LMGs for TR suck

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krokolop, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. vanu123

  2. pnkdth

    Anchor scores higher than the Orion.
    CARV is more accurate than the SVA-88(the 0.75x movement mod accucary nerf hit the SVA hard). Better list it as god tier as well...
    The reason the SAW is so rewarding for good players is due to its insane DPM(20,000 per mag). An experienced player will not die often due to reloads.
    NC also got the EM6, GD-22S, and SAW S. All solid to really good LMGs.
    TRs 652RPM LMGs are more accurate than the NC/VS counterpart(especially the T32 Bull which is the single most accurate LMG in the game, with a bullet velocity of 670m/s).
    MSW-R, yeah. That one is kinda meh. I prefer the CARV.

    So yeah, I dunno what to say except I think you've got infected by faction bias. One thing I've learned when I started playing all factions is a lot of the percieved faction imbalances were all in my head. It is all about learning each factions traits(recoil pattern, when to go full auto and when not to, burst control, and so on so forth).

    Indeed, sometimes you have to accept that some weapons just won't agree with you. On the other side of the coin, you may just find there are weapons a lot players will tell you are bad which may suit you perfectly. My point is, be wary of /yell and forumside because they might pollute your mind.
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  3. GoyoElGringo

    That sucks, but I still want it so people see "God Saw" when they die to me :p
  4. NC supporter

    Nope, as a player with a TR alt, I find that the Rhino destroys everything. The MSW-R and the Carv are also extremely effective, so pretty much the scenario here is L2P.
  5. Klondor

    Yeah, long time no see, i've been working 55 hours a week for amazon, gotta love that holiday order rush... Anyway

    I wouldnt call it a "Terran Orion" per say, but more similar to the MSW-R, hell I would name it the T32 Predator if that were the case. The current description of the T32 is kind of a lie:
    "Developed for a mix of close quarters combat and point defense, the T32 Bull features both balanced recoil and high maneuverability." The "high maneuverability" part just doesnt exist because we still have the .5 ADS movement speed making it a very awkward point defense weapon.
    I honestly would change the stats around to look like this:

    Current Version:
    RoF: 652rpm
    Damage: 143 @ 10m
    125 @ 65m
    ADS Movement Speed Multiplier: 0.5x

    Proposed Update:
    RoF: 698rpm
    Damage: 143 @10m
    125@ 65m
    ADS Movement Multiplier: 0.75x

    I think it would fit it's description, yeah?
    Not quite a bullet hose, but not quite an SMG. It would be rather similar to fighting with a Jaguar or something close. I also believe NC should get a .75ADS LMG, maybe the EM6 or the LA1 Anchor. Your thoughts?

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  6. Xasapis

    After thousands of hours playing the game, I've come to the realisation (yea, I'm really slow) that you can play the game the way it is and be happy with it or, you can play the game the way you want it to be and never be happy with the way it is. This is the reason all those "I became MLG Pro and unhappy with the game" boil down to. That, and fatigue from excessive gaming.
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  7. Tommyp2006

    So closer to a Terran SVA 88?
  8. patrykK1028

    OK, now go make "Orion OP because 0.75 ADS" thread.
  9. Shatteredstar

    I personally really like the CARV once I managed to get attachments on it, out of the box it pissed me off.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    I agree that TR LMG are lacking...

    The Carv reload is way to long, I cannot use it as I reload all the time, I mean if shoot 2 bullets I reload..
    The Rhino is a knock off EM1, while it has 0.035 less vertical recoil than EM1, it is still an EM1..
    The TMG-50 is a knock off of the EM6, but it is worse.
    The MSW-R wants to be an Orion, but is is worse.
    The Bull is a knock off of the NS-15M, but worse.

    The NS-15m is my default LMG on my TR. Quick reloads, good accuracy, low recoil, and .75 movement speed.

    Of the 3 factions I think that NC has the best selection of infantry weapons in the game.
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  11. Milspec

    OT: Or designing for accessibility, both in terms of the computers it could run on and newbie friendliness.
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  12. Saool

    Admittedly I play TR the least of all, and when I do I mostly play medic as the TR ARs seem to have built in aim bots...

    But, the Carv is a great LMG. My understanding is that it is very very similar to the Orion. However the first shot recoil is noticeably smaller. In fact I never gave first shot recoil any thought until watching Matti's videos about rapid burst fire. Try that with an Orion and you will be shooting the sky. But with the Carv it is easy making the Carv seem far more accurate than the Orion.

    I'd trade you the .75 ADS for your lower first shot recoil at the drop of a hat.

    P.S. Klondor, your sig character needs a hair cut. You're in the TR. Clippers or execution. Take your pick :p
  13. pnkdth

    That would turn it into a buffed pre-nerfed SVA-88 with SPA.

    Not sure that's the best way to go about it.
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  14. ElectricSheepDream

    That weapon would be superior to the SVA-88 by quite a distance.
  15. miraculousmouse

    The difference is that WOW is a direct competitor to EQ2 (pretty much same type of game). The only similarites PS2 has to this game is that there are guns and its in the future. Nothing else. I guess COD : AW is a PS2 killer as well because you know.. Activision-Blizzard.

    Sure, the bases are pretty much copy paste on Indar, besides Quartz Ridge and Stronghold and such. On Esamir/Amerish there is a bigger variance, and it's pretty much a world of difference on Hossin. The surrounding region matters as well, all of the vehicle ****ters need their space clear of enemy AP tanks and tank mines so they can safely fire their cheese at the defenders. For example in Tower bases, there's the initial push to the buildings, then you'll capture the outlying points and finally you have pretty much "won" if you take the point in the tower, which means you have pretty much suppressed the defenders and make them resort to spawncamping.

    Honestly in corridors or other cqc stages good players will most likely be bringing their Anchors, Orions, or MSW-Rs. They might also bring their carvs or EM6s. On the last two it's not because of the mag size, but it's because of the ROF. You'll even have NC heavies bringing their Cyclones, just because of the damage output. Magazine size doesn't matter so much, LMGs are NOT op. Damage output is what matters, and the LMGs (and SMG) I mentioned are the closest in damage output to Assault Rifles.
  16. Shanther

    Of course it does, the Orion is starting weapon. Without correct filtering the Anchor will always be higher.
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  17. Goretzu

    The Anchor situation is just plain complex.

    Although technically its competitors are the Orion and MSW-R, it actually performs in many ways more like the SVA-88 both in terms of use and indeed statistics (that is the Anchor is very much a great mid-range ADS mobile LMG, and although good at close range, not that good, and really it is not a great hip-fire weapon anymore at anything over ranges where you might hip-fire an EM6 anyway).

    So it is almost like a CQB slanted SVA-88 or something, it is IMO easily the best LMG the NC have now.
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  18. AlterEgo

    Call me crazy, but give it HIGHER RoF. Is that not what Terran weaponry is about? Of course, the Bull isn't supposed to be a massive bullet firing beast, but why not totally change it to be so? I'd find it hilarious, and maybe, just maybe, they'll change the model after TWO YEARS of this accursed Auraxian war; it still looks like the Rhino.

    P.S. Give the 0.75x to a weapon NC despise so very much, the EM1. It does not at all fit NC traits, but hey, they could call it their new CQC gun. Just buff damage to 155 (doesn't affect shots to kill, but does provide a small boost in larger fights).

    P.P.S. I actually had an idea yesterday that I think you might like. Terran weapons are supposed to be about magazines and fire rates, right? Well, what goes better with these two than a smaller cone of fire? That way, the NC is the shot gun faction, the VS is... I don't really know what faction, and the TR is the spray and pray faction! You like?
  19. Kirthalion

    The T16 is quickly becoming my favorite, I finally feel I am playing the traditional role of laying down cover fire. Not just spraying bullets in the enemy's general direction, but accurate fire that either puts them down or forces them to re-position to avoid my bursts. Laying down fire until the enemy position is compromised and they are forced to fall back has been satisfying the last few days.

    My killboard from last night to prove my point!


    The TR LMGs don't suck, trying to use them like they are not an LMG tends to suck.
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  20. p10k56

    Ever saw Polaris its like Rhino/Bull ++