
Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by BlueSeventy, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. libbmaster

    I approve of this.

    I have no idea how my ingame character puts his weapon down, gets out his knife, swings it and puts it away so fast.

    As long as they increase the striking speed, so infils can silent kill enemies in a reasonable amount of time, I am 100% okay with this.

    I'd also like a rifle butt mechanic to replace the quick knife, so that people have to chose between damage or "I need to hit them now!"... but we should take this in small steps. :)
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  2. DeadliestMoon

    I'm sorry, where's the data to support this? Because most shooters nowadays all have quick knifing.
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  3. DeadliestMoon

    COD was inspired by CounterStrike, look at what we have now. It's (COD) is now the standard of FPS gaming.
  4. DeadliestMoon

    Oh God no. I don't want silly crap like this in the game.
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  5. gigastar

    CoD tainted the genome with **** like consoleitis, pogression systems, killstreak bonuses and the dreaded perks.

    And lets face it, CS with its absolutely brutal TTKs has kept the knife-out-makes-you-go-faster and its been with the franchise so long that to not use it is to put yourself at a huge disadvantage. Also known as meta, i believe.

    Game already has heavy infantry with riot shields. And i believe certain riot shielding heavy infantry are supposed to be getting a massive ****off hammer as part of the melee update...
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  6. OldMaster80

    Personally I don't like the animation, that's pretty bad. Then in PS2 we have some restrictive rules about weapon swapping (every weapon has a "weight factor") but for some strange reasone you can instantly backstab people even if you're carrying a 15kgs rocket launcher.
    I want my original Chainblade back, screw that quick blade.
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  7. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I would love a weapon melee attack and equipable melee weapons, maybe class specific.
    I still want my Forcefield blades for the VS MAX that were floating around in a concept a year ago, and if the stock melee attack did 10% less damage, the shoot+punch attack would still work fine in most cases.
    Melee weapons offer a lot of possibilities.
    You could throw your knife.
    Infiltrators could backstab.
    Maybe something with higher range, or a stun baton?
    Or maybe just cosmetics? People sure pay for those.
    I'd love to see some variation, though there may be a limit on what actually makes 'sense'.
    Hey, we got Crossbows. :p
  8. -Synapse-

    I want to go charging headlong into battle with nothing but my mini chainsaw whirring away in my hand. I don't care how many times I die, it will be glorious.
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  9. doombro

    I have been anxiously awaiting this change. Good riddance, quick knifers. However, I do think you should be able to melee with all weapons, while keeping the knife as a melee weapon with a higher Rate of Stabbing and possibly more reach just to make it worth using.
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  10. Doc Jim

    About time.
  11. Sixty

    I think quick draw remove is historically first good step forward for game itself. In Planetside 1 knifes are also equipable and no one whining about "quick draw" If quick draw want to be stay, then he must transform in to something different. For me its Bayonet (You can attach our own "hand" knife as upgrade of the weapon) or Rifle butt smash with Concussive grenade Effect. Quick draw are good only in hur dur arena games with fast mindless combat. Not this. When i getting killed by quick draw in every situation enemy ram me with 10 bullets in head..and of course slash aimed on toe and IK.. This is wrong way how knife attack even work. Backstabb or thrust? Ok. Forward slash attack and hit with tip of edge against armored and armed solider? no way.
  12. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I'm a bit disturbed by the fact that I kind of agree with DeadliestMoon.

    Anyway, there's really no reason to remove the quick knife...especially because of how short ranged it is. Many of us have wanted dedicated knives, and a more complex melee system in general, but removing the quick knife after it's become such a prominent facet of the gameplay? I'm not so sure...

    What I expected out of this system was the traditional quick knife combined with more effective dedicated knives. For example, machete length blades that increased the effective range of the weapon, maybe Infiltrator specific one-hit-kill melee weapons that basically worked the exact same way as the quick knife without the necessity to use the pistol/knife combination. I just never thought they would remove such a prominent feature...and find myself perplexed.

    While writing this, I've been trying to figure out any possible reason behind the decision. The only thing that I can think of is that they actually do intend to give the Infiltrator one-hit-kill melee capabilities and want to better emphasize the fact by removing the pistol/knife combination from the other classes...which essentially does the same thing. We know they wanted to add increased that may end up being what they provide other classes with as a means to compensate for the loss...not that I think it's going to fly very well with the rest of the classes.

    ...but unless they're actually doing that...I really don't see the point behind this removal and find it comparable to the ADS while jumping removal.
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  13. OldMaster80

    Having the rifle butt attack and the melee slot would imho be the best solution.
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  14. Tenebrae Aeterna


    I'm not sure that makes as much sense as you believe... So, I'm wielding a sub machine gun and suddenly butt the person to death with two clubs of the weapon; Pistol whipping them to death? I can see this option applied to weapons that make any of your larger weapons...but the smaller weapons are very unlikely to manage this and even the larger weapons are unlikely to kill someone in two butts. A bayonet rail attachment seems like a likely concept...but again, not all weapons are going to be capable of featuring such a thing which leaves me perplexed still.
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  15. WarmasterRaptor

    I could see them reworking the whole knifing mechanic with way better animations and a more lethal result too.
    Should also improve the reliability of using the knife instead of having "random" knife swings doing nothing at all.

    I support weapon whipping as a less damaging effect, but not with a strong concussion effect like proposed above. Something light with the gun. Otherwise it will be a sure-kill with successive pistol whips because your target can't do a thing. I could see a knockback effect though, to push a charging enemy and give you room to shoot.
  16. WyrdHarper

    The roadmap states that they tend to retain the quick knife in some form, so don't get your knickers in a twist. They're likely reworking the animations (and likely mechanics so that they match the animation) and trying out different ways of setting up the mechanic at the moment. It's the first iteration on the PTS, as long as they don't rush this feature out to live as is, I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll be interesting to see how this ends up.
  17. Badname1652

    Thing is, the current quick knife mechanics don't suck. They ARE reliable. It just has a range and a certain downside to it. For one, I could care less about the animation. You can miss the knife even at point blank if the enemy is moving away from you at the same speed you are moving towards them. This is a great mechanic. You can dodge knives I this game once you have practiced enough. Also, this reduces the cookie cutter effect of everyone going resist shield since NMG protects against knives, while resist does not. I don't care if they want to implement a new melee weapon or such, but leave the quick knife as it is now. Shotgun users need to learn their lesson when coming around corners blindly. And heavies aren't "I-win shields". There are so many corners in this game along crucial pathways where you can lie in wait, then burst fire, knife, and pistol a fully shielded heavy to death almost instantly. And that's if they're using NMG. If it's a resist heavy it's just commissioner or 2 beamers to the head then knife. Learn to use the quick knife and you will love the potential that it holds.
  18. DeadliestMoon

    Well knives are fairly light, why shouldn't it be instant? But if you are talking about after the animation is done and your character is pulling out his primary again, then the swap time is the same as if you were switching weapons.

    So in other words, you want the animation to better represent the knifing. Okay, change the animation to a stabbing motion instead of a swinging one.
  19. DeadliestMoon

    "Heavy Infantry with Riot Shields" You mean the NC MAX's Aegis Shield. So, that doesn't mean they should get a stupid @$$ hammer to go with it. There's a tactical reason for the shield, but the hammer would just be a gimmick.

    Also, I don't know what was the last COD game you've played but in the last two they have the "knife-out-makes-you-go-faster" playstyle in there.
    "consoleitis" - Don't be a stereotypical PC elitist d*ck.
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  20. Eyeklops

    PS1: Holstering weapon = faster run speed. I would be ok with this returning.
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