Scheduled Server Maintenance March 21st

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Jaedrik

    Straight Pull Bolt when :(
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  2. eatcow0

    We can now kill wg griefers :eek:
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  3. tZonkD

    Does that mean the links, shape of, or something else?

    IMO this should be the other way around. Boosting carbine caps with HVA brings it closer to more inherently longer range guns. IMO the balance of/between weapon classes would do well with being more clearly set apart rather then smudged closer together.

    Great! Crashing every 2-4 continent switch is getting old; hope this fixes that (perhaps i can even run perfect texture quality again *hopes* : )
  4. HypestHype

    I have a bug when using the grenade launcher on weapons. Sometimes when i fire there is no explosion and no damage made. Whats up with that?
  5. MasonLol

    crash fixes? Is that true or just thrown in there every patch? :(
  6. Saval

    Water effects would be glorious. Just make it togglable in the options so players have the option of turning it off or on.
  7. NoctD

    You mean - we can have ESF duels in the VR now? Finally! :cool:

    Perhaps you should leave it off in VR permanently, and just restore it to WGs only. Its not like VR deaths count, right? Or do they? :eek:
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  8. SamDaMan

    Boost timers were perfect. They counted the time i played not actual time. It is nonsense that a timer you get would count real world time instead of game time. If i buy a 1 day boost pack i want it to last for 1 day game time not 1 day real time. No one can play for 24 hours straight with a job and responsibilities. You are cheating the consumer by making the timer count when the player is off.
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  9. MacavitySWE

    Usually this is because you hit something before the minimum range required to arm the grenade. I think it's like 10-15 metres required for the grenade to travel before it can arm/blow up on impact. Not a bug.
  10. Tsukuyomix

    yeah, kinda happy about it, a place to practice ESF figths where there is no cost or downtime XD, cant wait to go VR and fly.
  11. DeadlyPeanutt

    thanks for working on the invulnerability issue, very annoying.
    happy to see the changes to HVA
    funny patch notes and free stuff are good things.
  12. PastalavistaBB

    Warpgate Invulnerability turned off... :eek:
    Expect a lot of weapon locks.
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  13. SquallLord

    Glad to see they're on top of these issues. Things have been going down hill since that March 13th Liberator/etc. "patch". Hopefully future patches don't get rushed out.
  14. jast8421

    Aaaand I am still not able to take the class quiz on the remaining classes... :mad:
    Well, I tried everything where it might hide in the PS2 menu etc, but I also neither saw an instruction where it is nor read about it in these patchnote-threads.
    Am I only not able to find it or is it a general problem?
  15. QueenVanuCeres

    There has a notification for missing certification (medal reward)? o_O Because i have not see any changement when i logged after this patch.
  16. SnipersUnion

    That post was during the nanoweave preventing headshots era - lol. The Infy (and all classes for that matter) sub-forum is great, and a lot less 'volatile' shall we say, than certain other areas of forumside! ;)
  17. ACDC

    The class quiz should appear on log in to any base. It worked for me yesterday on all my characters.
  18. sucoon

    i see warpgatefarmin incoming
  19. nArc

    Did you mean to say characters and not classes? You take the quiz once per character, not one for each class.

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  20. Grayson

    This will bring us a new type of hell.. can be exploited sooo easily.......
    le pack of random BR1 HA-s killing your gal while you prepare for a massive galdrop during an alert..
    (i bet that, there will be some outfits that will do this...)