So Where's That Raven Nerf SOE?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by NoctD, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. NoctD

    I don't see it on PTS yet, and its far overdue.

    Or are you going to play favorites with faction balance and just nerf the TR and VS while constantly pandering to the NC?
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  2. WarmasterRaptor

    They can't nerf NC too much with the amount of bads in it :p

    Friendly poke NCs ;) Keep on freedomin'!
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  3. Gemenai

    I would rather let them burn in plasma.
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  4. CNR4806

    I read it somewhere that Higby promised to nerf infantry AV and vehicle AI.

    So far all that's been nerfed are tank cannons, PPA and Banshee. See a pattern here?
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  5. BarxBaron


    Fracs are bad since forever and strikers got a "buff". It's just that they are only nerfing TR Infantry based AV.
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  6. m3talc0re

    Ravens needed a damn nerf more than Banshees did...
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  7. BarxBaron

    The funny part is how huge the banshee nerf is.

    The needler is the new AI nosegun for TR....might as well with this banshee nerf.

    Meanwhile no nerf on ravens as promised. Why am I not surprised?

    Meanwhile LPPA farmers don't need to aim and AH users pwn air and infantry with glee.

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  8. AgentRed

    they should have nerf it in the PPA nerf since it is the light PPA.
  9. Foxirus

    Higby stated that a Raven balancing was being looked into, But the devs had not yet figured out how to go about balancing it. Give them time.
  10. m3talc0re

    Here's a thought. How about limiting the range Ravens can go? Make them die after so far like the NC camera rocket. /balanced.
    This in itself would be enough to make them balanced. So long as their range/flight time is reasonably limited.
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  11. ZZYZX

    It takes 20+ Raven rockets to blow up a non-shielded Sundy, attacking the sides and rear.

    I play MAX often, and I'm about to have my Ravens Auaraxed.

    Back in the pre-whiner PS1 days, players understood that each faction had something that worked well, maybe even a few things that gave them ADVANTAGES in certain situations compared to another faction - and they didn't cry about it anywhere NEAR as much as today.

    Our AI MAX is absolute garbage unless you're close enough for us smell your sweaty that gives us a major DISADVANTAGE in any combat situation that isn't in a small room.

    Meanwhile, I die from the splash damage of indirect plasma hits all the damn time...but I don't cry about it, because that's one of the things that's unique to your faction. I try to adapt my style of gameplay, and find a way around it.

    How about you try to do the same thing, instead of crying to the devs to change the game to suit YOU?

    I'm a car guy. There are cars that I've driven that I'm not too fond of. But I don't write letters to the factory complaining that they should tailor-make the car for ME. I just buy a different car.
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  12. BobSanders123

    Just change the sound and I think we have a deal.
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  13. Pointyguide2

    THIS is spot on. Ravens are fine the way they are. Its our one strong. Without it the NC max is Useless
  14. EnsignPistol

    A small amount of imprecision regarding the rockets' cone of fire when following your crosshairs over distance would be fine. As a regular user of Ravens the one thing I about them I consider a bit humorously unfair is their ability to pick off infantry at long distance. Having the rockets spread out a little bit from each other the further they travel would prevent that, while still being able to adequately hit larger targets such as the vehicles they're intended to be used on.

    Though that they have better vehicle DPS than Falcons does make me wonder a bit about the damage sometimes, since even against stationary targets like deployed Sunderers the Ravens are going to do the job faster. Perhaps that says more about the Falcons not doing enough damage than the Ravens doing too much, though.
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  15. Problem Officer

    Rockets being deleted mid-flight makes no sense even if it was explained somewhere, it's not a good option for anything at all.
    These things should simply lose their trajectory to gravity, as well as some yield accounted for by loss of propulsion fuel etc.

    What also doesn't make any sense yet is implemented is rockets stacking on top of each other as they fly.
    As EnsignPistol describes they should stay apart so "they don't intercept each other" and hitting infantry with both rockets at once at any range is unlikely.
    However that doesn't prevent anyone from simply alternating fire instead of using both arms simultaneously, so just offset the trajectories relevant to each arm.
    It should be very difficult to direct hit 2 rockets on infantry in less than one arm's RoF.

  16. Turiel =RL=

    People don't see that everything comes as a complete package. Since NC has by far the weakest MBT, something has to be the Equalizer. That may very well be the Raven, even though one Raven alone does next to zero damage. Bunched up in groups it becomes effective, but that's the case with pretty much every anti-xxxx weapon system.

    Personally I never used a Raven in the past and only tried it out recently after I read that everyone is complaining about it. For my personal taste it is still a complete waste of time, because you either kill nothing or something like 1 vehicle every 4-5 minutes in mass battles (where too many other people have the chance to get the last shot in) and I'll do much better with my AI-MAX.

    In PS1 the strategical disadvantage of NC was the Phoenix, because people loved to long-distance-camp with it which eventually stopped all progress. Nobody was trying to get into the courtyard of bases because everyone was sitting on a hill shooting with the Phoenix, basically accomplishing nothing while doing so. If the Raven actually gets nerfed, it may very well change the NC behavior from pointlessly camping stuff from distance that will respawn instantly anyways into taken more aggressive action on the ground. So go ahead and nerf it.

    In any case, which next comes after that one? The Pounder is due isn't it?
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  17. LuminousBlades

    That is hilarious. The vanguard is not the weakest MBT. It has the lowest learning curve of any tank. It has a 6 second shield that lets it put two shots into the enemy without taking damage. It has the highest tank gun velocities in the game. It is the best tank for upfront battles. With racer equipped, it is fast enough to chase down any magrider and prowler. The vanguard is extremely powerful when you use its strengths.

    Moving on, the ravens are just extremely powerful at distance. You can compensate for enemy movement after you have fired weapon. On the other hand, Vanu and TR AV MAX weaponry requires you to compensate for enemy movement before you fire the weapon. Basically, the ravens can adjust to movement in real time. TR and Vanu weapons require you to predict enemy movement. This gives NC ravens a huge advantage because they don't require you to predict movement. That is why people are calling for a nerf. A rapid fire weapon that you can guide behind cover and over hills in real time is just way too powerful. Say what you will but the ability to move a projectile after you fired it is an enormous advantage.
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  18. Atis

    Almost auraxed ravens and still dont know that sundy has same armor at front and sides, and same at rear or more with blockade?

    Back in PS1 days players knew that shotgun IS advantage for max, since max is CQC tank and shotguns are best CQC weapons, because players were not that dumb to run maxes everywhere.

    I'm not sure how much of loser player should be to die from plasma splash all the time, when this splash works well only on 2 unique LOW-dps guns in game: lasher and Light-PPA, and both were weakest guns in their categories. maybe still are, we'll see how banshee works after pilots adjust.
    No wonder you dont cry about that lackluster junk.

    If we cry about buffs for every underperforming gun, we would just get powercreep in no time and every gun would have 0.01s TTK, so we cry nerf instead.

    If you want unique strengths for all faction, give us back strong proton PPA, year-old ZOE and magrider's mobility from release day, then you can keep your ravens, old iwin shield and whatever. It's easy to not cry nerfs when your faction was openly favored by Higby for a long time.
  19. moriarrr-ceres

    the only nerf i want is a sound nerf :)
    But since it's not a NC trait they could just nerf it's rate of fire (that make sense to me)
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  20. MrNature72

    Or we could increase the range of other guns to decent amounts.

    Why not just rebalance everything, hmm? Bring every gun up to a new standard and call a clean slate.
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