[Guide] Why I bail out of aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Iridar51

    Le what? How about no?
    If tanks could accomplish A
    Infantry could accomplish B
    and air could accomplish C
    and to win you had all three
    THEN it would a combined arms game, and in this case tanks have absolutely no reason to be overpowered against infantry.

    But you're not stronger. You're weaker, and you're using a tool to compensate for that in order to succeed, and that would even be almost fine, but the tool you're using is so overpowered that you overcompensate.

    They're not good enough.

    The reward for a won alert is negligible compared to how many points you would make by simply farming. The outcome of alert can be a subject to faction population issues. The game doesn't end after an alert, nor does it start with one. Alerts have the same problem the WDS had - they're too grand and impersonal for each individual player to even care about them, and the process of participating in them doesn't really introduce and change in gameplay.

    Yes, there are outfits who bust their *** to help with an alert, it's still too far from being "the goal of every soldier in a faction".

    That is almost true. Almost. I can see why you would believe in it. Yes, it may seem that way on the outside. But people don't bring tanks to a base so they can suppress air defenses. They don't use aircraft to clear out the ridge full of infantry with anti tank weaponry so that allied forces may advance. Infantry does not assault a base to capture it.
    They all do it for selfish reason of gathering as many points to feel good about themselves. This is not combined arms, that's combined farms. Different forces join in, because they can farm easier together.
    Reasons matter. That's why I brought up objective based-ness. If players were doing it in a united effort to win, to capture, to gain a strategical advantage, that would be OK. That would be fine. But that's not how it is, and that's why a lack of common goal is so hurtful for the game.

    If everyone had the same goal of dominating Auraxis, and fight to achieve it, that would be actually cool. Then we would have war, with heroes and villains within each faction. But everyone is chasing his own, selfish goal. The core values of this game and community - KDR, SPM, number of auraxium medals - are all wrong, because the game rewards players for wrong actions.

    If the game rewarded capturing more than killing, then we would have real combined arms.

    Just out of curiosity. I'm curious in how many posts you will repeat your same argument about me not making laws.
    I can either change myself or change the world. Changing myself would be considerably easier, but that would mean me falling beneath, and I don't like that. So I will have to try to raise the world to my level instead.
  2. IamDH

    I still hate Coyotes
  3. Ken Photon

    Honestly, I've read all of the posts thus far (Gosh, I can't believe I had that much of an attention span...), and have come to this conclusion: I think the wrong thing is being talked about here. This has been previously mentioned, I believe, but the argument the OP has originally made was that bailing out of airplanes is something that works for him as a strategy. I agree. In the end, I lose some resources but I also take out the anti-air vehicle who shot me down, which also depletes the enemy's resources and clears up the air space for some friendly Galaxies or something along those lines to come in. If other people feel that is "dishonorable" or something along those lines, don't do it. I respect your position and applaud you for having such a strong sense of honor, which is something I currently do not possess. I, however, do not see a breach to any honor code I (try to) adhere to, so I see no problem. Sorry, just had to put that out there.

    About the issue of sportsmanship: it's irrelevant. I don't know what other people are thinking when they do that, but if I were to bail out of the plane, I would do so to take out the attackers. That's it, that's all. I'm not trying to take away any XP you would earn (because that's annoying, really, and I would not appreciate that very much). Yes, sportsmanship is important to the game because it means that the players are not (complete) a***holes, which makes the game much more enjoyable. But in this situation, sportsmanship is not a concern, unless people are really trying to impede character progression by bailing (but that's something that should be discussed with that person individually, or just to be put up with. There are a**holes in the world. Sorry.)

    I've also seen some mentions of not using the utility slots like they are supposed to be used. Well, if they are not breaking the rules, does that matter? Is that not just the player showing his or her ingenuity? Of course, one could argue that using a bug for your advantage is also showing ingenuity, but that would constitute a breach of the rules that the gamer agreed to, which makes the method illegitimate and something to actually complain about.

    And the issue being argued about doing something because one likes it, I kind of agree. People should not just do things purely for pleasure, for that is just plain hedonism and the beginning of the breakdown of society in general (#dramaqueen :p). But seriously, the choice of whether to commit an action or not should not be solely decided on how the person doing the action will feel. That's not the makeup of very good morals, in my humble opinion. Now, how does that apply to this situation? Well, I'm not sure... I mean, you could say that bailing is denying people the XP they "deserve," but you could also say that forcing a player to stay and "sink with the ship," if you will, is evil on its own. So, this point is highly subjective and will just degrade into a fight about our differences in ethical beliefs (like it is now). Please, just stop trying to impose your rules on others. Seriously. To have a discussion about it is fine, but don't offend or belittle others or pretend that you are somehow higher than everyone and you must "enlighten" others to your point of view. I'm trying not to do that (sorry if it sounds like I'm not, t'was not my intention).

    Oh, and it's fine that we are having a discussion about the rules. SOE is not God. It does not know how some of its rules will be implemented or reacted to. Hopefully, our discussion will lead them to at least ponder about the issue. If they decide not to change anything, they think it's for the best and we should respect that. If we disagree, we leave or put up with it. Easy as pie. However, we cannot force these rules on others, as previous people said. We do not have the authority to do so, and it's just annoying. Seriously, who the heck are you to tell me how to play? Unless a person from SOE says that what I'm doing is not cool, I'll stop. If not, I'll just continue, unless I actually agree with you. Even then, I wouldn't go on a crusade trying to force people to agree with you and me. Again, it's annoying.

    All in all, we need to chill out. It's a game. It's for fun. If you have concerns, take it up with SOE, and it will hopefully consider your opinion and make a decision. Otherwise, just enjoy the fun...
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  4. Maljas23

    Tank has a big *** cannon as it's main gun. If you are infantry, and are hit by a shell from that big *** cannon, game over. Not rocket science.

    You use nothing but your own opinions to try justifying everything I've said. Your views are not the only views that exist. Try to understand, even a little.

    To give you an example, I tell you the game is combined arms. SOE advertises the game as combined arms. This is a fact. You reply with "That is almost true. Almost. I can see why you would believe in it". SOE sets the rules, not you. The game IS indeed combined arms. No opinions from me. This is all fact.

    ... And people do use certain vehicles/weapons for different objectives. In my outfit, we constantly pull certain types of vehicles weapons, based on the situation. My outfit is not the only one. You are completely wrong. There is a huge difference between an organized tank column, and a tank zerg.

    Not everyone is going to have the same goal, because everyone plays for different reasons. Nothing wrong with that. It seems you are the one who as a problem with it though, because its not how you want people to play.

    I repeat the "your will is not law" crap because you seem to be dismissing it with every reply, for some reason. Technically, there shouldn't even be anything else for you to say, if you actually understood. Unless you are just purposely ignoring it.
  5. Simferion

    Friendly reminder: this is not the world, we aren't trying to talk about or solve the world hunger, the economic cryisis or the wars all around the planet . We are not arguing if killing people for fun or to eat them is moral or just a nuisance.

    We are talking about a game and its rules.

    About the rest, the common objection against bailing out is "you do it because you want better stats"
    It's the same argument for what the naysayer don't want people to bail out: they want to get the kill and so better stats.
    Don't be hypocrite.

    Me too, but using them is a lesser evil now.
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  6. Gundem

    Funny, how we play a game that glorifies the killing of others...

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  7. Ken Photon

    Even funnier that we are discussing ethics in a game that glorifies the killing of others...
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  8. Epic High Five

    Fire suppression yo

    Beats landing in a hurry and blowing up because you touched a rock
  9. Iridar51

    Why? I can bring the same argument about getting hit by a lolpod rocket, but that one doesn't instantly kill. Or a pistol bullet to the face.
    And the fact that tank has "big *** cannon" doesn't inherently mean that tank should be overpowered. There are still ways of balancing the stuff.

    Or I can reverse your argument and say: "then why my rocket launcher doesn't immediately destroy a tank? It's a freaking anti tank rocket! It's not rocket science!.. oh wait."

    Yes, I understand, a little. I understand there are other views, otherwise we wouldn't be having this argument.

    This is amusing. So you're saying that it's combined arms because SOE calls it combined arms? LOL. Just naming it doesn't change its nature. If your parents called you their daughter and named you "Jenny" that wouldn't change your gender. Just made you wrongfully named.

    I'm not talking about outfits. I admit that outfits do play by the rules, at least sometimes, during ops, aimed at capturing territory. But the outfit play doesn't shape PS2 as a whole. If the outfit action would be the only action available, it would change the game for the better. When a certain outfit with a plan joins battle it's instantly noticeable. But organised, objective based outfits are but a part of the PS2, and only during ops.
    And the reason for why there's so few organized outfits is because - as I've said countless times - the objective play is not rewarding enough.

    "There is only one god, child. And his name is Death" (c) Game of Thrones.
    There is only one reason people play - to have fun. There are great many ways to have fun, though. For some people it's the feeling of being a part of something bigger, for others is to feel their dominance over other players, for the third it's to enjoy the pretty vistas, and so on.
    All of that is well and fine. As long as your way of having fun doesn't interfere with other people having fun, and it's those people I have a problem with.
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  10. Thybountyhunter

    You want to do that fine, but the only scrub here is you. Exactly how much are you contributing to your team by throwing away a valuable resource. Those that own the skies can easily concur the ground and you are not helping much as you think you are. I wonder how many times your team may have lost a battle due to the fact that there was not enough air support and your ground team was getting eaten by others air support? How many tanks or heavy transport can you take out with active air vs throwing it away at one?

    Like I said feel free to do that but you are not contributing much to the team.
  11. JEFCCC

    No one I know of bails to deny exp, we bail to LIVE.

    Besides, if they're use of in game systems denies you the kill, then you haven't earner it yet
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  12. Sixstring

    I didn't know who this guy was. I didn't know his name was hej,I had a bad experience with him on Connery and now he always gets a TK from me. Lesson learned be respectful and don't cross the wrong people. He is the epitome of why I want to get away from PC players. Especially on Connery I don't know if it's because it's a west coast server or what but everyone there is a huge jerk I mean more so than elsewhere and I'm usually as nice as possible unless you push me,does anyone else notice this about the different servers? Or is it just isolated incidents I'm having (often)?
  13. ProfessorHobbes

    It's astounding to see such an entitlement factor among so many gamers today. As soon as you play in a way or do something that they don't like they jump in you like a pack of wolves. I can clearly see this reading some of the posts throughout the thread. People don't care about the other player, they don't care about their team, all they care about is them and the experience they are getting. As soon as that other player bails out, they see it as experience that they personally were denied.

    But the root of the problem is so many people taking it as a personal attack. The people who get pissed when I bail out think that I'm thinking to myself "Haha yea! I'll bail out of my scythe so this jerk doesn't get any experience." This is never the case. I could personally care less whether you get experience or not. Caring about your exp gain is never my concern nor should it be.

    My thought process behind bailing out of my plane is to increase my lifespan. I got jumped and have almost no chance of winning the dogfight. What good am I to my team if I just admit defeat? By bailing out I stay alive and thus am able to continue helping out my team. Being "honorable" and letting you get the kill means that I let you take me out of the fight for a short period of time; time where I could be killing people and helping my team. If any of you people frustrated at this even cared to watch the video you might understand why this makes perfect sense to do. He was about to die so he bailed out, and in the process helped his team destroy two tanks. Had he stayed in his mossy, he would have died and his teammates would likely still be duking it out with those tanks.

    Bottom line is people need to stop taking everything so seriously. By bailing out that guy denied you three pixelated numbers popping up on a screen. Seriously, it really doesn't matter. Move on and keep playing and enjoy yourself. However if that guy who bailed turns around and smites you out of the sky with a hack, then by all means come on here and complain. Until then, let people use what has been given to them in the game and stop worrying about it.
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  14. MongooseTwoFive

    I worded my post poorly. Let me try to clarify. I don't care about my K/D, or other people's K/D. I'm not going to feel cheated about not getting that kill, nor the fact that the guy I outplayed avoided a death. However people who do care about K/D have a tendency to employ obnoxious gameplay tactics in order to preserve theirs.

    A person bailing out of their aircraft in and of itself is not an obnoxious gameplay behavior, but it annoys me when I see it because most of the time that's the same type of player you'll find hovering at the ceiling near the warpgate waiting to gank low BR's learning how to fly. People who are more concerned about their individual K/D ratio than winning the fight and the cert farming mentality that some players have is detrimental to the overall gameplay experience for others in my opinion.

    An individual will get more kills staying in a biolab teleporter spawn popping out to fire rockets or shoot at people through the shield than he would attempting to push out. However when too many people are doing this, you'll find yourself trying to make a push or a max crash, but only a few people follow while the remainder stay behind until it's safe. And I'm not the only one with this sentiment.

  15. JEFCCC

    Did you know that before (and during the transition to) firearms, entire Japanese armies (including the samuri) were horse archers. Why do you think that is...
  16. Munr

    Your video made me realize something....

    My game is seriously unresponsive. Seriously. It takes me around 3 seconds to toss a C4, which tends to then flop out of my hand like a wet banana. And I have to hammer [E] three or four times to use a terminal. Wtf is with that?
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  17. Paragon Exile

    I think you guys take this too seriously.

    I mean sure, it's annoying to have people bail just to spite me, and they're ********, but it's not that big a deal.

    You guys (and myself) have been acting mean to each other, and that's not the right way to go about discussing things.
  18. Daikar

    Oh so you do it to get a better KD, that is just as bad. And you don't really live when you bail and redeploy, yeah it doesn't count as a death but the end result is the same. Players who bail and joins the ground fight or takes out tanks is fine and I don't think anyone has a problem with that.

    The intended use of the redeploy system is not to use it to deny someone the kill, when they made death to fall damage still reward the kill change that kinda made that clear. Did you also think that deconstructing a vehicle to deny the exp was okay because they used an in game system to do it?
    I don't really care if I earned the kill or not, bailing and redeploying is pathetic behavior and if you want to do it feel free to do so.
  19. Whatupwidat

    How is it pathetic?

    It's a ******* game. Surely the only pathetic thing is that we're all sat in our bedrooms playing it rather than being outside socialising? ;P
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  20. Eaderout

    They fight, just before their craft dies they jump and can keep on fighting. I don't see the issue with this. And I assume that once you are about to die you just then give up and say, "well it was my time" as too do everything to keep on fighting

    (Note that it is BS to just jump and die as to die fighting, I have read a lot on this post about how people deny their opponents the kill by doing that not being LA or having the ejection option. I still see the tactic behind it not allowing them the certs and points plays into it but it does cheap'n it for myself and I have never done that BUT I always ride with ether a LA or ejection seat)