Scheduled Maintenance March 13th 6 AM

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Sniperior

    Am I the only one that feels like we need a SUPER heavy multicrew tank? A galaxy on the ground?
    I'm thinking one guy for driving, one guy on the main cannon, and two guys each handling a sponson on their respective side of the tank. Maybe a gunner seat as well for a heavy caliber rifle on top? Some might argue that would be OP, but here's why it wouldn't be. You need team coordination for it to actually work, and if it is also made slow (though heavily armored ofc), then I really don't see a problem.
    It will allow ground forces to hopefully better deal with heavy aerial assaults. Aircraft would actually need to cooperate with ground forces so they can get into the area, and be useful. If they don't, they would get hammered out of the sky pretty quickly I imagine, well depending on the weaponry of the tank ofc.
    Give the NC a tiny small Rail-gun for our tanks too maybe :)
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  2. RuthlessMoose

    Fine... can I have my certs back which are seemingly wasted on suppressors? Ta
  3. JorgeSarcos

    • The Class Quiz can now be completed on each of your characters. (Free stuff for all!)
    This didnt work, just tried on my two alts and none has any quiz
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  4. LePirak~~

    I'm getting less smoothness after this update, even if i play on low graphics.
    can you do something about that? because its ****
  5. Cromell

    Me neither - either I'm blind and I don't see any glowing "class quiz here" buttons, or it's not working at all.

    Also, there's a bug with people and their vehicles not receiving any damage - my mossy glitched out and was invulnerable to everything (couldn't even crash it), shortly after my character itself glitched and could not die (not even /suicide) worked. I've seen other people having same issues (some were obviously exploiting that to their hearts content, but who can blame them...).

    Oh and sometimes, sprint animations glitch and go all wibbly wobbly.
  6. equinub

    Silly me visited the VR training to test out liberator weapons..

    The result TR character locked slots, Engineer tool, Infiltrator Cloak, Recon Darts and who knows what else..
  7. KoS-1

    I know some like it. But please knock it off with wise cracks in the patch notes.

    Is this a professional ran company or not? Or is it a bunch of script kiddies running a company out of mom's basement?

    This stuff adds up to a picture of a company that needs new management since it's so unprofessional in too many areas. Wise cracks in company documents, making bad knee-jerk changes to game, poor customer relations on the companies own forums(they rather use reddit or twitter), milking people out of money(offering a new item for sale, then nerf or change game mechanics a short time later that negatively impacts it) and the list could go and on.

    I voice my concerns here. But now I will and others should as well, voice their concerns through the corporate relations office and with those who are VP level and higher.
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  8. Rockit

    I think the compromise with killcam and spotting will work out OK. Too many times I see players complaining about where was that guy who shot them. The flipside of that is the player earned the position to get the kill from and doesn't want to be completely given away. I think this compromise will appease both those scenarios and besides with the PS4 launch and SOE's view that killcam's help new players find good killing spots, I am not surprised to see SOE do this.
  9. Lexstock

    I'm not surprised, being a tank driver in this game we always get the worst of these updates. We haven't had any "love" since a few months after the game got released (but it's still not version 1.0 though *cough cough*). I cancelled my subscription months ago because of this, started focussing on playing the Infantryside 2 game, because driving tanks is signing your own death warrant in this game. Anyway, enough about my rant, sorry.

    I like that they finally take a look at the air game, because it was way overdue, but if the Liberator gets such a buff, I find the Skyguard should get its well deserved buff as well. That thing is a Peashooter..
  10. Ongeki

    Shrinking the collision box for a headshot is laughable. Obviously the size should be the exact size of the players head. All this patch has done has made playing infantry harder and given incentive for people to just roll around in armor columns constantly which is a pretty boring *** mode of play.
  11. LocoCoyote

    No, that does not trigger the quiz. Beside, to finish the tutorial you have to WG out of the training area. It is a mystery!
  12. Redscyte

    ^This. I paid money because this game was suppose to be a serious contender to all the other Big Name FPS games out there. All I've seen lately are half ***'d updated, little to no testing, no real number crunching, and changes made to conform to those who spend no time actually practicing and honing any type of skill. I expect a lot higher standard. As a huge in-game sniper, it saddens me that a 10 min relocation to an amazing spot is rewarded with a mediocre kill cam. Sad. This is one lost membership.
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  13. Yuki10

    Tanks using main canon to take down air targets is not their primary use. Would you rather have the canon further limited in the vertical range in order to mitigate this? As a tank driver, i do take these shots with main canon, but i rely on gunner (or switch seats) if i have an air threat.

    I do think libs should be adjusted to not allow solo bombing runs. Tanks buster are fine, but solo Dalton or Zepher runs are BS.
  14. Amodin

    Liberator was already a major pain in the *** to take out, and you turn them into that? Ugh, with that much short time on the PTS, and such radical buffs for the ultimate flying machine, this is going to be a mess.
  15. RyanGUK

    To the guys worried about the Libs being overpowered, I think the reason they've gone forward with this patch is because they had information to say it'd be okay on PTS, but they needed it to go live to further fine-tune it.

    Next week it'll likely be the nerf patch for the over-performing weapons. As for the maps, I guess we'll hear about that being reverted (yay or nay) sooner or later. Personally I ain't fussed, I die soon after I kill somebody haha.
  16. Rak

    Libs now drop faster when no pilot is present, making those solo runs a fair bit more difficult.
  17. Lexstock

    I think you read it wrong, I'm not mad about Liberator's getting stronger against tank shells, I'm annoyed about the lack of decent balancing between the tank, air and infantry game in Planetside 2. As I said, I feel that focussing your gameplay on driving tanks in Planetside 2, you somehow always pull the short straw. Air just became a greater treat to tanks, so why haven't they looked at the Skyguard and made it a more effective AA weapon? That's what bothers me.
  18. RuthlessMoose

    I have to agree with Redscyte. This game should be up there with the big FPS titles given the time, fan base and money put into it. I feel that recently I'm paying membership for an experiment.

    Reduced head box collision because "so many people of taking off peoples ears"? That's a good joke. But seriously, is that really a focus point? But honestly to say that so many people are getting Unearned Headshots is a load of crap. How can one justify earning headshots?

    I shall not continue my membership from now on until you prove that you have a little more charisma than a damp rag...
  19. Bonius

    Considering it's possible to pop people that are 100% behind cover (atleast model-wise), I'd say it's a good improvement.

    As for the lib-buff, it's nothing short of faptastic. I'll still be able to blow libs out of the sky with my beautiful Vanguard - and in the rare occasion that I'm on timer when I meet my demise (lol, yeah right) - I can now take to the skies in a souped up flying MBT. I like it!
  20. Imthehunter

    Sometimes the game crashes when I use a teleporter.
    Some it crashes when I get shot for the first time.

    Crashes and bugs combined are making this patch unplayable.

    Right then, time to wait until the hotfixes.