Scheduled Server Maintenance March 21st

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. RadarX

    All servers will come down for scheduled maintenance beginning at 6:00 AM PT (2 PM CET). Players may note the following changes. The notes in italic parentheses are additional information from your Community Manager and may not be representative of the intent of it's preceding patch note.

    Warpgate and VR training invulnerability temporarily turned off

    • As a temporary fix for the invulnerability issue, we’re turning off the warpgate invulnerability. We are continuing to work on additional solutions, but in the meantime, be excellent to each other.
    • The few remaining stragglers who couldn't take the class quiz on all their characters should have that ability now.
    • Players who didn’t get cert point rewards when they earned medals should now have those certs upon login.
    • Instant Action will deploy you in predefined spots per outpost.
    • An updated map is now available. (Stopping and asking for directions is still strongly discouraged)
    • Fixed Terrain bugs throughout Amerish. Notable:
      • Fixed a hole at Sungrey (Who knew a hole could take down a MAX Unit? They just wobble and fall over.)
      • Fixed occlusion issues at The NC Arsenal (If you aren't sure what occlusion is, we did not clear the NC Arsenals arteries).
      • Removed all deprecated objects from Amerish (no more pink barrels) (If you are still seeing said barrels please discontinue whatever medication you've been issued).
      • Fixed Flora issues at Westpass Watchtower
      • Fixed floating rocks at Shrouded Skyway
    • Added Vehicle spawn and ammo tower to Subterranean Nanite Analysis.
    • Added another lift up to the bridge at Auraxis Firearms.
    • Added a jump pad at Onatha Southwest Gate.
    • Fixed many cosmetic bugs where objects were clipping, flora was indoors, there were terrain gaps, there were missing textures, and water wasn’t quite right.
    Indar & Esamir
    • Hex boundaries for regions on Indar have been updated.
    • Hex boundaries for regions on Esamir have been updated.
    • It is easier to attack The Crown from the North. Added a path up the hill for Sunderers, and a path up near the bridge to the West. (Note: The term "easier" is subjective and we do not guarantee a reduction in you being shot in the face)
    • Gameplay improvements to the area around Hvar Tech plant, including changes to Quartz Ridge and Sandstone Gulch, as well as the Hvar Satellite outposts.
    Velocity Ammunition changes
    • Velocity ammo now gives a more noticeable damage increase at range. The damage increase differs per weapon, but in general the minimum damage range has been increased by ~80% on carbines and ~40% on all other weapon types when compared to previous velocity ammo values.
    • Fixed a bug where velocity ammo sometimes did not increase projectile speed on carbines.
    Suppressor attachment changes
    • Reduced penalty to the minimum damage range when a suppressor is equipped on all primary weapons except SMGs. (Sorry SMGs you are silent but less deadly)
    Pistol-specific suppressor tuning changes
    • NC LA8 Rebel: Reduced the maximum damage range penalty by 3.5 meters when a suppressor is equipped
    • VS Cerberus: Reduced the maximum damage range penalty by 1 meter and the minimum damage range penalty by 10 meters when a suppressor is equipped
    • Fixed the TX2 Emperor & TS2 Inquisitor sounding like NC weapons when suppressed. They now play TR-specific audio. (No more pew pew in your TS2)
    • Head hit box increased slightly so that it better matches the larger helmets.
    • Adjustments to arm hit boxes so that they're less likely to block the head during certain animations. (Seriously guys, it may be "economical" but putting your hands over your heads is not a replacement for good head gear).
    • The pool for assist XP is now equal to the kill value. Ex. a 500 point Magrider that you do 50% damage to will award 250 points.
    • The death screen now waits for the death animation to play before being displayed.
    Bugs Fixed
    • Light Assault Jump Jets will once again continue to function after using the Phoenix Rocket Launcher. (Apparently some of you believe Jump Jets are "required" and "not overrated" )
    • Anyone who earned a WDS title should now see it in their title list.
    • Improved camo coverage on several Sunderer bumpers and grills, Lightning cosmetic armor, Harasser cosmetic attachments, Prowler cosmetic armor, Mosquito fins, a Vanguard cosmetic armor piece, Liberator fins, a Galaxy fin, and the Magrider primary cannons.
    • Fixed a bug with boost timers telling time incorrectly. (They've now repeated 1st Grade but still have trouble with division)
    • Client crash fix.
    • Client memory leak fix.
    • Up x 9
  2. RadarX

    Two quick things:

    1. For real this time! We appreciate your patience as we worked out today's update issues.
    2. Please keep in mind all discussion not directly relating to the update will be removed. We want your feedback but we need to keep it constructive on topic.
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  3. MajiinBuu

    I was really excited, but I swear I've seen these patch notes before...
    About the assist XP, if I do let's say 99% of the damage to an MBT, would I get close to 500 XP for the assist?
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  4. Ransurian

    Cosmetic armor is being fixed? I'm a happy camper. Couldn't stand using any of my Prowler's exteriors while using any sort of camo. Regardless, a fix for invincible vehicles would be nice. Landed about 80 Prowler AP shells on a Vanguard's face yesterday while he was sitting still for kicks and giggles without scratching him. Kind of funny, but it really breaks the immersion.
  5. PlasmaRecording

    Yes, about 490 xp
  6. Wobberjockey

    1. so i discontined meds as you recommended. there were orange elephants on amerish, and then large yellow quadrupeds on esamir.
    does this mean dinosaurs are happening!?!

    is this in any way related to the Xanderclauss rework of quarts ridge we have been seeing on the PTS?
    that base didn't look remotely done yet...
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  7. RadarX

    Any form of animal you are seeing that has been extinct for some time could be a hallucination.

    I'd have to let Xander speak for himself on that but it's certainly possible.
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  8. kadney

    From the other thread since it wasn't adressed. :p

    RadarX said:
    • and water wasn’t quite right.

    I hope you adresses the general flow direction, the unrealistic influence of wind and the "material" behaviour. (Soil with nanite metal particles? :eek:)

    I am wondering why it's that hard to implement more realistic looking water with waves caused by players movement and bullets, splashwater from bullet impacts and so on. Is the engine having trouble with it or is it just way too much work? :confused: (It doesn't have to look like water in Crysis or such, but it would be great if it didn't feel that "sterile". :) )
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  9. Gadamlu


    Stahp SOE, you killed the crown and Mesa Skydock long ago, Stahp, plz. Stahp nerfing defensible bases.
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  10. chrisarn94

    What exactly went wrong this morning?
  11. Nevaire

    Does this mean we can safely enter VR again?
  12. The Rogue Wolf

    Have you checked to make sure that pranksters haven't put animal stickers on your oh-so-cool Vanu technovisor?
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  13. Gav7x

    Thats pretty good like it

    oh and here is a gift

  14. baybal

  15. Shadestorm

    I actually kind of liked that the death screen played right away, I found the death animation just took up time and was generic.

    Happy about High Velocity Ammo changes and the funny comments added onto patch notes. (There should be a change listed to mention added humourous quips after certain changes)
    Also, I think the title for "Scheduled Maintenance (date)" should be changed to "Patch CL#.##.##" or whatever your format is. Perhaps a separate Maintenance Feed could be displayed on the main site to show such things. Players will probably read it more or click on "New Patch Notes" thread more often than something that lists when servers are coming down, it sounds like something minor.
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  16. Pikachu

    Cant wait to see people trying the rock bridge at crown.
  17. Yackrz

    does anyone know why, when i get to 98% on my loading screen when logging in on my character, my game crashes. Its just started happening since this update
  18. Nanomorph

    Does this mean we're going to get back all the frames per second we lost with the patches this month?

    If you can't improve optimization beyond previous levels, then please at least restore optimization to previous levels.
  19. chrisarn94

    I do not agree with the placement of the new jump pad at Howling Pass.
  20. DeadAlive99

    Regarding this, whether it's the old or new death screen, players need the ability to bypass both the death animation, as well as the stat screen, and go straight to the menus. This was a major annoyance of the old screen, the fact that you were forced to view the animation and stat screen.

    The new one adds the ability to bypass it, but there are still delays, and now it seems you're adding in the old animation delay! Please consider that neither of these screens are necessary for fair and balanced gameplay, therefore, they should be options, not mandatory. Most of the time, I would prefer to skip straight to the menus and buy supplies and alter loadouts while I'm waiting on the spawn timer to cycle.

    However, sometimes I like to view the stat screen. So, it would be great to have an option to disable both items separately. Additionally, allow mouse click to clear stat screen as some have requested. Also, add option to use time delay instead of key/click to clear screen. Some prefer to have it disappear automatically.

    Please give us more options, not less. None of those options should be terribly difficult to add in, as they are just switches.

    This sounds promising. I really hope this is the one many of us have been waiting months for.
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