Sunderer Deployment Shield - a bit over the top?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vajerys, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Lamat

    Except those 2 were not actually working together, had no plan or experience. It has already been explained in this thread that it is still possible for 1 player to take out one of these as infantry, it just isn't instantaneous like before.
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  2. lawn gnome

    even at the best rank i think the sundy still has to wait 6 seconds before it can recharge and even a decimator can out pace that.
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  3. Taemien

    I think its 7 seconds, and I think the shield begins regenerating asap and takes 7 seconds to fully charge. Haven't tested that though. I do know the shield is up to full after the time duration.
  4. Klypto

    Exactly. Pull a tank next time brah. Yolo-Solo Man ain't gonna ruin the fight unless he's got the firepower.

    6 seconds on full certs.
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  5. TheBlindFreak

    Unfortunately, there is precedence for that... -_-
  6. Atis

    Is empty vehicle considered group now? Its like losing ESF to unattended Skyguard and then reading "Skyguards were meant to chew ESFs, so its ok"
  7. EGuardian1

    I haven't really noticed too much of a difference. Most of my Sundy hunting involves me getting 2-3 people to coordinate and do a hard alpha strike of C4 and tank mines. Or flying a Harasser off the Crown and surprise buttsexing a sundy from above with the same.

    I haven't even really noticed too much of a difference when I'm in a Vanguard. I'll lob AP shells and the sundy still goes down.

    I haven't one-manned a sundy in awhile though, but that's what they wanted to prevent. So i guess in my own opinion and it is just my own, i think the shield is good :)
  8. Taemien

    The group spawns out of the Sunderer. Groups don't spawn out of Skyguards.
  9. Ronin Oni

    Uhm no.

    That would precisely remove the very thing it was introduced to protect from!

    Shield against rockets etc while spawning would be useless since it'd go down so quickly that in any real combat situation it'd never work anyways.

    You're effectively seuggesting to remove the biggest benefits for completely negligible and meaningless side benefit that'd be gone in the first 10 seconds of any assault on a sundy anyways.
  10. Sekone

    why Don't we just go ahead and give them 99% damage immunity, and infantry immunity to air, and then nerf air and then nerf rocket pod, and then nerf tank damage, and then nerf rocket pods, or whatever I don't care because it's the noobs that get to decide what "balance" we end up with.
    sorry but the shield is ridiculous and only confirm that the scrubbs will get anything they want because the game is to hard.
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  11. Ronin Oni


    Check your facts. Blockade is still the most durable sundy to sustained fire w/ repairers.
  12. Axehilt

    Stating the goal behind the design doesn't mean that goal isn't fundamentally overpowered. The fact that it does what each of the other armors used to do (protect against mine one-shots, protect against C4 one-shots) but also absorbs and regenerates that damage makes it pretty obviously overpowered, even if you ignore the fact that one player can pull a sunderer so it's balanced for one player to be able to destroy a sunderer.
  13. Ronin Oni

    Blockade does SOOOO much more than just protect against C4 suicide bombers.

    Mineguard is a lil lackluster to be honest, and was only ever used to protect against mine assaults really.

    Doesn't change the fact... that, and I can't believe I'm having to repeat myself yet again, Blockade Armor is still the far far far FAR more durable option.
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  14. Tuco

    Geez, any attempt for an infantry force (smaller than a zerg) to flank is gone as soon as1 Liberator shows up and instantly destroys the (shielded) Sunderer.

    Too bad we don't have the PS1 AMS. I mean DAAAAYUM.
  15. Crator

  16. Rift23

    Not really, a clump of a dozen Heavies is more threatening than 2-3 tanks.
  17. Tuco

  18. Kriegson

    It only does this when deployed. All the other armors are active 100% of the time, and the shield takes a moment to recharge anyhow. The armor also obviously is constantly on and remains on even under a sustained assault under any condition.

    The shield while the sunderer is moving or under assault from a couple of players or a vehicle is a sitting duck. Composite is far more effective protection against vehicles, deployed or moving. Mine guard is far more protection against mines while moving, but otherwise is a bit meh in general, clearly inferior to any other option.

    It's not OP because it is only effective under a single, very specific circumstance with major downsides. Sounds like the epitome of balance to me.
  19. Axehilt

    Blockade is still useful for battle sundies, and that's fine, but removing all choice from deployed sunderers is the problem.

    Earlier in the thread I described a more balanced set of sunderer defensive options where the regenerating shield is only part of the specialized defenses, and not the more generalized one.

    None of the little traits you're describing are wrong - for example a shield sundy is more vulnerable while moving - except that you seem to think they all add up to enough of a penalty to balance the massive benefits gained once deployed, and they don't.
  20. lawn gnome

    now you are skewing the math. a dozen heavies would actually translate to 6 to 12 tanks. and yes half a dozen to a dozen tanks is more scary than a dozen heavies. with my skyguard i am likely to kill at least a couple of those dozen heavies, not gonna happen if they are all bearing down on me in tanks.
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