[Suggestion] Tank Buster Cannon. Are you kidding me?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pokushocus, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Dracorean

    Ball shots weren't heavy, they had no aerodynamics to it given it was just a small lead ball, no projectile spin, or predictable trajectory. So you pretty much get a round that can fly anywhere and doesn't travel very far.
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  2. Alarox

    Ahh, I see. I'm not sure why that didn't occur to me.
  3. Zotamedu

    When it's basically the only gun that everyone uses, then you know something is wrong with it. It's an order of magnitude better than the alternatives. There are no side grades for the front gun in the liberator.
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  4. Zotamedu

    Actually, you still had spin. It's almost impossible to shoot a sphere from a pipe and not give it some kind of spin. The problem is that the spin is unpredictable and a spinning sphere in flight will curve. It's called the Magnus effect. Most ball based sports rely on it to curve balls. But if the rotational axis is the same as the direction of travel, you get no net force from the rotation but instead, you get a very stable system. That's why modern bullets are so accurate. They still spin but in the right way. Old round bullets would actually curve away in unpredictable directions when you fired. Anybody who has tried paintball knows this.
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  5. Diilicious

    this thread reeks of "it killed me so its OP"..

  6. BR100NC

    TB is fine, buff fire rate of Vektor by 50 and vektor can be AA gun, give explosive rounds Spur for AI.
    TB=tank killer
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  7. Pootisman

    Then it was a noob pilot. You can take out a Vanguard with 1 clip (= 1 attack). Add the constant lag to it and it looks like a 1 hit kill for the tanker.

    Lib pilots with TB and vehicle stealth are a plague for tankers.
  8. Xasapis

    Well, they are not a big enough plague to be statistically significant ;)

    In fact, vehicle suicide is a higher risk than Liberator deaths.
  9. Diilicious

    indeed, they are quite rare really..

    also if the tank has stealth too its very unlikely that you will become the libby crews meal since they will go for that tank over there which they can see on the map from 1000 miles away.
  10. zaspacer

    As an ESF pilot, I fear the Dalton (one-hit-kill on ESF) and the Lib sound (which was unnerfed and once again is extremely quiet and easy to one-hit-kill ram ESFs). The Lib is just a Frankenstein of OP prone abilities. And it tends to cycle between monster OP and sad UP.
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  11. Dracorean

    Point is though, the TB projectiles just seem to have no power (Well they do, but visually they don't.) to them and just curve down, makes no sense when its suppose to be an anti-tank weapon. The projectiles don't explode, and the velocity is so low, I find it pretty hard to use actually, and only manage to get it to work in those rare moments when an enemy doesn't pay attention.
  12. Axehilt

    You realize being flavor of the month has absolutely nothing to do with exclusivity, right?
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  13. ChampagneDragon

    If skyguards are to be a DETERRENT.. why aren't libs afraid of me when I'm in one? Last night I was with another experienced skyguard and a lib with tankbuster took us BOTH out before we could deter him. This is NOT a random thing, it happens way too often.

    Two skyguards can't deter a tankbusting lib. If you are lucky enough to evade (forget trying to fight it) there is a good chance one of them bailed with c4.
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  14. Champagon

    The biggest problem people have with it (Myself included) is that you can't defend yourself or shoot back at the lib that is 2 feet in front of you. Why you ask? Simply because the magrider can't aim that high, so now you have a tank buster lib trolling you into the ground and you can't fight back. Your only option is to run.

    It is more of a frustration that OP, Wouldn't say the tank buster needs to be nerfed but tanks NEED a way to defend themselves against it. Currently it is a hard counter to tanks. It is also a bomber that does not need to go to bombing altitude to take out tanks/infantry. Which is well.....ridiculous

    To add insult to injury the sound of the Lib glitches more often than not, so now you have a Lib that plays NO sound and sneaks up to you. A deadly combination.
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  15. Xasapis

    Tanks got a way to defend against it, it's called Walker. Thing is, Liberators are not a primary cause of MBT deaths, thus people don't equip them.
  16. Champagon

    Walker is useless, ESPECIALLY against a lib 2 feet away from you. By the time you realize a lib is on you, you are usually dead before or after the first reload. Trust me I tried.....numerous times, just ended up with my gunner and I embarrassing ourselves
  17. Axehilt

    It's true the visuals don't exactly sync up with their armor-killing trait, but the very slow projectile speed is more to help balance them as a weapon.

    I guess I can't say for sure that TB is a balanced weapon, but it feels like about the right balance. The other two lib noseguns mostly just feel underpowered relative to what they should be.

    Personally I still think the biggest Liberator balance concern is exactly what it was before the last liberator nerfs: top speed. While Racer+Afterburner is a bad choice for solo libbing, it's one of the best choices for 2/3 and 3/3 liberators and lets you just run right up on top of an ESF to give your gunners easy shots. General liberator agility and speed needs to be looked at closely.
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  18. Xasapis

    Thing is, if you were stationary for so long that a Liberator lined up for a kill shot at almost touching range, he deserves the kill and you deserved a lesson in awareness ;)
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    the tank buster has to obliterate everything, It is crucial to the core balance of the game
  20. Shatters

    Thats BS, you cant even look up when inside a tank. If the lib has stealth and is a good player there is a good chance you wont be able to spot him before he gets in range.

    That being said, ESF's wreck liberators pretty hard, so it doesnt happen often that a lone lib can sneak up to you like that.
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