No one, or at least the mass majority likes the new death spot indicator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Winfield

    You're a baddie.

    Stop changing your opinions midway. You're pathetic.

    EDIT: Compare a few of your own posts. You contradict yourself.
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  2. TGDing

    No, I am railing against the style of game play that promotes the game holding the gamers hands instead of forcing them to learn and improve themselves. But hey, games have been "too hard" for a while now, which is why games like Ryse have it where you don't even have to do their QTE's correctly or even at all, and even has an auto play feature

    But hey, if you cant understand how to outplay someone and has to rely on the game itself to help you beat them, then all means, you need it.
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  3. A3ianess

    Snipers; the point of a sniper is to take down multiple enemies without being detected. This who being able to see your killer thing pretty much means that when a sniper kills an experienced player, the sniper's streak ends. Also, this will cause less people to buy long range sniper rifles (which care a lot of sc or certs) which means less money for Sony. So please change this patch back to the way it was before.
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  4. Epic High Five

    There are useful infils and there are 12x bush wookies. The death screen only "punishes" bad players playing badly so maybe if you're worried about it so much you should look inward instead of raging outward.
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  5. Winfield

    EDIT: If someone decides to play a bushwookie, it's their choice. There are good people who snipe from really far away, whether you think it makes them "bad" or not has no relevance.

    Like any type of players, they too have bad ones and good ones. Stop trying to sound smart by making one playstyle seem "noobish" because you think it is.
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  6. Gadamlu

    so i guess that guy in stalker cloak who took 30 minutes to sneak unseen behind enemy lines with a crossbow, and kills a guy from behind silently, yet is lit up by the dead guys clan who near immediately turn around and shoot the stalker in the face is a "bad player" huh?
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  7. Epic High Five

    I'm not telling anyone how to play, where did I do that? I'm saying I think they're worthless not that they should play exactly how I do. When I'm leading I have zero concern about sniper coverage and will kick anybody who is regularly 300m away from the platoon doing nothing, because a bad HA is more useful than a good sniper every time. They are then free to do as they please, as I am doing, because this is a game and not some ego stoking control game.

    I'd be really interested in seeing any videos of a 12x wookie at 250m+ "taking out whole squads" or eliminating any medics or engineers that weren't stationary and at a terminal, because those and other snipers seem to be the only targets that are in any danger.

    I play on Mattherson too and I have seen this happen zero times
  8. Gadamlu
  9. Epic High Five

    Why is this so hard to process? I LIKE those kind of infils. Come, join us in the battle with your invisibility and your hacking and your recon.

    The stalker has the least to fear from this change of all classes in the game, because when you're hidden you can't be spotted and they are always moving, making a marker of where they were pointless.

    Also, who takes 30 minutes to flank? You could walk across a continent in that time jeez
  10. m44v

    Proud member of the minority that just doesn't give a **** about the death screen.
  11. DxAdder

    Just remember this all about SOE making $$$$.

    SOE will do what ever it takes to make this gaming a mega hit on the Play Station 4, if that means watering down the game
    so be it.

    The PC version of Planetside 2 is not the priority.
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  12. phreec

    Another step in the wrong direction by SOE.
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  13. Gadamlu

    good im glad you like those infils, now i just cant understand how you are so blind as to not realize how BAD this update is for not only them, but any kind of stealth in the game.
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  14. Epic High Five

    The motion detectors are way, way worse for the useful infils but since they're the ones that got them nobody is complaining.

    It's very much the least worrying for infils because they move often and can cloak to remove spots.
  15. Robertooooo

    Im glad for you. Me on the other hand find it hard to take **** like this. The new deathscreen is really horrible and combine that with the new assist XP system and you have a patch that did nothing but annoying a lot of people. It's probably a good idea to screw over paying players with things like this.
  16. Epic High Five

    Also Mustarde is a very bad example for that case because he operates well within 100m a vast majority of the time he's playing. He's actually a good case AGAINST long range snipers.
  17. MostlyClueless

    30 minutes for one kill is pretty abysmal yeah.
  18. Winfield

    Short translation: I am only concerned of my own playstyle and I like it when others get shafted.

    And before you even try it, no, I don't play infil. I main Heavy Assault.

    He used it as an example of time spent getting into position, you taking it literally makes you look like a moron.
  19. smokemaker

    Its a game killer for me.
    I vote no to deathcam.

    no cash from me until its gone.
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  20. MostlyClueless

    I play Infiltrator a lot and getting into a position to kill people really doesn't take that long. If I'm about to pop at an outfit I'll have lain claymores and have cover to skirt around so they don't all bumrush me.