Upcoming Tank and Liberator Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kevmo, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Scr1nRusher

    I've been watching redditside and forumside freak out about the liberator nerfs and you can really tell who has abused the liberator and who has been using it as a A2A platform.

    SOe I expect you to Make the liberator a great A2G platform with Defined weapon roles(while making shure the weapons are still good even if your decreasing weapon velocity) thats weaker against air units.

    Also please please do the changes in Sections.

    Do the ESF changes first(buff the hornet missiles somehow & composite armor against flak damage to compensate for Rocket pods getting nerfed, Also Make it so the ESF AI guns are worth getting.)

    Also For the Tank changes, please don't change the velocity and gravity, those are pointless changes.

    If you look in a previous comment i made on this thread.... on the last page I told you what you should do for MBT's.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    most of the devs play medic.

    They rarely if never use vehicles or aircraft or other classes.......

    I wish I could help you SOE..... Over the years I've became a jack of all trades.
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  3. AdmiralArcher

    would it be possible to make some changes to all aircraft audio to make them sound more like regular aircraft? add a louder doppler effect? it would be nice if you had a little bit of a harder time hearing ESFs coming, but once they pass the get much louder, and then make liberators be more like an AC130 in the sense of sound, it should be pretty loud and noticeable, at higher altitudes it should obviously be quieter, but if its buzzing the ground right over you it should be very louder.....and im not sure if its a thing, but maybe make liberators go slower when they get at extreme altitudes?
  4. DxAdder

    So many of the Lib problems could have be solved by simply not letting the crew swap seats, half the Libs I see are being flown SOLO.

    As for the tank changes I will wait and see what the actual changes are before commenting but in general being closer is a bad thing as far as I can see. Is this being done for the sake of infantry ? Better base design would solve this.
  5. Progapanda

    What's the problem with that?
  6. vanu123

    Other tanks are getting the ability to move around much faster, making them more agile, making them more like the magrider.
    Strafing isnt viable in close because it is to slow and since SOE wants to reduce the range of tanks strafing is null and void.
    The mag is just as big as the other tanks.
    Our already POS velocity is getting lowered even further.
    No tank should have anything the magrider has.
    This will only further hurt the VS population.
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  7. PlatoonLeaderG

    Lol thats some ********.What is teamwork to you?Coordinate with a squad/platoon only or with the whole faction that share the same goal as you?

    You believe what you believe and i on what i believe,dont judge me.

    I like playing solo,not because i dont like to be on squads or platoons(or hate other players).I play solo because i like doing my objectives and i can succeed doing on what i can alone to help the faction.

    Because we have the same goal defend the base/attack that base,it doesnt mean that we dont have teamwork.My team is my whole faction and thats our teamwork so suck the pity *** teamwork ******** to others.

    from the wiki.Teamwork is "work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole
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  8. TriumphantJelly

    Why, thank you!
  9. PlatoonLeaderG

    Playing solo is fun for me,i dont need those squad/platoon leaders telling me what to do.As for all of the smart guys here you are as awful as me,you all cant play with anything if its not op and it disgust me.I m still using the harasser even after that massive nerf and i m still having fun with it.

    If you are saying to me "learn to deal with it with what i like" i m gonna say back to you "learn to deal with it with what i like and its comming haha".
  10. PWGuy93

    Okay after my initial revulsion to the proposed changes and having had a night to think over the changes here's where my opinion sits, "These proposed changes to tanks will give the NC a buff and both the TR and the VS a nerf."

    A buff to the NC a nerf to the TR and VS

    For Prowlers reverse speed puts them in the same class as the other tanks but lockdown takes a huge hit based on velocity and range changes. Now targets will be closer and the time to lockdown or come out of lockdown state means that playstyle is now a disadvantage rather than an advantage.

    All tanks using side armor that have turrets that can aim sideways benefit.

    The Magrider can already move on the X coordinate (sideways) but cannot fire from the side. This gives all other tank platforms two advantages. 1-One they can fire sideways, 2-two they can use the reverse speed to move out of the way of now slower velocity rounds while firing from the side. As the changes to reverse speed also mean a slight nerf to rival chassis for the Magrider there's no improvement, just a downside.

    My opinion, the Vanguard gets all the benefit from the reverse speed buff and the velocity and range changes which is a plus for NC, and a subtraction for MBT drivers of VS and TR.

    Well, this is how I see the changes for tanks. It's really all about the NC having more and the TR and VS having less.

    Camel meet straw, one more added to the pack...

    Two notes on my bias.
    I don't really use MBTs I drive a Lightning.
    My suggestions on how to fix this are posted earlier in this thread here
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  11. HadesR

    Ignore them :) .. Most who chant that this isn't a " solo " game in one breath , soapbox defend their right to " solo " use multi-seat vehicles in another ...

    But yes " teamwork " is a big reason why certain vehicles can't be as strong as they maybe should be .. And that's because they don't require teamwork to use them close to their full potential ..

    Seat-swapping and the ability to solo pull vehicles that should require crews IS the real reason they can never and will never fulfill their combined arms potential in PS2 ..
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  12. Silkensmooth

    I disagree. Imo the magrider is the best MBT by a large margin. Mobility is everything in war. Besides they aren't changing the Saron HRB which having no bullet drop will actually make the Maggy by far the best ranged tank.
  13. Vanir

    Great changes! Now where is the option for a tank driver to give control of the main turret to a 3rd gunner that we are waiting for?
  14. Rhumald

    I would just like to take a moment to make one thing clear: The change to tank round velocity isn't a good change.

    Now to clarify, the reason everyone is afraid to approach their targets, is because a dying, opposing tank player will often jump out of their vehicle, and attempt to C4 your vehicle. That's reason number one; reason number two is that so many people run light assault with C4, getting close to a base or aproaching column of troops simply isn't safe, neither is getting close to rockets, Tanks need to keep their distance in an even fight. All people are going to do in responce to this change is aim higher, because that base fear has not changed, and will not change.

    I play a very agressive AP Lightning. I will get on your *** and blow you the hell up, I don't care if you're an MBT or another lightning, my goal is to work my way around your forces, and take you out... But I don't like dying myself, so I pull back when my opponent is close to death, and I take the hell off at the first sign of supporting infantry; those tanks aren't my main threat, infantry are. As an agressive light tank user I know that all too well, and I neither blame the heavier tanks for prefering column gameplay, nor will I blame them for it when you go ahead and implement this change anyways, All I ask is that you keep the tank drivers fears in mind, and be prepared to reverse the shell velocity change; we had it increased to counter the fact that no one wanted to pull MBTs, because getting too close to infantry is a death sentance.
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  15. xxNinjaPowersxx

    Maybe you should try soloing A2A which will now be impossible, or try soloing in general. Have fun.... before you ask yes I solo... but I wish you good luck.... at not dying ;)
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  16. Silkensmooth

    Go pull a lib and try to kill things while seat swapping. At best you have a couple of seconds to shoot the gun before you have to switch back to the pilot seat. Other times as soon as you switch the lib just goes nuts right away and starts spinning wildly out of control.

    There are some AMAZING pilots who can solo a lib and Dalton an occasional ESF, but why would you ever want to nerf something that takes an astronomical level of both skill AND luck to pull off? If you are talking about belly to tail switching i would love a nerf to that as i always have to yell at gunners to get the bleep out of the tailgun and get back in the belly.

    Now if yer talkin about tanks, then i agree. I like to jump on a maggy with an FPC on the front and a PPA on the back and go driving around killing everything vehicles and infantry alike. It's pretty overpowered. But really it is still less effective than if i had 2 people in the tank. Can't use both guns simultaneously so i don't really see a problem.

    Thermals. Think about it.
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  17. HadesR

    It's really a problem with all vehicles ..

    Using Lib's as an example .. Rather than one 3/3 Lib it's possible to have three 1/3 ones .. Are those 3 as effective as a fully crewed one ? Ofc not BUT the fact that a force multiplier is so easily spammable is a problem when it comes to balance .. Since balance ALWAYS has to take into consideration that it is possible to use one solo ..

    Imo it's a mistake SOE are always going to have to live with now and vehicles will always be weaker because of it ..
  18. DxAdder

    Solo Libs are the main reason they became such a problem after the lib update.

    SOE would be much better served fixing this than nerfing libs in general, there solution there proposing is just generating
    player dissatisfaction.
  19. Chrisragnar

    You get stuck b/c you cant see around you while you are supose to "doge" tank shells by moving in directions you cant see, while all the vanguard needs to do is lumber straight forward and shoot (at a higher speed than the magrider can escape too).
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  20. Klypto

    Magrider is trash. You clearly haven't driven one.
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