Game performance is worse than ever (Stutter, Hitching)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Gerbil, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Kirppu1

    But it supports multi-threading
  2. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Obviously you did give a "f" about my comment since i was the only one who said something about BF4:D
  3. Damz49

    " "Remove code". k "

    Yea, when you add code to files, when you delete it because you noticed it created instability, it's called "remove".

    And problem "fixed" on my side, added 2GB of RAM and everything is really better.

    Some little frame drops, but nothing like what happened 2 days ago after Tuesday patch.

    So, to show this horrible and useless thing that the Valkyrie is on our screens, we need 2 GB more of RAM.

    For the next new weapon they release, it's +1.5Ghz on our processors Get Ready !
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  4. Damz49

    Made a 2hrs session without any crashes.

    During 1h30 it was very playable (little frame drops and no freezes) but in the last 30mn horrible.

    5-10s freezes everytime someone was shoting in automatic with his LMG (especially Orion & NC6).
  5. Alan Kalane

    Cuz it's Godsaw... It has the power to freeze the time
  6. Damz49

    The problem is that it freeze NC's game, and my main is NC.
  7. Kirppu1

    While this is true i am quite confused about people overall complaining and comparing the game to bf4
  8. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Maybe because BF4 is the closest game compared to PS2...
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  9. yoericup

    Agreed the game , as it is now its unplayable , it looks like PS2 is about to die. SOE better fix it
  10. ShureShot

    Same here, game ran better at launch than it does after 20 months of 'improvements'. Hit detection was better in the bloody beta.

    I have to restart after an hour because my frames drop to around 22.

    Playing any shooter with ~20 fps is horrible. Playing a shooter with hundreds of people and friendly fire with ~20 fps is just absurd.

    I seem to remember a tweet from Smed that the performance was unacceptable, this was months ago. And then they go and make it even worse. Brilliant.

    But let's all get excited over new voicepacks!
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  11. Aaren

    To counteract this pesimistic if somewhat realistic view of things - I shall say that 2 hotfixes ago I stopped having hit detection issues. Of course it didn't stop my 32x client crashing every 40-60 minutes - and the last patch meant to address hit detection did make mine worse again.

    But at least the game as definite capability to be better! SOE just need to stop...changing....everything at once. :confused:

    Oh and we did actually get direct communication from the mighty dev team in the form of answering questions regarding framerate smoothing over here. So that's a reassuring step in the right direction.
  12. Kirppu1

    yeah, and its still a far way from PS2 however PS2 crahses on my system(Sometime crashes the whole system) like bf4 does/did
  13. DirArtillerySupport

  14. SynaptixBrainstorm

    I would really like to know if this games performance gets like it was before the 29th auagust ever again?
    I start to doubt that...there are just not enough people having issues apparently
  15. Kislany

    I actually stopped playing the last 2 weeks, as the game is unplayable. Ever since one of the August updates, no matter which server I go to (one of the 2 Europeans or Emerald), the same things. Hitching, lagging, cloak is no longer a cloak. I still have 7 months of membership, but unless something drastically changes to improve the performance., those months are basically free $ gifts to SOE.

    I'm having fun again with oldies like Deus Ex Human Revolution. Pity because it's a great game, but if I can't play it, it's a moot point, period.
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  16. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Not that anybody would matter about me but if SOE dont fix this with the big september update then im going to uninstall the game..sad that i will miss the cloaker pass since im always raging getting killed by them on low graphics..
  17. Gabriella

    Α game is supposed to be fun and entertaining.
    Every time i play ps2 the last 3 weeks i want to smash my monitor.
    Crappy framerate ,stuttering and these ****** freezes.
    You see a lot of enemies in a hill and you say"haha im gonna flank them"
    You go up there,nobody has see you.
    You are behind 10 enemies ready for an epic killstreak.
    You kill the first one AND THE ****** GAME FREEZES and you are dead of course.

    Thats it for me i suppose.Until they find a way to fix the game at least.
    And of course im not gonna spent any more money in it.
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  18. Yak9UT

    I am so close to uninstalling this game because of the level of hitching and freeze screens I'm having. I am sick to death with SOE, I can't understand how they can't optimize games properly and just seem to keep release patches that break game performance.
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  19. Dragam

    I find that the latest nvidia 344.11 driver fixes the stuttering issue, if you turn sli off... but with sli on, it stutters like a mofo.

    Unfortunately, no sli makes me unable to play at 4k with good framerates.
  20. SynaptixBrainstorm

    weird since the issue lies in SOE's current build of the game and the gamecode itself. they even said that we "the users" cant do anything on our

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    or read the whole thread if you like :D