a dedicated Harasser crew to destroy. Essentially it looks something like:

    Player pulls Skyguard and it is killed, has 400 nanites left.
    Player pulls Skyguard and it is killed, has 50 nanites left.
    Player waits for 6 minutes, pulls Skyguard and it is killed, has 0 nanites left.
    Player waits for 7 minutes, pulls Skyguard and it is killed, has 0 nanites left.

    So after two kills then that player has to wait for 6 minutes before the Skyguard is an option. 6 minutes is a lot of time for Liberators to wreck tanks.
  14. adamts01

    It's fun playing cat and mouse and figuring out a way to kill your target. But sneaking past a front line a 2nd time is much harder. If you're able to do it a 3rd time, then that target is so stupid he probably wasn't a threat in the first place. It's just like making Lib runs. You can get away with it a couple times, but sooner than later you're going to have to find a different battle. I just hate the whole system. I hate vehicle spam. I wish they had more value. It's pretty rare that I run out of nanites and can't pull another Lib, granted that is with a membership. But even if you kill me quickly twice in a row, my gunner can pull one. If there's a 3 person crew, it's faster to die than it is to go back and reload. And Harassers.... They're absolutely disposable if you have a driver and gunner each pulling one. The whole system is just stupid.
  15. ObiVanuKenobi

    As i said, many people don't know that tanks take 2x damage in the back and it's the only way a lib can 1clip a tank. If they turned around, split up or anything the lib wouldn't stand a chance. Situational awareness also matters.
    • Up x 1
  16. OldMaster80

    I agree. But it's not just the weapon itself. It's the fact it's mounted on a vehicle that can take as many shots as a battle tank, can have afterburner and in 90% of cases has Stealth in the defensive slot so it cannot be see on minimap. In places like Hossin there is literally no escape from the Liberator because by the time you see you are dead and your vehicle is gone.

    Still the real root of the problem is devs designed aircraft to be vulnerable only to other aircraft. The only reliable way to get rid of a Liberator tankbuster is to spawn some more aircraft.
    Ground troops can do just nothing about it.
    • Up x 2
  17. adamts01

    I disagree. You can "get rid" of any aircraft with just a few burster maxes. You just can't kill them without pulling air. I'm actually totally fine with AA being just a deterrent, as it currently is, as long as they make it a little more viable against ground. Right now, as soon as you chase away enemy air, you're stuck with a vehicle that's somewhere between useless and minimally viable. AA is the least fun thing to do in the game, and with air as OP as it is, they should really take a serious look at that relationship.
  18. Ziggurat8

    Except that 1 or 2 MAX bursters with max kinetic armor and decent situational awareness WILL clear the skies. It's fairly capable of dealing with 1 or 2 infantry at a time as well. Flak Turrets are even better.

    My outfit was pushing toward TR WG from kwahtee amp station on Amerish. TR responded with 6 or 7 lib crews and totally decimated our sundy/tank column and completely cleared the skies of our air (libs are pretty darn good AA) So myself and 1 other engineer fell back to the amp station and took up 2 AA turrets. A few infantry with lock ons helped I'm sure but We had the skies cleared and bagged a few kills in the process in less than 10 minutes. We then picked up the push right back where we left off. So, if 2 engineers can clear the sky of 10+ players deterrent or not imagine if they made it stronger? Then 4 or 5 players could completely shut down the air game for the whole continent.

    Know what I do when I want kills in my AA? Park outside an enemy base you know they will pull ESF. Bagged 12 reavers with 1 burster MAX sitting on a hill over an air pad. Felt like cheating it was so easy heck even libs are pretty easy prey when locked into auto pilot.
  19. Sulsa

    I fly a full certed stealth Lib and honest to god I don't know how people get their tankbuster kill streaks.
    With the stealth line enabled, you are in a big, slow moving target that is made out of aluminum sheet metal, and easily 75% + of the time I get shredded before I get a single kill with the tankbuster.
    The skill ceiling for that weapon is quite high and quite expensive cert-wise, which is as it should be.


    Libs are big and powerful and scary. They should be.


    I have a pretty decent Skyguard platform that I really enjoy using. I do wish it was more versatile but again, I don't understand the complaints about how 'weak' it is. Sure you don't get OHKs with it but you aren't supposed to. You are a mobile AA platform so for god's sake dance around a bit, position yourself at different points and you will make certs in big battles.

    Honestly you guys, I sometimes think you are all playing a different game than me.
  20. adamts01

    Well, like I said, I think it's effectiveness against air is just about right. I'd rather have AA more skill based and less spray and pray, but that doesn't necessarily mean more deadly. As for a burster max killing infantry.... Those are some **** players if they're getting taken out with flak, and probably not keeping enough distance, as it's pure chance that AA would hit a soldier past 100m. If AA is going to deter then have no air to shoot, a 450 nanite max should be a little more effective than maybe killing a single bad soldier.

    Now for you bagging a dozen reavers by sitting on a hill..... Again, you can't judge balance based on bad players, which is exactly what they were, as no decent ESF would lose against a solo max on a hill. You have to assume all skilled and equal players in balance arguments. And auto pilot Libs? Why on earth do you even bring AFK kills in to the argument? Stalkers can easily knife kill AFK dual Mercy MAXes. Nerf Knives? Buff MAXes? See how silly that is?