Upcoming Tank and Liberator Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kevmo, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. DorianOmega

    sooo the liberator finally gets re balanced AGAIN into not being an "anti-everything" vehicle, tanks get a "should have been in the game since luanch" buff and the AIR HAMMER IS GETTING ANOTHER NERF? Why does SOE hate everything NC air vehicle related/

    Why don't you guys just remove the Mustang AH 30 completely at this rate, any more nerfs and its going to be nothing more then a bird shot cannon...
  2. KaoticSnake

    Eeeeeeeek I had no idea the post #'s changed, and now I cannot edit this or remove it, HULP!
  3. Surmise

    Sure i may have missed that but still there are many who even if the nerf was extremely slight which it is would just quit the game eitherway because of 'nerf' attribute appointed to their beloved thingie.

    Still there are no excuses for the stuff i mentioned, there simply arent , this game is primarily an FPS and what you guys are doing is playing an MMO bomber/jet simulator killing new players 24/7 and making them leave the game, you cannot change this fact atm unfortunately, the damage has been done, you are all but sad excuses for human beings same with those who abused the ZOE for over 5-6months, that stuff was cancer and it destroyed much of this game, well mostly players left which is what keeps driving the game on.

    What they are really making now with these changes is just making Liberator simple bomber effective at bombing, not killing everything, deal with it, it's still uber super great toy for farming new players, be thankful to developers at least for letting you use it still.

    What i feel is that you just want them instead of these changes to give libs less resistance to tank AP cannons and heavy dumbfires thats all really, everything else is extreme to you, just look at yourselves people.

    Too many of you air guys spamming developers these days to cater to your dreams and wants but the game is becoming dull and dull becase of no real content, just stupid rebalance of stuff that isnt even supposed to be that much important, whats the point of capturing bases these days? Its just crappy TDM with bs spam these days, and community is focusign on retrded stuff. And what you air spamers do is just farm new players so that we dont have real newcomers anymore, no fresh blood, they all just quit.

    My advice to you guys:
    Play objective a bit, learn how to play FPS properly its much more fun than rpgxp no brainer simulator and on forum focus on real stuff that matter to the game, like the one i mentioned above, stop being selfish and arrogant like theres no tomorrow.
  4. DorianOmega

    also if we want to address some weapons that dont have enough risk vs reward and too much reward, how about some kind of coyote missile re balance?

    it doesn't have to be big but something like reducing the fire rate in half or double the reload time or require a lock on that can be disrupted with flares or forcing the player to stay wquipped the coyortes until they have reloaded to prevent quick switch damage,really anything to mitigate how straight up pay to win they are, coyotes have pretty much replaced tomcats in all regards with the exception of medium to long range engagement which is a laughable niche as by the time you get off that first lock on any half decent pilot they will find you and can easily use coyotes to out dps anyone with tomcats so long as they can use some basic maneuvers in an esf.
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  5. axiom537

    Your whole faction is your team that does not equal teamwork...

    This whole situation is really quite simple... We have solo players just like you and they can not handle dealing with liberators a 3 man coordinated / teamwork based vehicle, and you come into the forum and whine and cry how unfair it is that a liberator can kill you and you can't kill it.

    Then you have players like me that always work in a squad with other players but unlike you we laugh at liberators, because we work together in a unit and coordinate our actions, ie we use team work and when a liberator attacks us we kill it...

    So yes I am not pleased that SOE is going to cater to the lowest common denominator in this game a solo player, not because I want to fly around and wreck you solo lemmings, but because some of us like the challenge the liberator presents. It is an end game vehicle that is very difficult to master, and difficult to kill if the pilot is experienced otherwise we would see ever tom dick and harry in one, but that doesn't happen because it is extremely difficult to do what they do and do it well.
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    Liberators are too good at everything.

    They really should be excelling at A2G and anti infantry clusters/ anti vehicle work.

    Also the TankBuster on a aircraft such as the liberator not only doesn't make sense design/gameplay wise, but the fact that it completely outshadows and makes the other 2 nosegun options never used is a a problem, not just with how good the tankbuster is but the fact that the other guns are really bad.

    The Tank velocity/gravity changes are strange because a simple solution would be to remove HE rounds from tanks entirely.

    Also the decreasing liberator belly gun velocities could work, but hopefully they find the perfect amount.

    Because right now the fact that liberators can dominate air units(there counters) as good if not better then there intended targets(ground units) is a problem.
  7. KaoticSnake

    I almost NEVER stay above tanks, what's the fun in that? I Fly my liberator by high risk high reward. I don't whimper at the ceiling firing down Daltons on tanks. I also take my liberator into groups of completely oblivious tanks to reduce their numbers (usually after a nice long flank that took me about half the terrain on the map)
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  8. Tarius

    Uhh it does have useful purpose that the VS all too commonly do...it gets the magrider into a place where no other tanks can get to in the game. I cant tell you how many times I've seen a magrider on the top of a steep hill that I know a vanguard or lightning couldnt scale.
  9. Surmise

    That 3rd paragraph is full of semi bullsht, play infantry a bit youll see what real skill ceiling is, driving lib is relatively easy as long as you have the common sense/awareness and shooting is walk in the park, especially after using it for more than one day.
    You guys are making the Lib seem to hard to use and uber mega skill, what you are doing really, are you really aiming when shooting, guess what NO, you are clicking on stationary targets with the hope of hitting, plus you have huge aoe either on dalton or zephyr, its so easy that its not worth mentioning man. Play infantry, learn to use weapons,learn to outthink your oponent, learn where to move, how to kill max, how to go 1v5, how to clean point, how to adapt to specific hard situations, theres so much to do on ground and everyone is so lazy that they have to go spam clicks and getting efortless farm/kils on low brs and people who play objective.

    Lib is used when you want kdr/spm boost for free without too much effort at all, fact, no need to mask it since its obvious, its just so relaxing shredding them BR3s running out of spawn all day for every day.

    Air in this games supposed to be like 80percent Air and 20 ground, but what it really is that its on contrary, you can avoid air to farm ground, and you do it whenver its possible, whenever you feel safe, theres big problem.
  10. axiom537

    I kill liberators with my skyguard all the time, it is all about positioning, situational awareness and positioning as well proper driving so as to avoid the incoming rounds, so do not tell me about how impossible it is, because I know better. Even though I kill liberators in my skyguard and rarely die to them, I still do not consider a solo skyguard as a hard counter to a multi-crew vehicle like the liberator.

    I also generally do not run around solo very much, because this game is designed around playing in a squad, or working with others and I pretty much always play in a squad with my outfit. And when there is a heavy air presence, we do not pull just one skyguard and say ok we are covered, no we pull 2 sky guards, or 1 / 2 G2A HA's, a burster or have one or two of our team mates pull an air vehicle to assist giving us Air coverage.

    If you do not have the skill or experience to kill liberators solo in a skyguard, grab a buddy and hang together and you will wreck face as is meant to be. but this whole SOLO mentality is killing this game, some things are just not meant to be countered by a solo player and more should be redesigned especially the MBT, so that it requires teamwork to operate and team work to kill.
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  11. KaoticSnake

    It's actually a gunship believe it or not, perhaps read the description in future.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    how many solo liberator montages have you seen?

    because this is going off your same point of how solo ness somethings is counter intuitive to the game invilvong team vehicles.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    its basically a HIND with a AC-130 gun duct taped onto it.

    But really its a long range gunship/bomber.

    look at the design and weapons

    the tank buster goes against this design entirely.
  14. axiom537

    I play infantry 90% of the time.

    The liberator is hard to use. Otherwise we would see the same quantity of them at ever fight as we see ESF's or ground vehicles. It is an end game vehicle that takes thousands of certs, along with more then one player to be effective and it is difficult to keep alive.

    Show my your liberator stats, if it is so easy to do and so effective I am sure your SPM will be much higher in it then in any other vehicle you operate, but fact of the matter is it won't be. Even the top players in this game get much higher SPM's in other vehicles then the liberator, because while you can get some nice kill streaks, you generally spend most of your time repairing and running away.

    Like I said I play infantry all the time, but unlike you I rarely if ever get killed by liberators, because I do not play this game like a lemming, I know how to use all of the weapons and MOST importantly I ALWAYS play in a coordinate squad and use team work. So, when a liberator or ESF's show up, we pull the appropriate weapons and or vehicles and coordinate or actions, so that we can put the most amount of fire power on the target at one time.....AND GUESS WHAT? We eat liberators up...
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  15. Klaatu

    Okay okay.. so you want us to get in closer to the fighting and have ground forces have a fair shot.

    And this...

    Does anyone else see the problem here? Like.. the same damn problem before the liberator update in the first place?

    So we have these options:

    1) Spawn a lib and try to bomb out of rocket range limiting your targets to only stationary sunderers.
    2) Invest certs in Flares and Composite armor and have a 50/50 chance to kill that prowler before going down in flames.
    3) Fly/man gal turrets and profit.
  16. axiom537

    So what, a few and I mean a hand full of players across all servers can put together a montage of ridicules solo kills that they manage to accumulate after hundreds of hours of playing the vehicle and hundreds of deaths.

    If it was easy everyone would do, but they do not...

    In fact if it is so easy, take a few hours in a solo lib and put together a montage of all the ESF, liberators and other vehicles you kill while swapping seats...

    you will not do it BECAUSE YOU CAN'T, just like me and 99.99% of the player base in this game...
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    I was agreeing with you about solo usage of vehicles that with best with team work.

    not against you.

    but apparently you thought i was against you for some reason.

    anyways... the fact that its possible and used like this is crazy in itself.
  18. Pirbi

    If you get that close to a lib and take it down with a shotgun, doesn't it deserve to die? It's practically close to the range the lib's client decides you touched it and instagibbs you.
  19. Dreadnaut

    I wouldn't advertise that too much or people will jump all over you. Shotguns are very easy to use and most people believe they're very overpowered at close range (and I agree).
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  20. Surmise

    cool story brother, what is your character name? you are speculating and making stuff up sorr that i cant take you seriously. I only saw 1 char with axiom in it and his most used inf weapon was UBGL prenerf with 0.19 kpmin as engineer br99 lol.

    Lib is only challenging to use if you solo on all 3 seats, fact, everything else is crutch for ez XP and kdr boost
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