[Suggestion] Remove AP rounds ability to OHK infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Fleech

    i think i know how to solve this dilema!

    all infantry units can deploy a "friendship bubble". the bubble is a small pink dome that cannot receive damage and does not allow the user to fire out of one.

    exp. can be received by joining your bubble with other factions players bubbles.

    the more players combine friendship bubbles the more EXP is earned.

    there is no limit as to how many players could join their bubbles.

    eventually every infantry unit in the server would be completely sheltered from any perceivable threat in one large pink mass of safety and comfort.
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  2. that_darn_lurker

    No vehicle weapon should one hit kill any infantry. And also nerf XP for vehicles killing infantry. At the same time, infantry damage against vehicles should also be nerfed. The game mechanics should encourage vehicles hunting sunderers, and discourage vehicles farming infantry. The meta should be about sunderer placement and protection.
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  3. Paragon Exile


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  4. Flag

    Sounds like something that's made to bug out and cause immortality even when not immersed in the pinkness.
  5. Juunro

    Oh hai Fleech. You are one of my most favorite guys to hunt; <3 tank duels with you.

    I agree entirely on the friendship bubble idea; I also think that only knives should be able to one hit kill because using a knife in CoD means you are hardcore l33t.
  6. WTSherman

    Clearly we should just turn all damage off. Nobody likes dying, right? :D
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  7. Hatesphere

    your joking right? we are attempting to maintain combined arms here not turn planet side into sets of mini games.
  8. xboxerdude

    "The views expressed in the above post are not necessarily my actual views."

    Am I the only one who reads around here?
  9. Hatesphere

    someone can frame an argument they do not agree with to encourage discussion, its pretty common, isn't that what public forums are for?
  10. xboxerdude

    posting views that are not your own, to create drama is trolling IMO
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  11. FieldMarshall

    I got to page 2 and i can see where this is going.
    You cant balance PS2(FPS) around SC2(RTS). Well, you can but it wouldnt be fun for anyone
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  12. ColonelChingles

    Not only that... but the SC analogy was flawed.

    One siege tank can easily defeat one zergling. But many zerglings can take down one siege tank in a cost effective way.

    Just like how in PS2...

    One MBT can easily defeat one infantry. But many infantry can take down one MBT in a cost effective way.

    Well except for OHK C4, that just lets one infantry blow up one MBT... NERF C4! :p
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  13. Astriania

    This whole thread is a masterclass in trolling right? No-one actually wants to make it so taking a tank shell to the chest doesn't kill you, surely?

    This suggestion is totally ridiculous and presumably comes from an infantrysider who'd just rather there were no vehicles at all. You already got HE and HEAT nerfed when they shouldn't have been, stay away from AP.
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  14. t31os

    Nope. If you're gonna stand still long enough to take a single tank shell in the face, you deserve to die for it, those shots have to be direct hits and the shooter should be rewarded for landing the shot.
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  15. Xeilin

    you know that a .308 round can easily blow off someones leg irl?

    Now imagine what a 150mm shell would do. Infantryside should be thankful that they don't die from the AP shells even passing close to them.

    If you nerf mah AP cannon I'll have to get devil horn cosmetics and a mouth so I can just ROADKILL the infantry. Surely you have no problems with a massive tank running you over right?

    Also as to these magical pink bubbles. Can I get one for my galaxy? Also I want it to bounce like the drop pod bug picking up any masses of pink bubbles it hits.
  16. KnightCole

    Vote no to Proposition ********
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  17. uhlan

    Ok, stop comparing tech from the 21st century governed by Newtonian physics with stuff in a game based in the 30th century (or so) around something called "nanites".

    Just stop it... forever.

    The reason a tank gun in PS2 can kill infantry has NOTHING to do with reality, so far in the future maybe it's possible to take a tank round to the chest and shrug it off... WHO KNOWS!

    PS2 has a wacky non-futuristic, future tech theme (shotguns!?).

    Still, in order to suspend disbelief, tank guns can OHK infantry in PS2 and if you take this away from players who mainly drive vehicles they'll find another game to play.

    SOE doesn't want this so they have to walk a difficult balancing act.

    The anti-vehicle whines wouldn't be so bad if vehicles weren't so freaking common, outnumbering infantry at bases quite often.

    With bases every few meters, the ability to do anything at any time, a serious weapon system scaling issue, coupled with a resource glut and nothing to do but spam in zerg-sieges, well, what do you expect?
  18. Bankrotas

    I'd be fine with C4 nerf, if LA's would get a rocket launcher
  19. ColonelChingles

    Then how about I just strap whatever body armor infantry wears to my tank so that I too can be AP-proof.

    Or how about because I'm a tank and I can carry many times the weight that infantry can carry, I strap TWO pieces of infantry body armor to my tank, making me twice as durable.

    Heck I bet I could probably get many layers of infantry armor on my tank. It is after all light enough for infantry to carry.

    Thus tanks should be completely immune to all AP and AT weapons.
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  20. RykerStruvian


    g8 b8 m8
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