Lower TTK

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xDeGuerrex, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Vorxil

    Here, here. Back in my day, we had much longer TTK than now.
  2. TheFamilyGhost

    High TTK only benefits those with poor SA.

    Another post asking for an easier game. What is up with you people?
  3. WorldOfForms

    No, high TTK also benefits those who have better continuous aim and movement.

    There are two types of aiming skill:

    1) The ability to quickly get a bead on your target (favored by low TTK)

    2) The ability to keep your aim on a target (favored by high TTK)

    I'm not saying one is better than the other, but "High TTK only favors poor situational awareness" just isn't true.
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  4. KnightCole

    I notice its a fair bit more annoying now.

    I like the SAW dmg for sure. The EM6 seems to have really poor handling at range now. its CoF at range is horrific. Recoil kicks it's rounds all over the place, even in short 2-3 round bursts.

    Plus the recoil on the EM6 is pretty damn bad. I been having bit of issues fighting at ranges now. Velocity seems worse now or something.
  5. Nextic

    lr2 headshot and reflexes.
  6. NBA JAM

    Its been complained about since Alpha as well. TTK has always just been way too fast. Headshots and nanoweave changes were partially to blame but nobody seems to want to admit that. This CoDside community of < 10,000 players seems to think it will keep people playing and bring newcomers. Sadly not the case.

    Also, with SMG's being the best CQC weapons in the game, NS weapons out performing faction specific everything, and explosions everywhere, you die instantly upon walking into a fight (even behind cover). Seriously, commissioner/underboss was ******** as it is a complete upgrade from other side arms. Just a pay-to-win money grab for SOE.

    The game has no good fights, just zergs rolling over small defences. If the defenders get instant action or redeploys to reinforce, the attackers just go somewhere else. Especially thanks to WDS event.
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  7. iller

    Reflexes don't apply here, and you don't understand how latency works.

    Most weapons when aimed center mass, automagically get turned into headshots via spread.
    This in turn takes a 0.80 TTK and whittles it down to {0.8 * (1/1.5) = ~550 ms} TTK. Interpolation generally grants up to a 67ms compensation for "lag" but it clearly scales a bit for players with even higher pings and actually works greatly to their advantage when they're the ones rushing into a room b/c the server doesn't actually tell you that they're there until after they've started shooting you. So you have to add your own time, plus theirs together to get a real snapshot of when you can start REACTING to their shooting. This is ALSO why still we die so often AFTER getting behind a corner or after changing direction rapidly. On the other client's screen, you never actually had time to change direction or get out of line of sight before every packet hit you. They can further leverage this mechanic with packet spoofers but (that's really an exploit/hack that hopefully SOE has been scanning for too).

    The average human reaction time ranges from 100ms in extreme cases to 200ms average where more complex rote reflexes such as holding Sprint and then pressing forward are needed. This doubles again if you also must change direction with the Mouse. So .... Just to see if you're actually paying attention here? --- Where does that really leave any real room for these reflexes you're talking about when it comes to avoiding the short TTK from a standing start? Looking at the math, it looks to me like whoever shoots first wins unless they miss due to longer distance * spread. Hence why everyone with padded/higher KDR's is always moving erratically, all of the time. They know that by the time someone comes around a corner, they'll already be around a ~350-450 ms disadvantage and either die instantly to that rushing player, or be left with 10% health. So instead they just make their 'heads' harder to track at all times to be on the safe side. ....Which is neither "reflexes", nor Skill.
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  8. Alzir

    OP, TTK is irrelevant to how you perform in the game. If you're dying more than you kill, that will still happen if TTK is higher. The only difference is you'll have a little more time to consider how much you suck.
  9. Tuco

    Higher TTK de-emphasis cheese like lag exploiting. The cheese eaters like low TTK.

    Higher TTK also simulates suppression fire; as best you can in a video game. Battlefield tried that and it turned out to be pretty lame.

    Higher TTK allows for more weapon variety; you know weapons that actually perform more than slightly different. Here the difference between a LMG and a carbine is like 0.2 seconds, whoopty frigging do. Like for example the PS1 cloaker with only a pistol didn't insta-kill you, you usually had time to turn around and shoot back and kill cloaker. Lame.

    Higher TTK is for the more real time tactical player. Lower TTK is for tweakers.
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  10. Tuco

  11. LibertyRevolution

    Higher TTK is for players that suck and want to be able to turn around, pop their shield, then kill that guy that started shooting first.
    Lower TTK is for players that don't suck and want the people they shoot at first to die, as they should.
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  12. GoyoElGringo

    TTK is already pretty high. If anything, reduce the headshot hitbox size.

    Although I would be ok with guns having more recoil. I like it when guns actually behave like guns. Burst firing should be a better option than pulling down on the mouse and unloading a full magazine into center mass.
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  13. Alzir

    This is complete and utter nonsense
  14. Tuco

    If you mean suck as in not popping methamphetamines and lag exploiting, sure.
  15. Revanmug

    PU02 only touch it's hipfire and the reload time. No other stats of the EM6 has change for months now.
  16. Aegie

    People who did not buy into the NW kool-aid experience no different TTK now than they did at release.
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  17. Brainlaag

    I concur. While I see the reasoning behind a higher TTK, PS2's spammy gameplay suffered from it. I've taken a long break and just came back recently. The first thing I've noticed was the slightly more tactical behaviour and careful approach of players. Mindless zergrushes still dominate the game but it has improved and IMO it is partially due to the deadlier weapons.
  18. Tuco

  19. lNeBl

    This is the only modern shooter(ish) FPS that takes up to 3-4 headshots to kill someone. If anything the TTK is too high.
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  20. Inex

    I think I see your problem there. You thought "SA" stood for 'situational awareness'. Usually though, it's kind of a hashtag shorthand for "Sometimes I lose when people fight back, so ideally I'll turn invisible so that I never need to deal with people shooting back at me."

    Generally you'll see it attached to the idea that 'flanking' in a 50v50 tower melee involves 'tactics' (not to be confused with the dictionary definition of the term. Again, this is just slang for 'a constant rain of 150mm shells means nobody has time to check the rafters for MLGs').
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