24 hours after the merge, what were your first impressions?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. NinjaTurtle



    Last night was incredible the numbers were amazing, there were huge fights on every continent. Amerish had a queue... a queue on Amerish...... and there was no alert :eek: Finally I was was able to fight on the best continent and have a decent fight :)

    This is how the game should be experienced, front lines and huge fights on every continent down nearly every lattice lane.

    Also for those that care about such things, populations looked amazingly well balanced. During the time I was playing the populations were almost always within a 1% of each other .......bye bye population bonus :(

    Last night was the first time in a long time that I have been logged in and had complete full enjoyment it was amazing.

    Performance seemed ok, had a ping slightly higher than usual for some time and fps was lower but that is to be expected and performance was actually better than I anticipated, I didn't personally get any major issues

    There is only 1 thing you need to do now

    MERGE THE EU SERVERS FROM 4 TO 2 and call them Ruby and Sapphire :p

    This is how PS2 should be played. Large scale fights on every continent down every lattice lane. You advertised epic battles, well you have delivered with Emerald. Now it is time to do the same for the EU servers... oh and 2 more Server Smashes would be awesome

    TLDR: I want to give Smedley and VSDERP a big wet french kiss for making this happen
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  2. novicez

    Medics are still the same, they prioritize shooting even though there are heavies and maxes at the frontlines.
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  3. Plunutsud pls

    Made a new char, played on Amerish for a couple hours, then everything started lagging and warping around so I had to call it a day.
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  4. SacredRay

    I played yesterday and ended with an average kd of around 1. But I wasn't enjoying myself.

    What made Mattherson so great has been killed off.. we now how zergs just warping and driving in tanks from base to base. There are none of the epic open field battles that I loved about Mattherson. Players just seem dumber and more sweaty.. it was literally a giant TDM. NC tried to take HVAR Northgate garraion yesterday even though they couldn't. They just wanted a quick TDM. As soon as their sunderers were destroyed, it was like 'ROUND OVER' and they weren't seen again.

    I'll wait till Friday to make a concrete conclusion but I'm not enjoying so far. Redeployment needs to be completely removed or reworked. Biolabs need to be completely removed. Lattice lines should only macro between tech plants and Amp stations whilst the rest of the map is hex and gives different bonuses when captured.
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  5. NinjaTurtle

    +1 for this

    Though I wouldn't say Bio Labs need to be outright removed just redesigned.

    One of the Labs on Hossin, I think from memory it is Mulac (though I could be wrong) is awesome. It isn't in the air, it's on the ground sunken, half destroyed. There is no shield it can be entered from any direction, the cap points are in new places, the whole place looks beautiful.

    Going forward I think the design team have finally got to grips with how to design new and unique bases
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  6. Munq

    Welcome to Planetside.. 2
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  7. vsae

    Someone find Posse, I want him to tell if its better or worse after the merge.
  8. Bankrotas

    I only ever play medic solo for Assault Rifles, not supporting random *****.
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  9. Linedan

    Well, my k/d went down the drain, but that was because I kept hopping into fairly hopeless 2:1 defense fights. I don't know where the big NC attack zergs were but I never found them on Amerish--found the TR and VS ones a lot though, ouch.

    It was cool to see massive fights on Amerish--at one point, early, around 1900 EDT, we had Indar and Amerish both 33/33/33 with a 48/48+ fight going on Esamir, simultaneously. How cool is that.

    Folks who were scared of the TR being doormats should have their fears put to rest after last night, they were hitting us hard, seemed like the Mattherson outfits were invigorated by the influx of new blood and were leading the charge (saw at least two big BWC gal drops and 903 and VG were all over the place too). I partially agree with SacredRay about the open-field fights but also I think that problem will sort itself over the next week or two as people settle down. Last night was "opening night" and everybody wanted a big party. With bullets and explosives. And boy did we get it.

    Client and server performance was being pushed to (but not over) the limit IMO. Things were getting stuttery in the huge fights, and hit detection was going to crap here and there (that should be your #1 technical priority SOE, fix the hinky hit detection), but things never got to the point where ammo boxes didn't refill or revives didn't take.

    All in all, great night. Can't wait for the first time we get an alert, it's going to be off the hook.
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  10. stalkish

    Forget everything else, this is making me want to create an emerald character.
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  11. Regpuppy


    As is you have to bring at LEAST a platoon to any one hex and be ready to drop two or more squads in after that, regardless of the defenders population. Because as soon as it gets close to capping, a platoon can easily take a 15 seconds to flood that base. I mean, I'm not against a platoon using numbers. But the effort in doing so, or lack-thereof, is just ridiculous.
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  12. DQCraze

    Zergs zergs and more zergs. I hated clientside before, I hate it even more now.
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  13. Moridin6

    i saw more VS revive grenades last night than in my whole time playing before.. it was awesome, i wish more vs medics were that smart/competent .
    pops were even, or more so than normal, so fights were back and forth instead of NC and TR rolling over us VS.
    im excited for more
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  14. Mezinov

    I had a good time on Amerish, but all the Mattherson people confused me. What is with the crouching as soon as you get into a firefight? Is that supposed to make me miss your face? It just made my job easier, I could start the fight aiming at center mass and they all kindly moved their head into the way of the bullets.

    Will have to play for a few more days to really get a feel for what is different, if anything, though.
  15. Huxer

    I now remember why I left last year, vehicleside has returned. I'm heading back over to counterstrike.
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  16. crusaderx11

    The majority of NC command was trying to prove they had the biggest @#$%'s. i didnt recognize a lot of the names that were doing most of the trash talking so it seems Mattherson has brought plenty of dramaside
  17. crusaderx11

    the vanu are getting the biggest kicks out of this merge. they were good with underpop on waterson, now they have equal+ pop with tthe nc with a lot of more then competent mattherson vs. GOKU seemed to be everywhere, their outfit tag showed up more times on my deathscreen then anyone else lol
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  18. m44v

    so much lag ...
    Firing while crouched has better accuracy, it isn't a mattherson thing though.
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  19. libbmaster

    >players complain about dropping populations
    >SOE decides to merge two servers to hold people over till new content.
    >players complain about zergs
    >SOE is confused

    I for one love the new server, and thoroughly enjoyed the fights on Amerish.

    I spent most of the night at meleaka tech plant, watching Vanu noobs grapple with several coordinated BWC pushes.

    You guys have me to thank for endlessly repairing the turrets at the top of the tech plant and bombarding your tanks, and ceaselessly suicide bombing your sundies!
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  20. Huxer

    What's a noob? I'm glad you had a great time repairing stuff and suicide.
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