This game is horrible for new people.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icywench, May 8, 2015.

  1. PostalDude

    No. I've come to expect an estrogen-fueled hugbox continuously turning into a kindness-****** competition.
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  2. PostalDude

    You want Heavy Assault nerfed and Liberators to be buffed ?

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  3. Anonynonymous

    It's obvious that OP didn't want help from anyone, he just wanted to vent some cynical comments and then leave. People then reacted accordingly. So be it.

    My experience has always been that people are generally pretty friendly toward new players in Planetside 2, just not one with such negative attitude.
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  4. Money

    One thing to keep in mind while responding to the OP is what kind of rig he's playing on and how good is his connection. I've seen videos of several players here with similar frustrations only to learn that they are trying to play this game on their mom's laptop. The game functions like a slideshow!!

    I wouldn't be too critical of new player's aim unless I knew that he was playing on a level field. This game is frustrating for all new people even with beefy rigs and 30 ping times. Imagine starting out new with no skill and playing on a toaster.
  5. Goldmonk

    Though my question is why even post? Also, post this same kind of opinion/rant on any other gaming community and I guarantee you'll get the same response.
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  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    usually i have sympathy for new people who really struggle in this game.

    but i hate little brats who just spit out lies like these:
    boy you couldnt be more wrong! maybe you should ask for help instead of making this "cya losers ur game sucks" thread. it just makes you look like a complete ignorant
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  7. Revel

    Just for TR
    Rams. 50M > SR 7 > Any other sniper rifle > SV-99
    MSW-R > Carv
    Any MAX weapon > Heavy cycler
    AP > HEAT

    There's quite a few cases where there is vertical progression in this game depending on faction. I'll ignore the bit about giving low BRs some extra certs because you clearly don't care about getting people to stick around.
  8. Kirppu1

    Goodbye then, go on
  9. TheDarSin

    The ones I have experience with I can disagree with. I heavily disagree with your snipers list. Snipers are pretty much all equivalent in terms of quality. I've auraxiumed all of them and I have to admit, there's no discernible differences in quality in all of them, besides the Trap-M1 of course but that's not a starter sniper now is it. The 99SV is a really good sniper rifle and if you really don't want semi auto then you can pick up the M77B for super cheap. Don't believe me? Check out my stats. My poorest is the Rams 50M. Of course the reason that was, was because it was my first sniper rifle. Looking back now I wish I started with the 99SV. That rifle really helps you get used to snipers and helps you practice your aim by being forgiving.
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  10. Ballto21

    someone plays too much heavy assault.
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  11. Ballto21

    good god its true

    TFW i have a higher KPM with a ******* BEAMER with all my AFK stalker nonsense.

    Seriously if i uploaded some raw game footage its be like an hour and a half of me being afk
  12. Ballto21

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  13. Rogueghost

    I play LA slightly more, around 29,000 kills using LA compared to about 25,000 playing HA, main difference is that I use a very wide array of weapons on LA, but mostly stick to the same 1-2 guns on HA.

    But you're right I do play a lot of HA, because I play this game to shoot people in the face, and I'll pick whichever class is best suited for shooting people in the face for whatever situation I'm in, which is almost always either LA or HA.
  14. Goldmonk

    I actually am the exact opposite. My best rifle is the RAMS .50 and my least favorite is the 99SV
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    Have you ever seen your child enter the world?

    Look like life is hard for new people as well lol.
  16. Czarinov

    If we take things outta context, everyone will be right.
  17. Revel

    I have over 5k kills with the Rams 50m so I'm going to call you on this. There is a noticeable difference between the Rams 700 damage and 650m/s and the M77-Bs 650 damage and 550m/s when you are fighting at range. The 99SV is a terrible starter. Vandal is much preferable for its intended purpose.
  18. orangejedi829

    To everyone saying, "His post was negative in tone, so we're justified in being completely toxic" - not only is that a pretty childish argument, but how can you be so confident that he wanted nothing more than to post a rageful comment here, then leave forever?
    The funny thing about text is that it can be easy to misinterpret tone and meaning. Especially on the internet, people like to read everything as if it's a personal attack on them and their mother.
    When I read the OP, it honestly did not seem like an angry, spite-filled rage-post. If you think it did, you have not seen 'angry and spite-filled'. Theres a difference between that and a frustrated post. I felt the same way as the OP back when I started the game. The difference was, I was so turned off by the game that I simply deleted it and didn't bother to post on the forums, because I didn't care. The OP took the time to make a forum account and posted the reasons why he was unhappy with the game, where he could have easily just said, "Your game sux you should all go die". How can you be so certain he didn't want to like the game and was hoping for the possibility that the community might be friendly and help him? But dang, after this thread, I'll bet he's long gone. And I wouldn't blame him.

    Yeah nope. Those two points are simple statements that require no context. Feel free to refute them if you'd like, though.

    Wait.. which internet have you been using?!
    Here I am having been stuck with the cesspit one all this time... 0_o
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  19. FocusLight

    Fun story, when new players come to these forums and ask for advice/help/tips/warm **** in a constructive manner, they get all that in a constructive manner and everyone is happy. When a new player rage-quits and vomits his whiny spiel on these boards I will explain what his issue is, and if he's bad enough - and he was, by a wide margin - the explenation won't be nice.

    You can't sugar-coat what ultimately boils down to "You suck. Badly. You suck so badly you can transport a golf-ball through a garden-hose."

    The OP left a horrible post and got a cold response in return. Deal with it.
  20. Turkeys!

    I think that with the cert rewards planned for May and Koltyr that the new player experience is going to improve drastically, once that stuff all comes to live that is. People have been arguing that new players get shafted in this game since it was released. The scale is such that it's always going to be rough starting out since you're unfamiliar with the mechanics like how the guns feel and where each faction is most effective. The scale is much bigger than typical FPS too. I can't see how anything beyond Koltyr/Free Certs and what is already in place is going to improve their experience. After all, too much coddling could be detrimental in helping them get adjusted.