Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x7xBillyDaKidx7x, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    almost sounds like combined arms or something, scary.
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  2. Alarox

    This thread in a nutshell.
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  3. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    you obviously dont fly a lib !! A pilot giving a gunner the best shot, while getting shot by skyguards and bursters and trying to evade ESF can be quite difficult.
  4. Alarox

    So you mean the pilot flies and the gunner shoots? That doesn't take a lot of coordination.
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  5. Keldrath

    Thank you SOE, it's about time someone smacked these people around who only live to ruin the game for other people.

    Maybe now they'll have to get good and actually earn their xp.
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  6. EGuardian1

    No, because if you're getting hit by that much, you RUN. The Liberator is basically a flying tank now, and just like tanks, you have to choose your fights carefully because if you charge in all YOLOSwag360, you're just going to get wrecked.
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  7. Hatesphere

    much of the game can be quite difficult at times, but saying "you dont fly a lib lol" is the worst way to show you have no idea (or at least no interest) in explaining what it is that make coordination so hard, and not just 2-3 guys now sharing a hit point pool.
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  8. Ac3s

    Thats the whole point, you can't hit stuff that easily when your flying all over the place, so giving a lib even less ammo then a tank makes no sense at all because most of the time +50% of your shots won't hit anything to begin with.
    Unless your hovering motionless which is the worst thing a lib pilot can do.

    Also as Ive said before, you need to shoot the shredder constantly to know your trajectory before you can actually hit enemy aircraft, its not like shooting a tank on the ground which only move on X and Y axis, air also has the Z axis which makes hitting stuff a lot harder.
  9. Wobulator

    Oh noes! You now have twice the DPS of a Vanguard while having as much ammo as it! How horrible! You have to actually, you know, resupply! The horror! You can't hoverspam bases for fifteen minutes now! Can you hear the rest of the playerbase wailing in agony from the lack of libs? No? Oh, right, you people were ruining the game for everyone else.

    Fun fact: Planetside populations dropped 30% since the lib update. That's clearly a sign that something is very, very wrong with the lib.
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  10. squarebug

    yeah this sucks i am a skyguard driver and libs are even worse off
  11. Ac3s

    Well if you'd stop trolling and actually reply in a mature fashion he might explain it to you.
    Anyways if you can fly a lib with 2 random people then by all means, keep doing what you do best, but just like BillyDaKid I also always have my gunners on teamspeak and we all follow some basic rules or otherwise its a mess and we all die.
    So yes, it does require coordination and communication, especially enemy target calling and situational awareness, my gunners are my eyes as well and they need to inform me about what they see around me all the time.

    But hey, you can do without this right?
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  12. Ac3s

    Yep its all because of the libs, especially since libs have been in this game since beta but you don't seem to remember that?
    All the lib update did was make them a bit stronger and allow the back gunner to shoot ground, perhaps you need to open your eyes and look at some deeper issues with the game such as lag, performance and hit-detection issues before blaming it all on just one vehicle.
  13. William Petersen

    I gladly pull out my Burster MAX whenever there's air. As I usually defend bases rather than attack, I'm only a console away from switching up my loadout. Nothing I love more than laying low these ******* 'skygods' who like not actually contributing to the fight, just screwing up everyone else's game. The only trouble is outside baddie ESFs I don't really tend to get to KILL anything, they just run away like the cowards they are the moment I draw a bead on them. Thank cake for the new AA Ribbon. Almost kinda sorta makes up for getting actual kills...almost.

    I do sometimes hop in a skyguard, and it pisses me off how even with the enhanced mobility and supposedly superior armament, I still can't actually kill anything other than bad ESFs, and invariably run into a lone roaming lightning or MBT who handily turns me into scrap. Or I get gibbed by a liberator who circled around me with a Tank Burster (which might be fixed with their increased auditory output, so long as I can hear it over the stupid tank's engine...).
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  14. GaBeRock

    Shredder is absolute trash now. Kills tanks worse than dalton, can't kill infantry at all (no blast, and low runs are too risky now that dumbfire buffs have been reverted) and its also been significantly nerfed against ESFs, flashes, and harassers (i.e., light armour, its supposed specialty.) Reserve ammo nerfs are too much as well. SOE held back the tank velocity nerfs because people wanted more development time. Why couldn't libs recieve the same sort of treatment? Overall, the craft is throughly useless now.
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  15. GaBeRock

    Zephr needs more bullets to kill ground infantry, and has far less in reserve. Shredder can't kill infantry at all. Duster is still trash. Bulldog is still decent, but if I wanted a bulldog platform, I'd get in a galaxy.
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  16. Silver Fox

    Except that after the lib update, everyone and their mother decided to try it out, thus exacerbating the problem. So yes, it was at least partially due to the increased number of libs.
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  17. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Its always best to have a dedicated AA squad in platoon to cover and bait friendly aircraft !!
  18. DevDevBooday


    Lib pilots double standards amazes me to NO END.
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  19. Alarox

    You have to do this with every team vehicle in the game. Neither of you have explained what makes the Liberator so special. I can name things that require coordination beyond this for most other team vehicles.
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  20. Silver Fox

    Just like the post above yours.
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