[Suggestion] Remove Hossin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PurpleTape, May 30, 2015.

  1. Problem Officer

    Esamir though...
  2. PurpleTape

    Do you think Indar should have a revamp like Esamir and Amerish?
  3. Nurath

    I hadn't forgotten Esamir, but since I'm rarely spending any time there it's not too much an issue.
    I just wanted to point out why Hossin is better than Indar. :p
  4. Cheetoh

    Hossin = Love

    Please remove boring generic garbage map Indar.
  5. PurpleTape

    You guys are saying that Indar is generic because it has not been revamped like Esamir and Amerish
  6. Sevak

    For me Hossin is the best one, they'd better remove MAX units discount when it's locked or lower it to 25%
  7. PurpleTape

    I don't think MAXes will be a big problem when the Anti-Max rifle is on live
  8. Scr1nRusher

    Forumside has entered the Chaos Warp.
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  9. Kronias

    That may be, but as it stands the fact remains. Indar is garbage, I'm tired of it and I'm tired of it being the only place that gets any action.
  10. Cinnamon

    Those revamps were to rework them for lattice and lattice was implemented first on Indar. Mostly because the other two continents were barely played. I don't really see what an Indar revamp would set out to achieve. They want to rework it for something new like Conquest or they want to change it to deliberately sabotage it to force people to flee it like refugees and go to Hossin?
  11. PurpleTape

    Do you think incentives like extra xp given to people on lower pop continents would solve this problem?
  12. DorianOmega

    Hossin isnt that bad, if they'd just remove that annoying fog it would be phenomenally better, maybe night vision would actually work on Hossin.
  13. Pikachu

    Fights dont happen at the rivers. Stop calling esamir open just because of the rivers. Indar desert is the most open biome.
  14. PurpleTape

    What I would like to see is the weather effects
  15. Ryo313

    rain would drop the framerate to much i guess and think of the poor ESFs libs xP
    but it would be nice
  16. Armcross

    Well it's a swamp.
  17. Nregroepis

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  18. Kronias

    I mean srsly...you really want the ONE new thing we have removed, after waiting all that time for it to come out to begin with?? lol
  19. zaspacer

    I don't like, and don't play on Hossin.

    What I Play
    I play mostly solo ESF and solo Infantry (Infiltrator & HA). I don't like Hossin as a solo ESF pilot because the visual obstructions mean I can't spot enemy Air from a distance, so I fall prey to enemy Aces and Gank Squads much more. I don't like Hossin as Infantry because much of the terrain is too impassible and I don't like being walled in.

    Amerish Was Fixed
    Amerish *used* to have terrain that was too impassible by Infantry, but they changed the incline Infantry could climb at, and suddenly Amerish terrain was usable by most Infantry. That was also the point at which I no longer hated playing Infantry on Amerish.

    Why I Like Indar
    My favorite continent by far is Indar. For Air, the line-of-sight for Air-to-Air is very good, so I can spot and keep distance from enemy Aces and Gank Squads. Yet the terrain also provides many areas to break line-of-sight for Air vs. Ground. Also, the topography is varied which provides some nice variation. For Infantry, most the terrain is passable or there are easy to spot and access areas that allow access to the more impassable areas. I do feel that there are too many bottleneck bases on Indar, but I think this is more of a problem due to the Lattice, and that many of these bottlenecks could be reduced (even keeping the Lattice) by just softening the Attackers approach to some of them.

    I Log Off Typically Don't Play
    When Indar and Amerish are both Locked, I will switch Servers (I have a full set of Characters for each Faction on Connery and Emerald). If Indar and Amerish are both Locked on both Servers, I will usually just log off. If I am in an Alert on Indar and it locks Indar, I will usually log off.

    Lattice And Locking
    While I understand why the Continents are locked and the Lattice is in place (because 4 Continents is too much area for the current player populations to provide healthy battles; and non-Lattice just spreads out the player populations into tiny or 1-sided fights), I don't like that the game locks areas that players want to play in, and I hate it when it locks a Continent after a closely fought Alert, because that is exaclty when that Continent is primed for the best gameplay.

    Suggested Change To Alert Locking
    In any Alert where the Alert is won by 3% or less, I think it should Award the XP to the Winner, unlock a Continent, and then kick off a Second Round of the Alert on the same Continent. Why? Because that Continent is fully primed with lots of players and good battles, so it would be great to keep it going. You can make the 2nd Round 30-45 minutes.

    It's silly for the overall health of the game to keep locking the Continents that people want to be playing on, if it just makes them not play. I can appreciate that Hossin is a neat alternative that some players like, but it drives off players under the Continent Locking system. Likewise, I think adding new Continents is a neat idea, but not if it further limits player access to Continents they want to play on.

    Suggest Vote For Unlock Rotation + Unlockable
    Active Players should at least be able to vote on what Continents they want Unlocked next. With any Continent not being Unlocked within the normal 1-cycle, being auto-Unlocked along with the current voted favorite. In addition, Active Players should be able to vote for 1 Continent that remains Unlockable for as long as it is the most voted for this category.

    If you are just one of those players that doesn't care about the overall health of the game, and are happy to see it die trying to do what you want it to, then your interests do not reflect the rest of us.

    A lot of players have complained in detail about Esamir and Hossin. But there has been very little effort to change these Continents to be more enjoyable for those players. PS2 Designers seem more focused on making Continents that are true to their theme, than in making (or changing) Continents that are true to what more players want to be playing on. And this becomes a problem when players are no longer allowed to avoid these unwanted Continents because of Locking.

    Hossin is a blight to the current system (Low Population, Continent Locking, Lattice, etc.). It's existence makes the game less playable. A new system should be put in place that make Hossin not a problem. If not, Hossin will continue to be bad for the game.

    People are going to play the games they like and in the ways they like. PS2 Designers should clue into this and provide players the gameplay they want. This is Design 101 Basics. It's common to see a myopic core game get eclipsed by a mod (of knockoff) of that game, because the mod/knockoff delivers what the core game fails to. There is no excuse for a core game that has an ongoing Dev Support Team not to change to better provide for what players enjoy and play more.

    It is totally unrealistic to expect the playerbase to upgrade their PCs to make parts of this game playable for them. PS2 Devs have to make a game that fits the demographic they want. If they want to make a game for high end PCs, then they are going to be making a niche game that has very few users.

    Why would you want to remove a Continent that people like playing on? If you are just one of those players that doesn't care about the overall health of the game, and are happy to see it die trying to do what you want it to, then your interests do not reflect the rest of us.

    Everything else is ignored because more people don't like them.

    This is a perfect example of something that many players have complained about on Hossin for a long time. And nobody has said they like this on Hossin. The Devs should absolutely change this about Hossin to make it more playable... but they don't.

    Why would the PS2 Devs keep something in their game that players hate? Typical SOE/DBG.

    Yes 100%.

    Let the players decide where they can play. It's bad enough trying to deal with finding enough players online or balanced population battles, but it's even worse that you can't even fight on the Continent(s) most players prefer because it's Locked.
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  20. ChUnKiFieR

    Why don't you go outside and play hide and go **** yourself! Remove Hossin? Are you daft? If you don't like Hossin just don't go there but don't deny others their rights you fascist!