[Suggestion] Tank Buster Cannon. Are you kidding me?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pokushocus, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Jackplays17

    im gonna go buy the tank buster now.
  2. Dreadnaut

    I fear Prowlers more than anything else on the ground. They murder Libs.
  3. Brahma2

    Really? It's Titan-AP for me :(
  4. FateJH

    Your tank's rear armor always imposes a 30% damage reduction to whatever is hitting it. The Tank Buster has a 43% reduction against Vanguards (41% against Magriders and Prowlers). The default magazine is 30 and it does 334 damage before drop.
    ( 334 x 30 ) x ( 1 - 0.43 ) x ( 1 - 0.3 ) = 3997.98
    The Liberator, from the ideal persepctive of the tank operator, missed some shots and started shooting outside of the Buster's inner damage distance so the chances of actually hitting this ideal output is lowered. If all shots of the outer damage distance are used instead, the value becomes:
    ( 143 x 30 ) x ( 1 - 0.43 ) x ( 1 - 0.3 ) = 1711.71
    So, all shots landing on some point of approach, your CAS30 will deal somewhere between those two numbers in damage to the rear of a Vanguard. I'll assume even with some missed shots, the upper and lower output will average out a bit.
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    By being a victim to a TB makes your opinion biased as well ;). If tankers or any player lacks the situational awareness to look out for flanking aircraf they deserve that fast death. Based on the size of the fight many libs or ESF may not be able to do more then one pass, so to make any impact we rely on setting up our approach on unaware vehicles. If you have a beef with the lock down mechanic blame the devs, you don't nerf a weapon because people get tunnel vision when they are camping a spawn with a lock down prowler.
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