Do you use the PTS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. IamDH

    If not, why?

    The reason im posting this is to pinpoint why the PTS is empty.

    Im not sure whether this thread should be moved or not because the Test section of the forum only has people with the test server already installed
  2. RadarX

    As long as it stays on the topic of the PTS itself or using it I see no reason it can't hang out here.

    Also I strongly encourage all of you to try out PTS if you are interested in upcoming changes.
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  3. doombro

    Yes. The only reason I play this game anymore is the hope that they'll make it better than a disappointing battlefield clone eventually. So, I check my client many times a day for updates. Whenever I see the game patching even the smallest file sizes, I'll update it, log in, and try to find out what happened. Still checking every 2 minutes for that combat update.
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  4. Bankrotas

    Kinda, because not enough people are there and it needs constant playtime to be useful for finding bugs. Also, living GMT+2 doesn't help either.
  5. OldMaster80

    I used to, but I don't anymore. For two reasons:
    1) One day the PTS client suddenly decided I had to re-download all the game again, for no reason. And broadband in Italy is not like in Silicon Valley, this would require a lot of time.
    2) I barely have the time to play the live server: family, sport and my job take basically all my time. I can't waste it on the test server. I let this for those who 2-3 hours per day. I don't.
  6. MajiinBuu

    I like to play on the test server when the live servers are down for maintenance.
    Otherwise it's hard to test stuff when you make up 100% of the entire continent's population. If you do find other players they are usually doing an outfit thing, and I'd rather not mess with their planned event.
    I swear there are more people in the test server's VR training room than all the other test continents put together :confused:
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  7. IamnotAmazing

    infantry practice, esf duels

    only time I won't use it is when it's totally broken
  8. sustainedfire

    I have the client, I just rarely go on to check anything out.

    It seems like logging on to test does not make much difference. Even if something is buggy, broken or unwanted by the players- it still makes its way to live anyway.

    I do not believe I have logged on to Test Server since the ESF Update promised new wing weapons, which were on Test, and then disappeared when it came time for the live update.

    I will check out the new TR weapons and sounds, as a TR player im keen on having an arsenal that is actually enjoyable to use and feels like semi futuristic weaponry rather then odd, same looking model weapons that make weird gassy noises.
  9. z1967

    Well, the PTS server itself is on the East Coast, making AU players and EU players less likely to hop on it. But, I feel that if organized events were announced to the community than more people would be likely to use it. And if all else fails you can always offer a reward to players for staying an hour or so and play testing whatever the playtested thing is. But it needs to be an organized event with direct dev/RadarX involvement. Regardless, it needs to be publicized and organized.
  10. Ronin Oni

    Tight on diskspace

    I'm already uninstalling/reinstalling games as my moods swing.

    I don't need 2 PS2's, and it's an easy 14GB to save

    It was a grudging uninstall... but it had to be done
  11. vincent-

    Job, tech school and other crap I just don't have time for it. It's why I don't even use those 3 day xp things I can only get 3-4 hours in if I'm lucky with the actual game.
  12. Tommyp2006

    I use it to test out new weapons and things that are added to the game, but I don't play it much beyond that because anything I do there is progress lost on my live character.
  13. phreec

    No. Not enough room on my SSD and my HDD's are filled with explicit midget ****.
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  14. Degenatron

    I play on the PTS during live stream events, namely "Work In Progress" and "Inside Player Studio". I kick around on Hossin, exploring the bases and looking for changes. There's usually only 3~4 players on there at any one time.

    If the devs (*cough*RADAR!*cough*) would ask us to come in and run scheduled play tests on new / changed bases, I'd be all for that.

    Also, I know that many outfits run training matches on the PTS, so if you DO find a big group fighting it out, you should probably ask first before joining with them.
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  15. vincent-

    Just the midget? Man you would figure you would have more room for other things.
  16. NinjaTurtle

    I log on when there's a big update. I don't bother for smaller things though
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  17. dstock

    According to my HDD, PS2 is already taking up 70.4GB. I'm not sure how or why, but I don't have room for the PTS, lol.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    Hey radarX do you know when the Roadmap changelog is going to be updated again?
  19. Dramma Lamma

    I no longer bother with PTS because:

    After using it and genuinely pointing out bugs and voicing my opinion on changes in the test server discussion board, it does not feel like a single bit of my feedback has been listened to as-well, nor does it ever feel like others who voiced their options there had any of their feedback implemented either.

    If the bugs we point out in PTS are going to go live anyway... then why even bother.

    Also if they are going to change balance stuff without even putting it on PTS to test at all, then once again what the **** is the point of me going to PTS in first place? (rail-jack delay)

    TLDR: The test server it s a joke and SOE does not seems to use it in any constructive way based on player feedbacks (from my experince) so yeah I un-installed that ****.
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  20. smokemaker

    They dont listen anyway.

    So by the time it makes it to the test server, the decision has already been made. Case in point, deathcam.

    Other then seeing whats getting nerfed, its a pointless place to be.
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