New Spiker O.o

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Kunavi, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Kunavi

    Really guys? InstaGib if charged up at up to 10M if not more? That's on a non Infiltrator VR doll. I can do this while ADADing as well, there is no question as to how easy it is. I understand VR dolls aren't accurate replicas of soldiers and that the situations are far more ideal but this is more of a Pocket-Shottie than the ScatMag right now is and ever will be. I foresee too much Kill-Trading with this and too many situations where one may be InstaGibbed and never be able to see it coming no matter what; All it takes is a YOLO Infiltrator. Then again equipping this on an HA might even allow you a charge up during a direct confrontation. To top it off I think this weapon is too open to exploitation, the perfect cover up story for many suspicious OHKs and condensed Dmg hitting at once! Furthermore, PS2 is so random that somebody could pull off lucky 3xHeadShot from some absurd range(For a pistol).

    In my book this is typical SOE giving in to just so much QQ from the VS. I was all for enhancing the weapon's utility(UTILITY NOT DAMAGE) by giving it AOE and what have you, but a direct buff up?

    SOE, you best give the AMP 80 bullets in the mag now... :confused: Too many drinks during design phase or too many paying VS customers?

    Edit : Stuff I forgot to mention

    - It's very easy and very fast to follow up the charged shot with a single burst, making it even stronger.
    - Perched LAs will likely farm like crazy.
    - Ideal situations won't always arise for the ScatMag or the AMP either so please keep that in mind when comparing... In fact the current Spiker will probably be better in more situations than the ScatMag regardless of range.

    In any case, these are just my opinions and I'm tired and bored of VS getting super stuff constantly after a week of QQ, so I'll just leave this discussion take its course. I don't even...
  2. Prudentia

    i can prove that your whining is wrong with a single word
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  3. Plunutsud pls

    Yes SOE, shut up and take my money.
  4. LOBOX

    spiker is a sidearm not a main gun

    for 1 vs1 situation if i run out of ammo i would use the scatmag(i test it was super usefull) or the AMP(also very very usefull) ..but the spiker SUCKS FOR THIS AS SIDEARM
  5. gigastar

    Oh no, VS is about to get the best new sidearm in an update.

    Cant be having that. Must complain.
  6. AdmiralArcher

    lol...the scat mag is a 2 hit kill at close range....which


    just so happens to be the range that most people pull their pistols out to use
  7. WarmasterRaptor

    Well, looking at this so far, I guess it's time to pull out what Higby said about VS :p
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  8. gigastar

    It also happens to be the range at which shotguns are most effective.

    Fancy that.

    I havent used a VS pistol since the NS pistols were added. Nothing i see about the Spiker is going to make me change that.
  9. Plague Rat

    I'm a little surprised they didn't lengthen the charge time up from it's older 4 shot length now that it's firing 6 harder hitting rounds. Essentially it lets you put out the same number of rounds in roughly half the time as the primary burst. The charged burst is functionally the higher DPS option with the standard burst to finish off survivors that aren't worth waiting for another charge.

    It does have it's setbacks. The charge is just as loud as ever, people know when the pain train is comin' and it can't be charged while cloaked so infiltrators will have to drop cloak before the start revving the engine so to speak.

    For myself, I actually love the crap out this now and little jealous honestly, though to be fair I've been playing the Destiny beta the last two weeks and Fusion Guns FTW. But that's just an outside opinion.

    I have to wonder if the AMP or MagScatter will get any quality of life attention now that the Spiker can drop a target with a single burst.
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  10. drhead

    Try using it against actual live targets. You'll find that you rarely hit all 6 shots when both you and your target are moving around.

    I was also for remaking the weapon from the ground up by simply making it the PS1 Spiker, but the Spiker as it is right now is a decent enough weapon that I would have some reason to take it over the Cerberus or Crossbow that I normally use.
  11. drhead

    They did change the charge up time. It used to be 0.5 seconds, now it feels something like 1 second or more.
  12. Rigsta

    Sounds completely OP until you stop for a moment and think about what every other pistol can do in the ~0.75s it takes the spiker to charge up followed by the ~0.3s it takes to fire the burst. Shall I mention the AMP and Mag-scatter at this point?

    The charged burst is really powerful but it fires extremely slowly when not charged up. Right now it's at the stage where we need to see how it plays out in actual combat to tell, imo.
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  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    sorry why are you guys whining again? you only see the "OMG CHARGEUP BUFFED, VANU OP!!" and jump to conclusions

    do you even know that they nerfed the burstfire dps to uselessness? the Spiker is officially the sidearm with the lowest dps in the vanu arsenal right now and also the worst burstfire pistol in the entire game. stats speak for themselves:

    repeater dps = 1577
    amp dps = 1561
    desperado dps = 1500
    spiker dps = 1030

    this is like a bad joke. VS get shafted again because TR/NC cry so much "whaa whaa whaa, plasmaa too powaful, pleez nurf". thanks forumside, you're delightful:rolleyes: and try again with that bad trollthread
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  14. Deadreach

    The problem being, that it IS a sidearm, Everyone in test was trying to Stalker Cloak use it like a primary, and saying it didnt compare with ACTUAL primaries. GO FIGURE.
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  15. Elrobochanco

    Your post really spells out that you haven't actually tried the gun yourself against live targets. The charge burst is powerful, but you won't be landing it on anyone skirting the 10m range, or moving at all, and you can only walk while charged. The trigger delay on normal bursts means that if you don't land the first set on the head (again good luck with the time delay or on moving targets) you are very much going to die.

    It's a poor sidearm with a very powerful possibility.

    But feel free to prove me wrong and record some engagements with it. If you'd like we can pistol duel even, you take the spiker I'll take anything except a crossbow, your choice.
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  16. Elrobochanco

  17. Kunavi

    I have no sympathy for the crowds that cost me a Striker, Vulcan, Vulcan H, Marauder, Marauder H, Fractures and a much better MCG, along with a Burst Inquisitor and faster Anchor Mode velocity. There are probably other things. No sympathy at all, considering they've had ZOE and now PPA(Which will only lose some bullets). That's a direct answer to Prudentia and Giga.

    Rigsta, I agree but knowing SOE makes me desperate to actually have a look at it again BEFORE 2 Factions have to deal with a broken thing for 6 consecutive months, which every person with 0 Resources can pull on every single Class. I'm more than a bit worried and probably shell shocked.

    EldarFalcon my arguements have nothing to do with its Burst Fire capabilities, it's InstaGib per charge up(And even a quick Burst right after if need be- If you haven't got your Kill after that then I can't help you :p ). Read again.

    RoboChanco you don't need to land all the charged shots to the head, start at chest and let it climb and *IF* needed add 1 more burst. I've been doing this while ADAD and it works, read what I wrote. It's extremely fast and extremely lethal if you go in with a charge ready, having even the slightest awareness of what you'll encounter. Even going in blind this is much like a ShotGun at this point. I also admitted VR is not ideal but this is not looking good at all.

    To think I replied after I said I'd let it rest and after seeing how most of you people reacted... -.-'''
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  18. AdmiralArcher

    hold up.......DPS is damage per on earth can the repeater fire more than once per second? i contend it might be able to fire 1.5 times in 1 second....but it cant fire that many times.....the spiker fires all 6 bullets in probably 1 its the only gun on there with accurate DPS measurements, the spiker SHOULD be able to kill faster and at a greater range than the repeater, tho we would have to test that imperiacly, and can the amp even fire 15 bullets a second?
  19. cruczi

    Huh? Repeater = 845 RPM = 14.08 RPS. Desperado = 500 RPM = 8.33 RPS.
  20. AngryPlayer

    Stuff like this is why I keep it as my sig.
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