How is the Fracture & Vortex Balanced Against Ravens?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dgross, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. RykerStruvian

    No, thats okay, I think I'll stay because I'm right ;) You just want your viewpoint to be validated. But it won't work, since you're wrong. You're free to leave or go play the PS4 version though.

  2. Neo3602

    that's not how balance works, expically considering that the TR don't have any effective ES infantry level long range AV
  3. Dgross

    Lol no one in this thread agrees with you.
    Enjoy the view under the sand!
  4. MasterTater

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  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    i think if Ravens were dumbfire nobody would have an issue with them. but since they are the ONLY guided anti-vehicle Max weapon in the entire game, NC Maxes have a pretty good way to deal with enemy vehicles at longrange.

    i dont think it was a good idea to give such a sturdy infantry class like Maxes a guided weapon. i mean Heavies are already a pain in the a** to deal with when they use lock-on launchers, but since they can be one-shotted by snipers or tanks, it is kinda balanced. (NC) Maxes however eat a tank round (no matter if AP or HE), get to cover, get repaired and then continue Raven spam. against a Vortex Max you can at least try dodging incoming shots since they are dumbfire. but Raven Maxes just hover their crosshair over you and you get hit, no matter what. as i said the guidance system was the biggest mistake they could do.

    maybe they should decrease the agility of the Raven missiles so they can't turn that quickly anymore. alternatively, give them a flat damage nerf. especially when Lancer/Vortex get a range cap in the future, it's only fair Ravens get an effectiveness decrease as well.
  6. lothbrook

    They should all be brought down to the level of Factures, these AV weapons out to 300m and beyond are ******** and have screwed with balance between vehicles and infantry for long enough.
  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    now compare first generation MAX AV too
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  8. RykerStruvian

    First iteration of MAX ESAV weapons, Fracture was OP (along with the first iteration of the Striker). It got nerfed into the state it is now. Raven had two separate nerfs. I don't recall the Vortex ever getting a nerf.
  9. Dgross

    Was it Higby who made these changes?

    As if it was easy to hit a strafing MAX.

    Who are you trying to fool here? Everybody knows Ravens are much more potent at long-range AV combat. No, that's not a good pick of words. Ravens are unmatched at infantry based long-range AV. There is no competitor.

    The only reason they don't break the game seldomly is that TR has the Vulcan for close-range berserking and the deployed Prowler to augment the lack of long-range AV capabilities, as well as the VS has more skilled players to overcome the challenge.

    There isn't even a point in comparing Ravens to Vortexes or Fractures. It's off the charts. Laser guidance is not an inconvenience, it's a straight down buff in virtually all aspects.

    Wonderful, constructive post from a wonderful person. Take a break, you won't be missed.
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  11. Kronias

    Sometimes I wonder, I have a BR 5 VS and I killed ppl much easier than I do on my NC alt or my TR main. Maybe it's something about their guns?
  12. ronjahn

    They aren't balanced when compared to Vortex and Fractures, but I don't think they are some mega game breaking issue that some people like to claim.

    Fractures are crap and have been crap for a long time. TR never complains about them because they are probably to busy farming infantry with pounders.

    Vortex is underwhelming on its own, but not an overly terrible weapon like the fracture. Like essentially all other AV weapons they are most effective in a group.

    Ravens are just very accurate and do decent damage. While your not going to 1v1 a MBT, unless the MBT is caught in the middle of an open field with no cover(driver error), they are very effective with what they are designed to do(IMO thats a good thing).

    I'd prefer if they buffed fractures and vortex before giving the Raven another nerf. Maybe if the other two factions had something useful to play with they would stop calling for a nerf to something that does its intended job and imo isn't really all that overwhelming.
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  13. Shotgunslap

    TR don't complain about it because by this point we've had SO MANY nerfs to anything of ours worth using we're just used to it. Still got 500 Daybreak Cash on the Pounders getting hit hard just so we have no MAX AV.
  14. RykerStruvian

    Yes, my parents did beat me and I was sexually abused when I was younger. Hope you feel proud for bringing it up :\

    Also, for anyone reading the thread, here is the summary:
    Ravens are too OP, lower their damage, velocity speed, and turn-speed. Buff fracture damage and RoF. Lower charge timer on lancer and buff damage.

    Thats all this thread is. It's a big fat **** on the NC ********** even though raven was already nerfed twice. No information to be gleaned, nothing to discuss. Thats all this is. FYI, I don't own ravens on any of my NC characters because I don't like them. Falcons are just fine.
  15. Auzor

    Your values are bad, and you should feel bad!
    Check for "vortex".
    At charge level 3, a vortex deals +150% dmg to a sundy, +200% to a lightning, +190% to an mbt.
    The Raven deals +50%.

    So, Raven hits a sundy: 335*1.5=502.5. This then gets reduced by armor.
    Vortex charge 3 hits a sundy:let's say 250 dmg.

    Those values still get reduced by armor facing.
    The difference is bigger vs tanks.
  16. Dgross

    They aren't my values. I posted the source in the OP.

    So you're saying that armor resistances puts the Vortex on par or higher then the Raven, all things considered?
  17. FocusLight

    A dedicated anti-MAX weapon will not "balance" Ravens. Any TR and VS able to hit a NC MAX with Ravens can be matched by an NC player hitting any VS or TR MAX, ESPECIALLY TR MAX'es who have to A) linger in the open to fire off easy to see innacurate streams of shots, or lock-down in place to make it extra easy for NC anti-MAX Engies to nail them in the head. The NS Anti Materiel rifle will be the final death-blow to any hope of stopping NC or VS armor with TR MAX suits.

    It's already rare enough to see TR even try to do that, soon it will be borderline impossible to find anyone doing so in an organized manner.

    The only good thing about the coming changes will be the higher number of Raven MAX'es that die while farming any armor you throw at the NC. Maybe the tanks get to survive a little longer now.


    So let's ignore how you have apparently not seen Raven's used to nail Libs an Galaxies, something I see and experience all the time flying libs and gals over NC territories...

    But you WANT Fractures to be bad in order to deliberately make TR easier to deal with? TR having terrible AV options is a GOOD THING for you?
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  18. LodeTria

    Ideally, I'd bring Raven and vortexs down to the fractures level.
  19. Migs

    Maybe if we complain enough about ravens they'll get nerfed like the orion

    I also see people trying to make the argument that the pounders have a better KD/R than ravens so ravens aren't OP and that NC max doesnt get a mid-range weapon like blueshift/mercy's (Which I believe they should) its either shotgun or ravens
    Heres the thing
    Ravens arent good at killing infantry, they're devastatingly good at killing armor
    Pounders are more useful for killing infantry because they are grenade launchers with decent splash

    also its almost impossible to push a NC territory if they have nests on hills, Why?
    Ravens take out all armor coming close (Can even hit armor before they can see the maxes render)
    ~5 AA maxes can keep all aircraft at bay
    Most nests have multiple sundys so if you destroy one there'll be another on its way.
  20. Neo3602

    If you bought the Ravens and Vortexes down the the level of the Fractures then they would be useless.
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