50% VS overpop, 100% frustration

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Noooooch, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. TheDarSin

    World pop =/= Cont pop. If you want an accurate representation of the fight please post cont pops instead?
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  2. Noooooch

    So much sarcasm so little time. I literally never said anything about nerfing anything.

    Idk bruh how to shoot planetmans thru teh warpgates? Wow that is DEFINITION of spawn room camping at it's finest (worst?).

    Yes, I know world pop is different from cont pop but they were like only 1% different so I posted world pop since the intent of this thread was to highlight overpopulation not just continental population.
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  3. Ximaster

    Not only on Connery the Vanu wins all alerts,in Cobalt too.
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  4. Citizen H

    Emerald also. You'll find similar overpop on the console too, AFAIK.
    That's why this 'nerf VS' stuff is blowing up all over while VS players and outfits work to suppress it and keep their advantage.
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  5. MasterDemoman

    I'd simply like to state that at no point
    no point
    Did this guy ever say to nerf anything in this thread.
    You're one to talk about a victim complex.
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  6. FieldMarshall

    That looks extremely boring. For VS.
    Why would anyone enjoy constantly sitting on the point waiting for the cap getting almost no xp.
    Listening to all the other VS circle jerking in /y over how awesome they are.
    And having to fight your 96+ allies over the very few enemies there are to kill.

    I have characters on all 3 empires, and whenever the faction im playing degenerates into a zerg, i hop on the zerged faction.
    Because i like fun. Because i like actually having something to shoot at.
    Because you get to put bullets into bratty people who brag in the chat:
    So satisfying.

    You dont really "win" an alert. You get like 30 certs and a -50% discount to something you can spam anyway.
    So i have no idea why people get so extremely upset when they loose one.
    If you are with the overpop faction, you also have to listen to the superiority complex 13 year olds in /y and proxy when they realise they are about to win the alert.
    No. You dont really get anything from "winning" alerts.

    The only way to win the alert is to go for a good fight instead of fighting for alert bases.
    Ignore the alert completely.
    You get 10 times as much rewards as the alert would give, and you get to have a more balanced fight and thus more fun.
    Only thing bad about it is the people in /y complaining about "X allowing Y to win the alert again"
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  7. FBVanu

    You misunderstood. coming out of the Warpgate, so many targets at your front door.. not shooting at spwan rooms (boring)..
    Being warpgated affords some of the best opportunities.. 'cause so many enemies are right at your front door.. easy pickings, lots of careless players thinking they got it made by pushing us back to the warpgate..
    Then we push out a little, and some really good sniping tank shells find target after target... lots of fun.
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  8. Scr1nRusher

    Its truely sickening aswell.

    Soon, since TR & NC guys are either quitting what they play to switch to VS or leaving the game.....

    VS will finally be able to play with themselves. On PS2 & Off PS2.
  9. zaspacer

    I am on Emerald currently and it has the following Scenario @ Wednesday 10:30 PST (late night):
    1) Amerish = 50% VS and Alert is going with 53 minutes left (23% TR, 26% NC)
    2) Esamir = Locked
    3) Hossin = 49% NC (31% VS, 19% TR) (this also seems to have the lowest pop of the Unlocked Continents)
    4) Indar = 46% TR (26% VS, 32% NC)

    NOTE: arguable, 2 Continents should be Locked.

    These Players are mostly *choosing* each to play as Overpop on a different Continent. Either:
    1) this is what Most Players want and DBG is doing well to support them
    2) this is a disaster for the playability of the game and DBG should put Motivate Faction Balanced Fights on the Roadmap/Wishlist and get a community-developer conversation going on it, and fast track subsequent identified practical/doable solutions
  10. Horrida Messor

    If population difference on Alert continent in so little that its negligeble, I would like to call you, sir, a hipocrite, since I fail to imagine a 50% overpop with 1% of total continental pop.
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  11. Citizen H

    Don't mince words. "Overpop" isn't the problem.

    ONE specific faction consistently being overpop is.
    Hint: it's not the TR or the NC.

    That is a problem completely within the developers' power to fix. They just don't want to because some of the people leading major outfits on that faction are in tight with them.
  12. Hatesphere

    How do you suggest they fix it without alienating a large portion of the player base? One faction being over pop isn't nessasarly a sign of being OP so its not like they can just hit VS with the nerf bat and call it a day.
    Now this is what I tend to see no mater what faction I play. People simply choose the easy fight, and that usually means lots of people just ditching or ignoring the alert, then complaining later they don't win enough.

    For me when I play VS that usually means a locked out alert continent with VS at max pop (and tons of bodies on tr an NC that just stay on other continents to over pop me if I don't want to wait 20 minutes in cue.

    Add to that that people just tend to bail from the server outright when they even so much as start losing groungroun d on an alert and it just makes the pop diffrance worse. (This was even confirmed by the deva when people *****ed about 4th factioning)

    The real problem with alerts are people are fickle sore losers that won't even try to step up half the time let alone even stick around for the whole fight if **** dosent go the way they want it.
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  13. Zombo

    Exactly why i changed to NC after playing VS for a long time, really annoying being a non-member VS, all this "VS OP" talk draws more and more people to VS and it gets worse and worse

    well, at least i can play around with the Jackhammer <3 and Phoenix <3 SCREEEEEEE
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  14. Hatesphere

    It's why I main TR now unless my outfit is doing something.
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  15. CMDante

    I tend to hop on whichever faction is underpopped, fortunately it's nearly always TR.

    Also, VS wouldn't be overpopped so often if they were under-powered. Just sayin'

    Edit: Not saying VS as a faction is over-powered. But there's clearly -something- that draws so many more players to the spandex.
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  16. Hatesphere

    Could it have something to do with a self reinforcing bias loop? Nah..... I will agree VS has some outliers in a few areas, but its hardly enough to cause this kind of issue. It's definitely being magnified by about 66% of the player base.
  17. stalkish

    250+ certs in 20 mins game time other day.

    Daaam, i wash NC had 21% pop all the time, the xp gain was crazy high (+136%:eek:).

    Theres no winning at anything when 1 faction more than doubles your pop, so just farm certs till things even out.
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  18. Zombo

    VS has a hovertank, which is much fun
    VS has a Lazor Roarcat Lawnchair
    VS has Directive weapons with unlimited ammo
    VS has two sniper rifles with no bullet drop

    these things are all very unique and excell at something quite drastically, while being terrible in other regards,
    they are hard to master, but FUN to master, because everything glows is purple and spandex

    vanu is so much 90s it hurts my eyes... and i always hear "Bohemian Rhapsody" in my head when firing the Lasher... and i love it
  19. Citizen H

    The state of TR suggests otherwise.
    At least, they can when they're not best buds with the outfit leaders on the faction they're screwing over.

    The entire point of any action would be to alienate a portion of the VS because the alternative is the other TWO factions in the game being alienated, which the VS overpop is causing right now.
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  20. Stormsinger

    Whenever i'm a part of a VS overpop, especially when we're warpgating the TR, i'll instantly swap over to TR. Sitting around in a random vehicle staring through thermals with nothing to shoot at is boring. Sitting in a maxed out AP lockdown prowler is so much nicer - with multi platoons worth of vehicles to shoot at, I usually chew through a dozen or five sitting at the edge of the warpgate shielding :p
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