You can't throw a dead cat...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by theVelvetAlley, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. theVelvetAlley

    on Auraxis without hitting 5 heavy assaults.

    Carry on HA.
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  2. CorporationUSA

    It's the basic infantry class. Why would you expect it not to be played so much?
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  3. Pomelo

    Yea, it's pretty much the basic soldier, the other classes are just support.

    It's like saying; i cannot throw a dead peasant without hitting 5 spearmen on this battlefield.

    Or i cannot blow up a tank without it being a engineer in one...
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  4. FateJH

    What class do I cert into to throw dead cats?
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  5. HadesR

    But those spearmen also carry shields, bows, swords and wear heavy plate ...

    The versatility of heavies within one loadout could do with being looked at.
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  6. Catalyist

    I was in your boat once. Just accept the fact that it's the basic infantry class that is supposed to be a bit sturdier than the others.

    Also, I feel obligated to post this:
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  7. BrbImAFK

    Sturdy, I have no problem with. I totally agree that HA should be harder to kill than other classes. What HA should not be is the default answer to everything.

    Lost a fight? HA.
    Lots of enemy infantry? HA.
    Enemy tanks? HA RL's and C4.
    Enemy air? HA LoRL's.
    Enemy MAXs? HA AV-nades and RL's.
    Enemy infantry in your face? HA with shotty/SMG.
    Enemy infantry at medium? HA with ranged LMG's.
    Shields down and under fire? Pop NMG.
    Low health? Got medpacks.

    HA's got an answer to EVERYthing, while pretty much all the other classes have weaknesses. If you ranked all the classes in effectiveness at various tasks/playstyles, HA would probably come 1st or 2nd across nearly all categories. Most of the other classes would get some 1sts, some 3rds, some 4ths and some 5ths.
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  8. Ryo313

    You can't throw a dead cat..
    on Auraxis without hitting 5 sundis or LAs or Iniltrators or engis... oh wait they are all part of the game....
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  9. Crator

    So, you want some of the abilities to be removed from HA and given to another class? I'm not certain I see a problem with a single class being a bit more effective then other classes. Are you bringing this up because HA has too much of an advantage against other classes? Do you want the reactive shield gone or something?
  10. HadesR

    The best solution would be to allow HA to have all it's abilities ... Just not all at once..

    Ie: Shield / Launcher going into the same slot requiring a choice to be made.

    Medi kits could also do with being looked at but that's across the board and not just Heavies.
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  11. Ryo313

    i'd agree to give the medi kits a cooldown so they aren't spamable and the medic have something to do besides reviving ppl.
  12. Cheetoh

    It's a no skill game. What do you expect? For people not to play HA, MAXes, camp spawn rooms, hide in vehicles all day?
  13. BrbImAFK

    I suppose I'm suggesting it because I'd like to see better class balance. Heavy's can do everything. There are very few cases (e.g. like when your squad has no medics) when pulling another class is an equal or better option.
    • Medics have no answer to air. Also no answer to vehicles unless they can get close and the vehicle driver is dumb. No answer to MAX's, again, unless dumb/really unlucky. This is as it should be. They're a medic.
    • Engy's have no answer to air. Even the AV turret is only useful if air is dumb. Engy's have no offensive answer to vehicles. Any vehicle can render their mines and AV turrets moot simply by moving off or changing angle of attack. They also have (relatively) less combat feasibility than several other classes except, possibly, on the defence. No answer to MAX's, again, unless dumb and no offensive answer to MAX's at all. This is ALSO fine.
      • And don't mention the Archer to me. Sure, it's fine if you want to get rid of some Raven MAX's. But YOU try pushing NC splatterMAX's off a point by running in there with an Archer. Let me know how it goes. Oh wait. You can't. You're dead.
    • LA's can C4 stuff that doesn't look up, but have no response to vehicles, air or MAX's that are paying attention. They also skirmish awesomely, but generally suck at straight-up combat. All fine.
    • Infil's can't really handle vehicles at all. Like LA's, if they want to get in close, they have to rely on stealth and ambush. Straight up, they're toast. They're great, however, at range. All fine.
    Seeing a trend here? Every class has weaknesses. Except heavy. Sure, he can't repair or heal or cloak or fly, but nobody else gets shields, so that's a wash. Except, wait... he doesn't need to repair, he can carry a whole pile of medkits and slot a regen 'plant to keep his health topped up, and is so badass that he actively advertises his presence with a huge glowy neon sign, unlike those wussy cloakers! Still can't fly, but I'm sure DBG will fix that oversight soon though.

    Is HA the best at straight-up combat? Yes. And he should be. He shouldn't be best-or-near-best at everything else as well.

    If I had my way with HA, the heavy weapons would receive a major rework (and a few additions, like rocklet rifles, thumpers and flamethrowers). HA would lose the rocket launcher (to the Engy, who would choose between turrets and rocket launchers), and would no longer be using shotguns or SMG's. In return, HA's could carry two sets of grenades and I would, tentatively, consider allowing him to take a breach weapon (e.g. thumper, rocklet rifle or flamethrower) in addition to his primary. All of these would improve his breachy-meat-shieldy-room-cleary abilities, but he wouldn't be a primary AV class any more.
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  14. Wargrim

    Just unlock the catapult, any class can use it.
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  15. Konstantinn

    Ever heard of regeneration implant? Personally I use it almost all the time.
  16. Cheetoh

    Here's a suggestion.

    Have the HA overshield scale depending on which weapon you're holding. If you activate the shield with the launcher, you get the full amount as you do now (or more). Makes sense cuz you're going after armor, air, and MAX units with the launcher. If you activate the shield with your primary or secondary weapon, you get a lesser amount. Recharge time for the launcher shield would be the same (or slightly slower), and the recharge time for the primary/secondary weapon shield would be a little faster. Movement speed could also be tweaked so you're a little slower with the thicker shield and a tad quicker than you are now with the lighter overshield.
  17. Ryo313

    i do but i don't use any of them... i don't like them tbh xD
  18. Konstantinn

    You should, it's free, it's part of the game, it's very simple to manage and keep at least T1 implant charged all the time. Also everyone else is using some kind of implant, depending on their playstyle. You're handicapping yourself for no reason if you don't.
  19. Ryo313

    true but those are only minor differences... and i'm too lazy to keep the engery flowing for those implants
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  20. Cheetoh

    Implants are unfair, uncompetitive, and destroy the game for people.

    They're just like those evil burn cards in Titanfall.