The Planetside 2 Subreddit has a darkside to it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    The can of worms is open.
  2. Gundem

    This thread is even more popular then my shotguns thread!

    It's like everything's gone mad!
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  3. Scr1nRusher

  4. RainbowDash9

    in unrelated news i saw waawaa playing today lol
  5. Gundem

    Which is what makes Reddit such a cesspool of filth and decay. When someones opinion can be silenced with the click of a button, how can progress be made?

    I've lurked many a forum in my day, some better then others(If you think this forum is bad, you ain't seen **** kiddies). And I can tell you that more often then not, it's the most controversial threads, not the well agreed threads, that generate the most discussion.

    Ideas that people agree with, they go "oh, hey, I like that" *+1* and leave. The thread might get bumped a few times but unless it's some truly ground-breaking physics-defying masterpiece, it's most likely going to be lost to the 2nd page forever.

    Controversial or disliked ideas? People argue. People post why they think that idea is so bad and why OP should go shoot themselves or get cancer or stuff like that(Yea, I told ya this forum was tame), but it still encourages players to actually think as to why that idea was bad. It encourages them to use their brains to form a coordinated, well thought out response that actually debunks the bad idea in the first place. And in return, often the OP has to use his/her brain to form a defensible response. Sometimes they did a good enough job that people began to see OP's perspective and it actually became a good idea, and changed people's perception. Good came of it, and change was had.

    So, as is said many times in this thread alone, Reddit becomes an echo chamber for people with popular and uncontroversial ideas to get rubbed by 20 other people who have no new ideas of their own. And then, it stagnates.
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  6. DooDooBreff

    the best part of all this is them coming here to beat their chests recently, and getting monkey stomped
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  7. CNR4806


    Okay, we got a shotgun here. Your thread is officially obsolete.
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  8. Scr1nRusher

  9. Corezer

    EmeraldPS2: "I'm 50 shades of ****ed up, Scr1n..."
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  10. Shiaari

    I've seen it happen, and by "it" I mean specifically watching Scr1nRusher's Reddit posts downvoted into oblivion, when he didn't say anything that needed to be downvoted. And, as you can see, I'm not the only one who has seen it happen.

    See, that's the problem. That's why I don't participate on Reddit. I lurk. My opinions, my writing, and the work I put into them are all better than what Reddit deserves.

    My advice--from the start of this thread--to Scr1nRusher has been to cease participating in Reddit for all of the above reasons you just stated. Their rules enable griefers and trolls.

    Perhaps I also need to take a few steps back. See, I have a brief history with Scr1nRusher. Him and I have gotten into really ugly arguments about things here on these forums. I've attacked him. Severely. The turning point came when I realized that a lof of his points were actually rather sound and reasonable. I don't agree with everything he says, but he's changed my mind quite a few issues. I haven't apologized to him, yet, but after that happened I began to follow him around a little bit (not to sound like a creeper) and observe how other people reacted to the impact of his arguments.

    Not good. Not good at all. See, the more compelling an argument is the more people resist. We call that cognitive dissonance. If I reacted the way I did--and I consider myself to be a very reasonable man--then how would other notably less flexible and more insulated individuals react? I observed these interactions personally. Never said anything, but I watched.

    The first step in fixing a problem is acknowledging that it exists in the first place. I'm here to tell you that this problem exists. Scr1nRusher isn't exaggerating. He can't prove it, of course. No one can. A hivemind of Reddit users don't need to communicate directly to be coordinated, so you're right: In that sense there is no conspiracy afoot. But, there is a problem.

    PS: Scr1nRusher, I'm sorry.
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  11. DooDooBreff

    its ok to be creeper as long as its for the right reasons

    jk freak
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  12. Scr1nRusher

    Apology accepted. :)
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  13. Scr1nRusher

    Looks like they are at it again(because clearly they have nothing better to do):

    Its really sad how people don't understand how Aircraft roles need to be focused & Balanced.

    ESF = A2A

    Lib = A2G

    Gal = Heavy Transport

    Valk = Light Transport.

    And of course they make fun of me having game design experience, its really predictable.
  14. Scr1nRusher


    Shaql blocked me on twitter.
  15. Villanuk

    We dont give a dam what they do over their, even the senior mods dont, so leave them to their own ****e hole, but time to move on now, the points been made.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Has it?

    Things will continue to degrade and there will be disastrous consequences to the community health.
  17. FateJH

    Reddit community health, of which this forum has little involvement.
  18. Shiaari

    I wish you were wrong, but you're not. There's little we can do here to deal with what happens on Reddit.

    Daybreak could always cease using Reddit for official posts and restrict their disclosures and public announcements to this forum only, but we all know they want the largest search engine footprint they can get.

    What we can do here is acknowledge the problem, close ranks, and deal with our share of it.
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  19. Scr1nRusher

    Lets put it this way.........

    What happens on redditside either makes its way to forumside or blames forumside.
  20. SpartanPsycho

    Wait wait! You can only do that if the person says something that doesn't fit into the status quo!!!!

    Any attempts to have a balanced discussion is bad and will be downvoted!!!!
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