Remember Smedley's promise in '07? Nothing changed in 8 years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dgross, May 24, 2015.

  1. Dgross

    If it was so highly requested why do I barely see any in the sky...
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  2. f0d

    this right here
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  3. Crator

    If you are referencing government politics, or a company that doesn't deal with public entertainment, in regards to a consensus then I'd agree. But the new hip thing in game development is to try and involve your community in the process. It seems to be a big thing at DGC since the NGE debacle although we all know they still stuck to their guns on some things that bit them in the butt later. Like not having a ground based AMS module in the game at all with only the Galaxy AMS module.

    But as for the free-to-play model they did what they had to do I suppose. IMO, it kind of hurt the progression and specialization system we had in PS1. I'm sure they made more money with PS2 regardless however.
  4. Taemien

    Some of you need to get into the business, because you wouldn't bring it up in this way if you did.

    Smedley is a CEO. Not a Lead Producer, Not a lead Developer, Not anything that requires hands on knowledge of the games. He's in charge of everything about the company which includes way more then just video game making.

    The persons you wish to go after is the Lead Producer who decides the pace (or helps/hinders it), and the Lead Developer who decides what goes in and what doesn't.

    I'm going to make an analogy. Lets say you're playing Oregon Trail and you have 4 oxen. An event happens and you lose 2. You're moving quite a bit slower than before. But you're still moving. That's what is going on with PS2. Promises haven't been broken. They just lost that which made progress go a decent pace.

    So in Oregon Trial, how do you fix the problem? You buy more Oxen right? What happens if you don't have the money to do so? You truck along till you find a means to fix that. Maybe even truck along till the end at that speed and hope the family doesn't fall from attrition.

    That's where PS2 is right now. They don't have the people and resources to put into giving us the stuff they promised right now.

    Is that their fault? Sure, it is. But after 3 years, some of you longer. Why are you still here if the game/company is so terrible? This cynical attitude is just dumb. Not even ridiculous. Just dumb. You either like the game and have fun playing it, or you don't and you quit.

    This isn't to say there's no room for feedback and suggestions. But the following is just cynical banter.

    If these players believed in HALF of what they have said in just this thread (There's literally thousands of other examples). Then I have to question their ability to make decisions. When companies have lied to me, or have wronged me in someway, or the product isn't up to my standard and they refuse to get it to what they advertised. I drop them, I no longer do business with them.

    If these players believe what they said. Why do they support a company by providing content for customers (by playing free) or giving them money (through the Depot or All Access). Why would you give money to someone who lies to you, gives you a shoddy product, or doesn't give a full product?

    If your local fast food place lied to you about what they put in the food. Didn't give you proper portions. Or believe the general manager is a crook. Would you keep eating there on a weekly basis? No, you would not.

    If you hired a group to put in a new water heater and they lied about how much water it could hold. The temperature wasn't consistent. Would you hire them again to install a garbage disposal in your sink? No, you would not.

    There's no reason you all should be playing PS2 if you honestly believe the statements you have made.
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  5. Haquim

    I was supporting the company because I had faith in the vision they painted.
    After two years of ******* things up, repairing things, repeating this cycle three times and destroying performance with it, meaningless updates, balancing changes that made me wonder wether they had any idea what they are doing, or if they even understand how specific weapons work, and finally several months of ceased development I dropped my support and went F2P.

    They managed to dissatisfy/alienate/whatever a lot of their customers without there even being a comparable product they have to compete with. That is kind of an accomplishment of its own I guess, but nothing that we actually want.

    Why am I still here?
    Because it doesnt actually cost me since its F2P and because there is no competition (yet). Look around there is no game like Planetside 2 out there.
    Why am I complaining about them?
    For the same ******* reason why I write strongly worded letters to the politicians that are proceeding to **** my country up, and not to the Dailai Lama, although the latter might be more compassionate and competent.
    They are the people that are in charge and **** things up.
    And as I said - there is no competition whose product I could use instead.
    ... Everytime I think about it, I just can't stop wondering how one can **** up so much when one got basically a monopoly on a type of gameplay.
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  6. CorporationUSA

    A trend is just another example of a popular opinion. Involving people in the development process isn't the correct thing to do because it's the "in" thing right now. If that's why DBG is doing it, then they are going about it all wrong.
  7. Taemien

    Does it take 2 years of bad food from a bad restaurant to decide its bad? Why does it take 2 years for a video game?

    That's the part I just don't understand. I've played bad games. I don't stick with them. Usually in MMOs its for a single month at most (I have quit within days in some). And I definitely don't stick around calling out their CEO. Their actions speak for themselves. They don't need me, and I just don't wish to waste the time.

    But I've seen this since it was Verant (as early as 2001). Before it was SOE. Players posting how Smedley does this or that.

    A decade or more later they have all access badges and saying the same thing. Who's the liar? (not calling you a liar, just making a comparison)

    This isn't to say 989/Verant/SOE/DGC is perfect. But they aren't as bad as some of those quotes make it to be. At least not for me, and thats why I still play their games. If for a moment I thought they were as bad as any of those quotes.. that is the moment you will probably never see me again in any of their forums.
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  8. Crator

    I don't have any strong opinions on the matter. Why is it a bad thing to involve your community in the development process though? You still have ultimate authority over what you do. DGC has shown this to be true by implementing things they think is right vs. what the players said they want.
  9. Cookie5000

    Im still waiting for more faction diversity, naval battles and Searhus to this day.
  10. Klabauter8

    Because 99% of players fly it completely wrong, ie. like a jet. I honestly haven't seen one person yet who flies it correctly, ie stealthy and as a support vehicle. They are just completely unable to handle it and totally miss the point of the vehicle and its weapons.

    The Valk is excellent with a good pilot and gunner (also for killing), it's just not easy to handle it, arguably even harder than ESF, because you have to pay a lot of attention to your positioning, which is what the vast majority of players totally don't understand.
  11. CorporationUSA

    I don't think it's bad, but faulting them for not listening to the community enough puts them in a position where they are are screwed either way.
  12. Kirppu1

    But i am not playing the game, and the reason we are angry and disappointed is because they outright lied to us and now they have left us with a half unfinished game
  13. Kirppu1

    And to smeds food supply
  14. OldMaster80

    According to reddit's feedback more or less 90% of players think the Valkyrie still needs attention as it's only balanced around having max Evasive Frame, some Engineers, lock on rocket launchers. The other 10% still believe the vehicle is fine as it is.

    If the Valkyrie is ok I would like to know how many out there have been killed by its weapons as infantry at least once. And how many are flying Hover Frame.

    Bburness already said they want to give it another look.
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  15. Gremmel

    Smedley should probably be blamed some but more I think we can blame Higby for wasting most if not all the money. Instead of improving on the game everyone was playing he fiddled around with battle islands and e-sports and God knows what else we never learned of. Money that should've gone towards better lattice system with resource control and any sort of continent interlink meta.

    I find it literally unbelievable that after 2½ years spawn room camping is still the main thing happening in the game and new players are put into those situations with the Instant Action button. New player retention must be one of the worst in the entire F2P business.

    Also remember that Smedley had to stop any new content to be produced for three months so that people could actually play the game properly. Remember how **** it ran for most people? I bought a new computer just for this game and I still went below 30fps in the bigger fights. So he did right there, although that was almost a year after launch, so at least a year to late, most of the damage had already been done. F2P don't mean **** when most people average 15 fps when trying a shooter, they're just going to turn it off.
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  16. Movoza

    I'm always against these threads. There is no point to them. I mean what is your goal here? The goal seems to whine against lack of progress. Points for getting to your goal, but what does that goal do for the game? Absolutely nothing. There are some vague suggestions in the thread, but nearly all are aimed at the past. These then suggest that it should be done in the future, like extra maps, vehicles and features.
    Last time I checked, we got some new weapons (NS, so less diversity, but weapons nonetheless) and a lot of upgrades in the planning. So yeah, a lot of updates are now planned or being done, so what is the freaking point of this entire thread? Just to whine. Nothing else.
  17. Kirppu1

    The goal is to get people wake up from smedleys lies
  18. Movoza

    And then? What is your end game? What will change when they "wake up". If that is your end game, it will still not serve a thing for the game. There will be no real change but awareness. Tell me, do you think awareness in awful things like breast cancer solves anything? No it doesn't. Not that fact on it's own. The awareness is supposed to get people into action. That is the end game. I see no end game here, so no real goal.
  19. Kirppu1

    Yes it does, you said right there that it brings awareness and it gets people in to action, they start demanding and by the way you are bringing attention to the thread by posting here so either way we win
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  20. Klabauter8

    It still could use some tweaks, definitely, like more ammo for the Pelter for example, an afterburner would be awesome, or more weapons in general (also some kind of weapon for the pilot would be nice), also not having this annoying experation timer would be good, however, the thing with the Valkyrie is just that you really have to know how to fly it and play smart with it, otherwise you are dead within seconds, and from my experience the vast majority of people do it totally wrong. It's a vehicle where you easily can lean yourself too far out of the window, but if you know your boundaries, it's not bad at all.

    I also disagree that it's only balanced around these things you mentioned there. I personally only use the Evasive Frame with the Wyvern when lots of hostile ESF are around, otherwise I always use the Hover Frame because you need really good stability and breaks with the Valk. It's kinda a bit a hit-and-run vehicle where you mostly have to be really close to the ground and you can't make it too difficult for your gunner. And the weapons are also good if you know how to use them correctly. Like I said, it's just not easy to handle. And with engies in the back I even would call it pretty OP.
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