The Planetside 2 Subreddit has a darkside to it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. SpartanPsycho

    Good for you.
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  2. SpartanPsycho

    Don't forget the wisdomcube, who is right a lot of the time is hated because he hurts the feels
  3. DooDooBreff

  4. Hegeteus

    Well yes, since you keep it going :rolleyes:
  5. DooDooBreff

    thats statement, not a question.

    this is indicated by the period.
  6. shaql


    "I mean specifically watching Scr1nRusher's Reddit posts downvoted into oblivion, when he didn't say anything that needed to be downvoted"
    Pity everything is deleted, so noone can prove nor disprove that claim

    "A hivemind of Reddit users don't need to communicate directly to be coordinated"
    That... just makes no sense.


    "Shaql blocked me on twitter."
    Is it really a part of this thread, in any way? Sounds personal. If you have something personal, you can discuss it in PMs. My decision to block you was personal, and the reasoning shall not be publicly discussed. Why do you even mention it HERE, a thread supposedly not about you, but about Reddit?
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  7. FateJH

    "Yes," in this case, is the more polite substitute for the phrase "of course." It is used to build a sense of obviousness, often connecting ideas in an explanation given to a fact order. Rather than just its usual and obvious affirmation, treat it more like an interjection.
  8. Hegeteus

    Damn, he should've just used a simple Bump :p
  9. Scr1nRusher

    Shaql,making deals with devils doesn't usually end well for the person who made the deal.
  10. Jubikus

    why is this a thing anyone gives a crap about? its like some highschool facebook drama ********.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    lol, if you really don't understand the implications its really sad.
  12. Jubikus

    I understand that like all things run by people if they have the power they will use it against people they dont like or find toxic in general. In the work place a person can do absolutely nothing wrong but if they are a neonazi you can expect them to lose alot of jobs anyways.
  13. Scr1nRusher

  14. Savadrin

  15. Villanuk

    Nice to see it was NOT promoted over here wtf?
  16. toast2250

    Can you prolong your thoughts a little bit further,..

    I'm interested with what they will come up with, you can always bash afterwards if the changes don't work in the favor of the game.
  17. Savadrin

    I'm not likely to bash anything, this was more in reference to what would follow in this thread, and what Scr1n said.

    SMITE picked up Drybear, PS2 is picking up Wrel. I think it will be a good move overall.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    Take a look at this:

    Just THINK about what that is saying.

    This is equal to corporate lobbyist celebrating that the person of choice got into power.

    Well of course this news isn't posted here, The Forums are a place where people aren't afraid to be brutally honest & there is no upvote/downvote BS.
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  19. Shiaari

    It makes perfect sense to anyone who actually pays attention to trends on the interwebz.

    Very few people actually sit down and have a discussion about what they're going to post and when. In a hivemind, popular ideas profligate without assistance. Ever heard of something going "viral"? That's a hivemind at work. Ideas that are the most popular spread from one person to many, with an exponential growth curve.

    This sounds like a great way of doing things, but the problem is that the popularity of an idea doesn't speak to its usefulness or accuracy.

    This is what Scr1n has dealt with. He has some very good ideas, but they are unpopular for reasons that boil down to little more than orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is extremely popular. That's what makes something orthodox: It is widely accepted and not questioned. The one who questions it is always labeled a heretic and a social outcast, an idea that feeds back into the orthodoxy.

    Scr1nRusher is challenging a lot of orthodox ideas in this game, and therefore he's been subjected to a lot of collective hate expressed most effectively on Reddit where orthodoxy reigns supreme.
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  20. DooDooBreff

    aw.. i thought douchbaggery reigned supreme on reddit.... silly me